Date: 11/1/2023
I’m voting yes on Nov. 7 in East Longmeadow to fund the building of a new high school, and I hope many of my fellow residents will join me. I’ve recently seen a slew of signs for people who plan to vote no against ELHS, because they don’t want the increase in their property taxes.
This made me wonder if any of these folks are seniors, and if they are aware of the SWAP (Senior Work-Off Abatement Program) offered through East Longmeadow’s Council on Aging. Through this program, taxpayers ages 60 and up who have owned property for five or more years in East Longmeadow can work off hundreds of dollars of their tax bills at various positions around town, including at the library and the COA. As a library employee, I know how much these SWAP members’ work is appreciated! More information and the SWAP application are available at the COA and on the town website at
If you’re a senior who would like to support our town, but feel the property tax increase would be a burden, perhaps this a win-win solution for you. Vote yes for ELHS, and then spend some time working with one of our wonderful town departments to lower your property tax payments.
Christina Cooper
East Longmeadow