Free at last
Date: 2/3/2010
It seems that everyone who stepped out and campaigned for Scott Brown has a heart stirring story to tell. While the national media has given us a broad, overall picture of the Brown campaign, there were many, many tear-jerking events that took place below the surface that no one is focusing on.
Ten days before election day reports started filtering through of lifelong Democrats making a decision to vote for a conservative for the first time ever. The trickle soon turned into a torrent of individuals who made that gut-wrenching decision to break away from a tradition they grew to love.
What took place during the Scott Brown campaign was nothing short of a deep soul-searching decision by hundreds of Massachusetts residents to escape from Camelot and embrace reality. A sense of urgency seemed to grip the heart and allow the haze to lift
from the eyes of many lifelong Democrats who came to realize that Camelot is not a tranquil state of mind but a cerebral dungeon.
The fear of where our nation is heading was the spark that ignited this phenomenon. It was a sudden realization that the tingling sensation of being liked and accepted by everyone else held captive in Camelot was highly overrated. It was a taking the focus off self and embracing indiviual responsibility.
Below the surface of the Scott Brown campaign there was, without question, a brave, breathtaking and joyful escape from delusion to embrace reality and truth. From the sand dunes of Cape Cod to the hills of the Berkshires one could sense a resounding echo of "Free at last!, Free at last! Thank God, I'm free at last!
William Santy