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Fishing, health fair, trunk-or-treat planned next weekend

Date: 10/6/2021

HUNTINGTON — A wide range of activities for all ages are planned for next Saturday in Huntington.

The Bill Rose Memorial Fly-Fishing Clinic, co-sponsored by the Westfield River Watershed Association and the Western Mass. Fly Fishermen Club, will take place 9 a.m. to noon on Oct. 16, at the Route 20 turnoff across from the Huntington Health Center. All ages are welcome. Activities will include collecting river larvae and other invertebrates, a fly-tying demonstration and a lesson on how to cast a fly rod without scaring the fish with its shadow.

The Council on Aging is sponsoring the Huntington Health Fair from 10 a.m. to noon on Oct. 16 at Stanton Hall, 26 Russell Road. The fair features a wide range of health and human service vendors serving the Hilltowns. The fair will also sponsor a flu and pneumonia vaccination clinic for all ages from 10 to 11 a.m., sponsored by Walgreens. Residents are being asked to bring their Medicare and other insurance cards, and to sign up in advance by calling 512-5205 by Oct. 8 to reserve a shot, as a minimum of 30 people are needed to host the clinic. A free hearing test will also be provided by Earmasters. Light refreshments will be served.

Also on Oct. 16, the Huntington Recreation Committee will host a trunk-or-treat event in the parking lot of the Huntington Library from 5 to 6 p.m. Those wishing to host trunks, including businesses, committees, or local organizations, should email the committee at or call Melissa at 687-8393 and leave a message with their name, address and phone number.