Date: 5/12/2016
If you have been following the 2016 presidential campaign, you can see how frustrated voters are with the political system as is. They are looking for change with Donald Trump on the right and Bernie Sanders on the left.
So too, that sentiment has arrived here with the politics of East Longmeadow. People are angry, wanted change and voted for the new charter by a wide margin. Some may say the goings on with the selectmen pushed the townspeople over the edge. But while listening to those who signed my petition to run for Town Council, they have wanted change for a long while. There have been multi-drama times with recent East Longmeadow political figures with personal agendas and conflicts of interest.
Well, take a look at the slate of candidates for Town Council and you will see a who’s who of past and present political figures. Some have served the town well, some have personal agendas and some have potential conflicts of interest. Let’s see, have we seen this play out before?
This is a big change for the townspeople of East Longmeadow. I know, having lived here over 50 years, and the people I talked to believe it. We have a chance to get it right. Make a choice for real change.
There are a group of us that are new to the political landscape. We are not town employees; we don’t do business with the town and are not presently on an elected committee or position in town. We are “new beginnings” with our only agenda to “provide the maximum quality of life at the least possible cost” for the townspeople of East Longmeadow.
You as a voter in the upcoming June 7 elections finally have a choice. Get out and have your vote really count for change. It’s time for “new beginnings.”
Lawrence Rinaldi
East Longmeadow