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Palmer approves revolving fund, EV charging station fees

Date: 12/27/2022

PALMER – At the Dec. 12 meeting, the Palmer Town Council voted to allow the town manager to establish a revolving fund and assess a fee for users of the Town Hall and library vehicle charging stations.

The motion also included any additional stations within the town. Town Manager Ryan McNutt said as the stations are currently installed in the town, Palmer residents will start bearing the financial responsibility for their operation and maintenance. The user fees will address the costs of electricity and service to the charging station sites and equipment.

Town Treasurer Linda St, Onge advised the council of a Bond Anticipation Note (BAN) put into place to cover the town’s sewer centrifuge and roof costs. The town’s credit rating was raised by both Moody’s and Standard and Poor’s which she said, makes short-term borrowing less costly to establish than other types of loans.

The council approved three-year term appointments made to the Cultural Commission, Zoning Board of Appeals and the License Commission.

A vote on the rezoning of two land parcels on Lawrence Street into highway business was moved to the January meeting due to the absence of a two-thirds quorum.