Boston bombings give go ahead

Date: 6/7/2013

It appears that the elder brother, Tamerlan Tsarnaev, may have received terrorism training from an isolated area of Chechnya that hordes radical Islamists, which through history have staged resistance against Mongolians, Turkish fighters and against Russian troops. The mainstream Chechnya mujahedin have not traditionally been a direct threat to the United States.

The point I'm really trying to make is that the Obama administration may use the Boston attack as a reason to justify sending U.S. troops into Syria. If Syria were to become a failed state then it would surely serve as a home and safe-haven for a multitude of terrorist organizations from all walks of life. Plus, it is no secret that Syria houses chemical and biological weapons.

The fall of Syria could bring dire consequences not only to the region, but also to us here at home.

Bill Paul
