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Write-ins chosen as Chester selectman, moderator; school seat open

Date: 5/11/2022

CHESTER – In the municipal election of May 7, 166 votes were cast out of 910 registered voters, and several two seats have been filled with write-in candidates, though two others were left unresolved.

Write-in candidate Richard Sutton received 90 votes for selectman, to 60 votes for write-in candidate Frank Pero.

Former Selectman Barbara Pease Huntoon launched a write-in campaign for town moderator, and was elected with 53 votes.

The opening on the School Committee remains unfilled, as top vote-getter Richard Holzman, who received five write-in votes, declined the position. Holzman stepped down as selectman for this election. Four other names garnered two votes each, and five more received one vote each.

The open three-year seat on the Board of Assessors also has yet to be determined, according to Town Administrator Kathe Warden, as top vote-getter Terry Murphy, who received 3 votes, did not immediately decide whether to accept the job.

Elsewhere on the ballot, incumbent Nick Chiusano received 121 votes for a three-year term on the Board of Health. Karen Savoy received 143 votes and Jane Sutton 116 votes for two three-year terms as library trustees. Terry Murphy received 137 votes for a three-year term as electric light commissioner.

All three water commissioner seats were filled. Lyle Snide received 127 votes for a one-year term, Donald T. Bean received 143 votes for a two-year term, and Robert L. Daley received 136 votes for a three-year term.

The annual Town Meeting is at 7 p.m. on June 13 in Town Hall, 15 Middlefield Road, Chester.