Date: 7/6/2021
BLANDFORD – Theodore J. Cousineau is the newest Select Board member in Blandford following the June 26 election. Cousineau is replacing Eric McVey, who did not seek re-election. An active participant at town meetings, Cousineau defeated Jeffery Allen and Michael Hutchins to win the seat in the town’s only contested election.
Newly elected to the School Committee is Keri Morawiec, who will replace long-time School Committee chair Michele Crane. The newly elected Water Commissioner is Brad Curry, former highway superintendent for the town.
All other positions were filled by incumbents, including Bret Hartley, who was re-elected to the Board of Health; Steve Jemiolo, re-elected as Cemetery Commissioner; Mary Kronholm, re-elected as Library Trustee; David Hopson re-elected as Moderator; James Kim Bergland, re-elected to the Municipal Light Board, and Mark Boosma, re-elected as Tree Warden.
In his June 28 newsletter, Town Administrator Joshua Garcia spoke about the incoming and outgoing members and extended his congratulations to Theodore Cousineau. “Congratulations Ted and welcome aboard,” Garcia wrote.
Garcia also thanked McVey for his service to the town as a member of the Select Board and prior to that as a member of the Finance Committee. “Eric strongly contributed to shifting the overall direction of the town by supporting efforts that improved the overall public safety, community sustainability, and fiscal responsibility. Big thank you to Eric and I wish him well with whatever he has planned next,” he wrote.
Garcia also gave a “shoutout” to Crane after 14 years on the School Committee and serving as its chair since 2014. He thanked newly elected Morawiec for stepping up “and serving this critical representative role for the Town of Blandford.”
Garcia said Curry served as water commissioner previously, “We are excited to have him back on the board to progress our objectives set forth for the Water Department.”
Garcia also announced the appointment of Deborah J. Brodie to the Finance Committee. He said Brodie holds a degree in Accounting from Westfield State, where she has worked in the Finance Department for 32 years.
“When you see these people out in the community – or any town representative – be sure to tell them ‘Thank you.’ There is a lot of time and effort put in by these folks in running the Town for almost nothing and do it simply to help their neighbors. I, for one, share a great deal of gratitude and look forward to working with the team in the new fiscal year,” Garcia said.