Remarkable house

Date: 10/5/2009

A remarkable house stands on the property at 251 North West Street in Feeding Hills. Known to many as the little red house, it has evaded significant alteration for over two years and a half centuries. A town that recognizes, respects and takes pride in its roots becomes a richer community because of it.

The Thomas Smith house was placed on the National Register of Historic Places in 2005 as a testimony to the common man and to the agricultural roots which is the history of Agawam and Feeding Hills. No, George Washington never slept here and it was never owned by anyone important. But if we know only the history of the rich and the famous we don't know our history.

With the support of CPA funding, donations from area businesses in kind service and generous individuals who are willing to help pay the mortgage on this historic landmark, this house has taken on a new life.

How can you help? There are many ways both big and small. You can start by becoming a member of the Agawam Historical Association. Half the membership dues go to supporting the house. You can help by making tax deductible contributions to pay the mortgage and the insurance as well as helping with the maintenance of the house and grounds. The Thomas Smith house will be open for educational programs. Perhaps you have some time to become a docent or bake for some of our events. Any donations of artifacts or age appropriate antiques for our 1757 house would be greatly appreciated. We welcome any support no matter how small.

With the efforts of a dedicated few we continue to preserve this amazing house. But as you can see we need the help of many, many more! We are grateful to all who have helped in the past. We look forward to meeting new volunteers who will carry us into the future. Please watch for our Open House coming in October.

Ann Bellico

Agawam Historical Association