Concerns on zoning

The following letter was sent to David A. Lavenburg and Phil N. Clark:

This letter concerns the Kane property and the historic home on that site. I was in attendance at the Zoning Board meeting this week, and understand that house will, in all probability, be coming down and "rebuilt."

The Zoning Board must interpret the by-laws of the Town of Longmeadow. As your page on the town's website explains, this also means making exceptions... "To make special exceptions to the terms of by-laws in harmony with its general purpose and intent, and in accordance with general or specific rules.and laws of the Commonwealth." Before the house is destroyed and a Special Permit is approved, it is my hope that your board will consider the following:

The plot plans submitted should be clear and comprehensive. Several measurements were missing and it was a confusing plan. Even the lawyers were not confident that the measurements were complete. The new structure seems to be on a much larger footprint. The first floor alone will be 2,000 square feet and the house to be demolished is only 1,400 square feet total.

The new structure should not be built on the 15 foot setback line for the north side, but set to 16 feet as suggested by a member of your board. The abutters will be crowded otherwise.

Elevations of all four sides should be submitted for your approval. I did not see a single elevation at the meeting and suggest that the owners should obtain clear plans from their architect as soon as possible. For you to approve removal of the old house on a non-conforming lot when you are blind as to what is being built is short-sighted and harmful to the neighbors.

Although there are no by-laws requiring square footage of the new structure, perhaps it is time for the Zoning and Planning Boards to set up rules and guidelines for the future. Homes should be a certain percentage of total lot area, as not to overwhelm the neighborhoods they are built in and fit into the streetscape. It is time to revise the by-laws.

Thank you for your time. I understand that your decision will be made at the next meeting on Dec. 6. Should the Kane Brothers not have clear plans and elevations for all four sides, I would suggest that you delay any decision until 2007.

Betsy Port

Historical Commission Member
