Date: 3/31/2020
OTIS – In response to Gov. Charlie Baker’s statewide emergency declaration regarding coronavirus in the commonwealth, the town of Otis followed suit with a local State of Emergency.
“This was done to allow the town flexibility in dealing with unplanned expenditures due to [coronavirus],” Town Administrator Brandi Page said in a notice to the town.
As of March 29, the Massachusetts Department of Public Health (DPH) reported 4,995 number of positive cases of coronavirus statewide and 151 in Berkshire County.
One positive case was linked to Otis. On March 10, the town stated an individual was transported by Otis Rescue Squad for an unrelated medical condition and later tested positive. Three of the town’s Rescue Squad EMTs were notified by the DPH that they had been in contact with a presumptive positive patient. In response, those EMTs began self-quarantine procedures and the Center Station Firehouse was closed until the DPH notified the town that the firehouse and ambulance were safe. In the meantime, Rescue Squad and Fire Department members shifted equipment to the East Otis firehouse to ensure there would be no disruption in service.
All town buildings, including fire stations, the Highway Department garage, the Recreation Center and Town Hall, are closed to the public with plans to reevaluate the situation on April 1.
The town had previously closed its Council on Aging on March 12 due to the presumptive positive test with plans to re-evaluate the issue on March 30. In addition, the Otis Library independently made the decision to close.
“Any essential board meetings still held will be located in the gym to allow for maximum space,” Page noted.
While the Transfer Station remains open, sale of stickers and disposal of paid items has been suspended and cash is not being handled.
The due date for dog licenses and compactor stickers was also extended from April 1 to May 1.
In addition, it was announced on March 20 that in-home broadband installations have been temporarily suspended, though work outside of homes may continue.
The Farmington River Regional School District initially closed on March 16 and will remain shuttered until April 6, per Baker’s order. The district has posted updates and student resources on its website at
The district’s joint budget hearing regarding the fiscal year 2021 budget scheduled for March 25 was canceled.
“While there are relaxed Open Meeting Law policies in place they do not include school budget public hearing law. The hearing will be rescheduled when changes are made to the policy or we have an idea of when we are able to gather in groups again,” Farmington River Regional School District Business Manager Eric Jesner said.