I'm puzzled

Date: 5/31/2018

As news comes out daily about the irrational actions of the person currently occupying the White House I remain puzzled as to why anyone – Democrat, Republican or Independent – can support this lunacy.

Just think about the turmoil that he invents every single day in order to create diversions from real issues. I cannot remember any  President having come into office with so many lawsuits against him; spending most of his time tweeting demeaning/insulting/childish name calling messages to anyone who disagrees with him; going through cabinet members like a revolving door despite assuring us each time that each person is the best one for the job until they disagree with him; appointing a lawyer – Mr. Giuliani – who seems to have lost his mind; constantly attacking the media, which dictators historically have done, and never being wrong about anything or taking responsibility for any of the damage and violence he has created in this country.

His financial policies are easily defined as, “Make the rich richer and to hell with everyone else.” Imagine his comment about having avoided any diseases with all of the women he spent time with in earlier years – “That was my Vietnam.” – Are you kidding me!! Whatever his policies may be, there is not one ounce of decency or truthfulness – nor even the slightest concept of truth – anywhere in his entire make up. He clearly is an embarrassment to this country throughout the free world.

My hope for the future rests with Mr. Mueller and Senator Flake, certainly not with the “Teflon Don,” the fake president,  who will hopefully end up where his real office is – in jail or in Moscow.

Allen G. Zippin