Date: 2/15/2018
Democrats or Republicans – neither group really matters anymore in today’s environment. Mr. Trump does not demonstrate the qualities and values of either party as he runs roughshod over everything that used to make the United States a highly respected world power. We are being led by a man who clearly does not know reality and truth from fantasy and mental deficiencies. Mexico will pay for the wall? Our intelligence agencies are a disaster one day and the best ever the next day?
The FBI and the Justice Department have also been the recipients of his totally illogical rants and hypocrisy. Senators and representatives, along with foreign country leaders have been consistently insulted and demeaned if they dare to exercise their right to free speech when they disagree with anything the “Teflon Don” says or does.
His attitude and behavior regarding women has gone totally unresolved although he has admitted to such behaviors in the past. Why has he been given a free pass where sexually inappropriate behavior is concerned?
His documented blatant lying about so many things that have occurred (i.e., attendance at events such as the inauguration, numerous items in his various speeches, meetings with Russian leaders, etc.) has exceeded anything ever seen before in our history.
His attacks against the media are reminiscent of dictators who have gained power by striving to destroy free speech. People have told me that as long as their investments are doing well nothing else matters where Mr. Trump is concerned, including his absolutely clear connections to Russia.
I wouldn't be surprised if he gets part of the salary for the office he has shamed again and again from Mr. Putin. Imagine suggesting that those Congress members who did not applaud him when he gave his “I am the greatest” State of the Union speech committed treason. His terminology has clearly escalated racism, sexism and violence in this country. Our ancestors must be spinning in their graves, especially those who fought to ensure that we would continue to live in a democracy. My hope for the future of our country rests with Mr. Mueller, not with a “fake” President.
Allen G. Zippin