Article illustrates major problem

Date: 5/22/2015

Your recent article on the Longmeadow Select Board’s evaluation of Stephen Crane gave enough information for your readers to see why we have so much conflict in town Select Board meetings. I feel we have a hard working manager that is improving our town and adjusting to working with a Select Board that needs to change more than he does.

In your article, it was clear that the lack of communication with the town manager is not just between the town manager and the Select Board, but also certain individuals on the board do not want to support the charter that gives the town manager the ability to make sound decisions with the board’s approval.  

The Select Board is blocking the town’s ability to focus on issues that are a priority for the town by arguing with each other and the town manager. At some meetings, the board’s time is wasted on what is the supposed to be the role of the town manager.

I don’t feel good about the reality that a candidate, who is in disagreement with the town charter, would ask voters to have them serve where they can disrupt the process of town government from a seat of power.

Your readers may not be aware that one member of the board seeking reelection for a fourth term wants to see our town get rid of the town manager and have an elected mayor run the town. If that is their opinion, they should pursue it on their own time and not while they are supposed to serve the town. We need a Select Board that will follow the charter and support the current town manager.

Tom Lachiusa