Where are the moderate Republicans?

Date: 7/20/2017

The situation in Washington seems to amaze some people and I don't know why. I cannot imagine that anyone expected Mr. Trump to act any differently than he has always acted as a wealthy adolescent bully. The unfortunate part of this behavior is that it now does not impact on his business ventures but rather it impacts negatively on our country.

With each passing day it becomes clearer that this family is the most despicable family to ever have occupied the White House and that comment has nothing to do with which party one chooses.

Where are the moderate Republicans in all of this? I cannot believe that they approve of his behavior but their silence is surprising. It occurred to me that Mr. Trump's nickname should be the same one that John Gotti – an alleged mob leader – had. He was referred to as the “Teflon Don” because so many things he did just seemed to slide away from him and now the Teflon Don is in the White House – a man who continues to say and do whatever his impulsive behavior creates with a disregard for decency, laws and particularly for the First Amendment since no one is allowed to disagree with him. What a sad state of affairs for the United States.

Allen G. Zippin