Not what I call a public hearing

Date: 10/20/2021

I have been to every hearing regarding the two proposals for the construction of self-storage units since first hearing on July 28. With approx two weeks’ notice we managed to gather over 400 signatures of Hampdenites opposed to this construction by the night of that hearing. Now, we have over 500 opposed.

Last night’s hearing at the Hampden Town Hall regarding the proposed 2 Somers Rd. self-storage facility was upsetting at best. Not only did material previously covered get expanded upon yet again, two very knowledgeable gentlemen spoke of concerns.

The first one spoke regarding the resident abutters and our precious drinking water and likening the total land area of the two proposals to nearly seven football fields. The second gentleman expanded on some of those points, adding among other things that we, the townspeople, could buy the land for open space or a park; the “chair” after looking at his watch, shot down gentleman number two, saying his material was irrelevant to the proposal.

Our lawyer finally did get the opportunity to share his arguments; upon finishing, he asked that he be allowed to comment further should something pertinent arise and was granted permission. However, when the time came that he wanted to speak, he was denied his time by the “chair.” even after he reminded the “chair” that the law provides him this opportunity. The room got very vocal, wanting our lawyer to speak; the “chair” lost control, got up and stormed out of the auditorium. Not what I would call an open public hearing.

If you are against both proposed projects and haven’t yet signed the Petition to Oppose the Construction, please do ASAP! Your voice needs to be heard. If any owner of property in Hampden is even remotely interested in what’s going on in this town, I urge you to attend the next two planning board hearings: case #2021-C regarding approximately 3.5 acres listed at 16 Somers Rd., hearing scheduled for Oct. 27 and case #2021-B regarding approximately 5.8 acres listed at 2 Somers Rd., largely behind the Polish National Credit Union, hearing scheduled for Nov. 10. Both hearings are at 6 p.m. at the town hall.

Bobbi Grant
