Why have our taxes risen so much?

As a concerned resident of Wilbraham I am very pleased that the voters of our town will be offered a choice of leadership for the future when we go to the polls on May 20th.

I would like you to address a significant concern that I have and that I am sure that I share with many other residents here in town. Over the past 5 years our property taxes have increased by over 36%, far out stripping the rate of inflation.

Why have our taxes risen so much and what do we have to show for these increases? It seems to me that if Mr. Moriarty wants to convince us that he should be re-elected he must convince the voters that he has been fiscally responsible and that the dramatic increase in tax revenues has been not only necessary but also well spent. Mr. Moriarty must also tell the voters what tax increase we should expect from his administration for the future. On the other hand, should Mr. Brady wish to receive our votes he needs to communicate to the voters how he will control spending and tax increases during his term of office, while also addressing the significant capital projects facing our community.

I look forward to the candidates' reply.

K. Ivan F. Gothner
