It isn't every day a city has the chance to purchase property without bonding or negative cash flow and at considerably less than fair market value. The owner of the former Robert's Pond recreational area owes the city of Chicopee $225,000 in back taxes. If taken for back taxes, the cost would be less than one fifth the supposed market value city officials assume an acre in this city is worth. Acquiring this land should be a top priority for the city. Instead, they question whether it is. Consider the positives. The area would make an excellent park complete with pathways and a stream, and it also connects with other city property. It appears there is even enough area to plan for a new Senior Center to be located there. With federal and state grant money probably available for dam upgrades, borrowing, even at 2%, can be minimized and the city can have another much needed park that can be used by young and old alike a cost effective Smith Highlands City Park and Senior Center! Jim Raschilla Chicopee |