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Huntington firefighters deliver sand to seniors

Date: 12/4/2019

HUNTINGTON – Volunteers from the Huntington Fire Department came out in advance of stormy weather to fill buckets and deliver sand to more than 30 senior households in town as part of the Attorney General’s TRIAD program.

Joining Fire Chief Josh Ellinger at the town’s sand shed to fill buckets for the delivery were firefighters Steve Graydon, Ryan Foley, Kyle Batchelor, Brock Wallace, Jon Haskell and Steve Marcoux.

Kathleen Peterson of the Council on Aging said they publicized the opportunity in their newsletter, and asked seniors to call if they wanted a bucket of sand.

“It’s a wonderful way to support seniors who are aging in place,” Peterson said, adding that it’s also helpful for single women who don’t have the strength to fill and haul the buckets of sand by themselves.

TRIAD is a community policing initiative of the Northwestern District Attorney David E. Sullivan and the Hampshire and Franklin County Sheriff Departments connecting seniors, law enforcement and service providers to increase safety through education and crime prevention. For the Sand for Seniors program, TRIAD provided the sand buckets.