Date: 5/19/2021
HAMPDEN – Hampden Board of Selectmen member Mary Ellen Glover was unseated by Craig Rivest in a decisive 535 to 379 win. Despite the fact that the Board of Selectmen was the only contested race this season, more than 23 percent of Hampden voters turned out to cast their ballot on May 17. Supporters held signs in front of Thornton W. Burgess Middle School ahead of the Annual Town Meeting on May 10. “Running for Selectman has been a truly humbling experience that I will cherish forever,” Rivest said. “I am honored to have been chosen to represent Hampden and have nothing but gratitude for everyone in town. Rivest thanked Glover for her service to the town. He said that he will continue her effort to be the voice of townspeople and encouraged them to reach out. “I am confident though, that if we work together, we can come together for the greater good and ensure the success of Hampden.”