Date: 9/15/2021
After being treated to stories about the wonderful training at the Springfield Police Department we find that they cannot read a permit. If the sergeant was standing idly by and not stopping something that was wrong, why are we paying him? Thus far there have been no consequences, so there is no reason to change. While several councilors may have put on a show, they dutifully worked to get the police COVID bonus money.
I am reminded of an incident I had several years ago. It was a fourth of July and we were watching the fireworks. At that time the only way out of Riverfront Park was a tunnel under the rail road tracks. A crowd made it impossible to leave after the fireworks. The tunnel was too small. So we stood along the river enjoying the scenery. A Springfield police genius then told us we had to leave. I pointed out to Officer Stupid that it was impossible to leave. Officer Stupid then told me that the park closes at 8:30 p.m. The fireworks did not even start until 9:30 p.m. He did not feel any compunction to not say something stupid.
Mayors have been subservient to stupid cops for as long as I can remember. I complained to the then mayor that it is safe and profitable to be stupid and be on the Springfield Police Department. Some things do not change.
Robert Joseph Underwood