Date: 10/18/2018
The race to pick a new Hampden County Register of Deeds in the upcoming November election is probably not on most voters’ radar screen, but it should be. The person elected will be in charge of the office that is responsible for properly maintaining all real estate records for Hampden County.
What can be more important to peace of mind and the investment everyone has in their homes and businesses than properly maintained real estate records? Competence and integrity, not politics, are the essential qualifications for the office of Register of Deeds.
Two candidates are on the November ballot for Register of Deeds – Marie Angelides and Cheryl Coakley- Rivera.
Marie Angelides is a practicing attorney with 22 years of experience representing families and children throughout Hampden County. She is also a leader in local government and is currently serving her seventh year on the Longmeadow Select Board, two of those as Chair. Ms. Angelides has long history as a volunteer in community activities. Stressing the non-political nature of the job, she will forgo a state pension if elected.
Cheryl Coakley-Rivera is a former Springfield state legislator and an attorney. She is now employed as an assistant clerk in the Hampden County Superior Court after securing a patronage appointment to that post in 2014. Once a politician, always a politician!
Ms. Coakley-Rivera sent out a mass mailing in September for one of her fundraisers. The envelope for the invitation carried the following return address: “Cheryl Coakley-Rivera, Esq., Hampden County Registrar of Deeds”
That addressee title, of course, is the Registry office Ms. Coakley-Rivera is seeking, not the one she now holds. The mailing is basically an ad seeking publicity and money under false pretenses from recipients as if she is already occupying the office. Unethical at best! Prepared to guard our vital real estate records to our homes and businesses? I don’t think so.
Marie Angelides gets my vote.
Dean Rogeness