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Wilbraham and Hampden Senior Centers welcome patrons back with in-person programs

Date: 1/7/2022

HAMPDEN/WILBRAHAM –Moving into 2022, local senior centers are welcoming back patrons after a year and a half in which services were offered virtually and face to face contact was difficult, at best.

“Things are really good, actually,” said Hampden Council (COA) Executive Director Rebecca Moriarty. “We are open. We have most of our programs back in person.”


Most of the programs at the Senior Center have returned. “We’re hoping that our line-dancing classes are coming back. We’ve just signed on with a new chair massage vendor, so that’s a good thing,” Moriarty said. The center offers fuel assistance, Meals-on-Wheels and help signing up for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP).

The Hampden Senior Center offers a Memory Café, a dementia-friendly space for people with memory challenges and their caregivers.

The Wilbraham Senior Center regularly offers exercise and health programs, games such as cards and dominoes, group trips, clubs and classes such as the quilting club, the knitting circle, rug-making class, jewelry class, the men’s breakfast club and the Red Hat club. There are also visits from attorneys and representatives from SHINE, a health insurance counseling program.

New programs in Wilbraham include sports, such as Chair Volleyball, the Hiking Club and Line Dancing; Community support from Grief Support Counseling and Veterans Cinema and activities, such as Tech Help and art projects. There are also presentations on scams and financial exploitation, the history of Wilbraham and senior safety devices.


Lunches have remained grab-and-go, rather than being on-site meals at the Hampden Senior Center. “That has to do with our funding services,” Moriarty said, referring to Greater Springfield Senior Services (GSSSI). She expects on-site meals to return in February.

On-site lunches are returning to Wilbraham in January, though. There are homemade lunches every Monday at 11:45 a.m. in the community room. There is also a monthly catered meal.


There are no COVID-19 requirements in place at the Hampden Senior Center. “We do have a mask recommendation, but it is not a requirement. We strongly encourage people who are not feeling well to stay home. This age group is still highly susceptible,” Moriarty said. She added that there is ample hand sanitizer available, and the facility is cleaned four times a day.

At the Wilbraham Senior Center, Activity/Volunteer Coordinator Jen Curtis said, “We are assisting seniors in making vaccine and booster appointments at local pharmacies.” The Senior Center van will also be making trips to the grocery store and offers help picking up prescriptions.

New Facilities

Wilbraham voters recently approved the construction of a brand-new senior center facility on State Street, behind the Town Hall. While the building will not be ready in 2022, construction on the new, larger building will begin.

The Hampden Senior Center is also looking forward to having more space. “We are still very hopeful, very optimistic that we can move forward in a timely manner,” on the Senior Center expansion, Moriarty said. She added that she expects “movement” on it before the Annual Town Meeting in the spring.

The Hampden Senior Center is located at 104 Allen St. For more information call 556-5588 or visit The Wilbraham Senior Center is in the Scantic Valley YMCA, 45 Post Office Park, #4502. Learn more at or by calling 596-8379
Editor’s Note: Due to the ongoing effects of the omicron varient of COVID-19, please check with the centers to insure programs are still operating before planning to attend.