Best hope

Date: 6/7/2018

Fox News (more propaganda than news) claims it is time to shut down the Mueller investigation because it has gone on too long and nobody cares anymore. By comparison, the Whitewater investigation went on for about 7 years and could not find a crime. No indictments resulted. The Benghazi investigation went for about 2 years and again no crime, no indictments. The Mueller investigation after one year produced 22 indictments. Crimes have been uncovered and there are probably more.

Trump’s many pardons are sending a message to his allies not to cooperate with investigators. If you get convicted you will also get a pardon from Trump.

Mueller has done a fantastic job but he is obviously not finished. We do care about this investigation.  We can’t let our democracy, the rule of law and our democratic institutions go down the tubes. Guess what else? We still care about the tax returns Trump refuses to show. He said he would release them when the audit was over. Now he says nobody cares anymore. There is likely a lot hidden in his returns and we still care. We need more transparency which we will not get from this president. Mueller is our best hope.

Malita Brown