Thank you from Erica's Friends

Erica's Friends Walk to a Cure would like to thank all who participated in our second annual fundraiser held at the YMCA in Wilbraham on Sept. 9. The day was eventful with approximately 900-1000 people in attendance and approximately $27,000 raised in Erica's memory.

Special gratitude extended to all who made the day so special including entertainment by "Less the Horse" and Jonas the Magician, Friendly's Corp. for donating ice cream, Hampden County Physicians for their most generous donation, 99 Restaurant for providing water for all walkers, Houligans for providing lunch after the walk, Whips Sporting Goods, Key Club and Reach Out programs of St. Cecelia and to all the wonderful sports teams from Minnechaug that showed their support as teams, and our deepest gratitude to the Scantic Valley YMCA for allowing us to hold our event on their premises for the second year. We would also like to extend a sincere thank you to our company sponsors who have generously donated without their support our fundraiser would not have been a success. These sponsors include: 99 Restaurants, AAA Pioneer Valley, Bellucci's Salon and Day Spa, Brad's Service Center, Carlson/GMAC of Wilbraham, Casual Elegance Limousine, Central Chevrolet, CJ Sprong & Co., Friendly's Ice Cream Corp., Gaudreau Insurance Agency, M.L. Schmitt, Inc, Margolis Orthodontics, Peterson Family, Mechanical Plastics, Pediatric Services of Springfield, Phillips Insurance Company, ENT Associates of Springfield, Professional Turf Services, Ross & Ross Law Offices, Universal Electric Co., United Water/Springfield LLC, Vartarian Custom Cabinets, 18th Floor JQA, A. Boilard & Sons, Dynamic Dock & Door, Olender Media, The Lamotte Family, Molly and Dan Plotkin, and Bowe Elementary School.

If you would like to donate to Erica's Walk we are accepting donations through the fall. You can mail them to Maggie Brochu at 17 Fairview, Wilbraham, MA 01095, checks payable to Head and Neck Cancer Research in ACC.

Yours towards a cure,

Erica's Friends