Date: 8/3/2021
HUNTINGTON – Fire and police personnel from Montgomery, Russell, Blandford, Huntington and Chester parked their vehicles in the circular driveway at Littleville Elementary School on Aug. 1 for a sensory-friendly community Touch-a-Truck event, one that did not run sirens or lights, for children who need a lower visual or auditory experience.
“It will be more hands-on,” said EMS and SAFE Education Coordinator Erik Davidson, before the event.
Jo-Ann Davidson of the Start Em Early Foundation and volunteers assisted parents in taking photos and filling out alert forms created by Autism Speaks to give to Northampton dispatch, the call center for the Hilltowns. Chester-Blandford Police Chief Tammy Weidhaas said the forms would be put into the Northampton central CAD system and would bring up the photo and information listing sensory sensitivity and triggers to help in case of an emergency.
With Weidhaas at the event were new Chester-Blandford part-time officers Santi Messina and Frank Murphy, who also serve part-time in West Stockbridge.
Russell firefighter Nick Davis, who was speaking to Blandford Firefighter Sam Epstein, said the Touch-a-Truck is going to be an annual event.
“It’s a good idea for community engagement; for the public and local law enforcement to come together as one,” Epstein said.
Epstein and fellow Blandford firefighter David Chaffee brought Blandford’s new 2,000-gallon tanker, the town’s first, to the event.
“It hasn’t gone out on its first call,” Chaffee said.
Also represented at the Touch-a-Truck were the Boy Scouts of America Explorer Post 413, led by Erik Davidson, for youth ages 14 to 18 interested in becoming first responders.
Sixteen-year-olds Lucy Pitoniak and Natalie Brown of Montgomery, both entering their junior year at Gateway Regional High School, signed up for the Explorer post. Pitoniak, whose father is a firefighter from Montgomery, said she is interested in becoming a firefighter and in search-and-rescue work. Brown said she is interested in becoming an EMT and pursuing a career in the medical field
“Lucy has always seen me in it,” said Steve Pitoniak, a firefighter since 2003. “I couldn’t be more thrilled,” he said.
It Takes a Village volunteers and staff also had books and other giveaways for children from the Village Closet in Huntington.