Progress being made at Pleasant View

Pleasant View Senior Center Study Committee Assignment Becomes a Reality Since the appointments of the committee members in May of 2001, we have searched for the answers to the assignment given to us by the Selectmen that year. We were asked to review the space needs of the 87 year old building, formerly an elementary school. We studied not only the needs and requirements of the present building but the possibility of a new structure.

As part of our assignment we were requested to address not only the needs of the present population of more than 3,400 seniors, but also the needs of the seniors for the next 20 years. With the upcoming "baby boomer" generation the senior population is expected to double.

During these past and present six years of dedication, attending 119 meetings (up to the present), forums, many hours of research of other senior centers, traveling, looking at local sites for land (in all kinds of weather) with the, then, possibility of a new building, the final decision was to renovate our present building.

The Pleasant View Senior Center/Recreation Dept. Phase #1 renovations will probably have begun when you read this article; architect, building contractors and sub-contractors are appointed.

We are on our way! We service the elderly and the young, days, evening and weekends. Our goal is to make this building also appealing to the "baby boomers" generation with the present and many new programs that will appeal to them for their needs.

"Our Today Your Tomorrow"

Muriel Andwood

East Longmeadow