Obeying the Law

Without laws there is anarchy, and with anarchy a useful society cannot function. That is why the Commonwealth of Massachusetts has passed a series of General Laws that guide our citizens in their daily lives. When some citizens decide to ignore these laws, they often become arrogant and refuse to adopt a spirit of cooperation with their fellow citizens.

That is what has happened with the Longmeadow Select Board as they chose to ignore the Massachusetts General Laws that govern sewer and water distribution. For some reason, they have refused to openly discuss this problem in a meeting with all the citizens. They won't obey the laws and they don't know how to fix the problem. I strongly doubt that going back to the consultant who originally put us in our current situation will provide the answer.

The Select Board must realize that our citizens will cooperate to come up with a solution. The current adversarial posture solves nothing. To ignore the public is not an option.

Sam Altman, Longmeadow