Committee needs members

Date: 5/22/2013

The annual Fourth of July Parade will soon be marching down the streets of East Longmeadow as we celebrate the independence of our country and the parade committee is finalizing plans and organizing all units for the big day.

There are, however, some serious concerns presently as to the make up of the committee and to its future. In the early 1990's, a new format emerged for the committee consisting of a chairman and co-chairs in the areas of public relations, music, mailings, treasurer, floats, fundraising and other areas, etc., required to present the parade.

Two members have worked on the parade since 1983 and others have volunteered their services for 20 years on the central committee. This committee, at present, has 11 members but only four who are residents of East Longmeadow as the other seven are from surrounding communities.

In addition, the committee is aging and several long time members are in their 70s and their continuation on the committee is limited at best. Therefore, the need for new committee members, especially from East Longmeadow, is imperative for this wonderful tradition to continue. We need your help and any questions can be directed to Carl Ohlin, chairman, at 525-2952 and Brian Falk, public relations, at 519-0698.

The theme for this year's parade is "American Pride" so make your plans to attend and celebrate the Fourth of July demonstrating your patriotism in our country and "pride in our community."

Carl Ohlin

Chair, Fourth of July Parade Committee

East Longmeadow