Date: 10/30/2019
WILBRAHAM – Members of Minnechaug High School class of 1967 gathered on Oct. 16 in the school’s Information Research Common (IRC) to unveil and present their gift of a stained glass window. The window features the image of a peregrine falcon, is 30 by 22 inches and was mounted safely in an IRC window for students and staff to enjoy in years to come. The piece was made by class of ‘67 graduate, Gail Melanson?Shears, and features around 109 glass pieces, about one pound of soder and took roughly 100 hours of work to complete. Members of the class, current principal Steve Hale, and former Minnechaug principal and class of ‘67 advisor Jerry Badger all spoke during the event. Also present was Superintendent Albert Ganem, current Minnechaug students, and various members of the high school staff and faculty.
Reminder Publishing photo by Danielle Eaton