Date: 12/21/2017
In my opinion today’s election in Alabama not only deals with the quality. or lack thereof, of the character of not only Mr. Moore but also Mr. Trump. The fact that he supports so disgusting a character as Mr. Moore is ridiculous but definitely no surprise. They both come from the same stock of low life foundations for sure.
Despite Mr. Moore's denial of the sexual abuse issues surrounding him, his comment about how much better off we would be with slavery should be enough to make any sane person distance themselves from him. The same is true of Mr. Trump (aka, “The Teflon Don”/ “King Donald”) who, despite recorded evidence of his own sewer level behavior, continues to sell snake oil to the public in many areas.
Hopefully, the outcome of the election in Alabama will not encourage Mr. Trump to find a place in Washington for another of his friends who shares the same lack of values as Mr. Trump does and that person is David Duke. Is he next on the Trump committee of great people which is chaired by Mr. Bannen? It wouldn't surprise me at all.
Allen Zippen