More money, no results

Date: 6/5/2013

The Springfield Police are doing a fine job, that is why sales of security systems, locks and fences are brisk. Is the drug trade under control? The raids have been happening for several decades now. Had they worked we would be drug free by now, but no one can say when the problem will be over. They can only tell us to dump more money into a method which has gone on for decades with no results.

Someone made the conscious decision to put the effort into training dogs to search for marijuana instead of explosives. That person still has his job and is making other fine decisions about public safety. The police did not find the bomber in Boston. The terrorists found an MIT policeman. An ordinary citizen found the terrorist after he was allowed to leave his house. Under the illegal lock down, the brainchild of our government geniuses, the terrorist was able to make it unseen all the way to Watertown.

E. Anthony Mosio, like many others, wants the same old tactics which do not work. He must be happy with Republicans and Democrats.

Robert Joseph Underwood
