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4:22:14 PM
Why is sitting in a boat on a lake with my friend Dave fishing and smoking cigars one of the most relaxing things in the world to do?

BINGO ... I started that great pleasure in life before you were born, but you will I hope still be enjoying after I'm gone.

The reason I'm dropping this short line, your fishing remark sent me back to my most happy days in my life, to good old East Longmeadow, living on Blaine St about a mile from your City Line CIRA 1938. Fishing Trout Streams of at least 10 that I'm pretty sure some you have driven over, not being aware they existed.... but to the main reason of this E-Mail..for many years in my short life at that time 12 years, I watched every year what was claimed not to be possible, by Ma Fish&Game.... that was to sit down by a trout stream at the end of Parker St. if the name of the street is correct to my memory, to watch very large Rainbow Trout [a Char not a trout] build their spawning nest and fertilize their eggs, this spot was a stones throw from a very old Church Cemetery on the corner of Parker and ? that was of great interest to me for reflection even at the tender age of 8. As I wander away, back to my story, at that time it was said no Rainbow Trout reproduced in Massachusetts [ must be at least 66 years since spelling out Mass. now MA I miss Mass] So telling my Dad and then showing him about [a great fishing buddy I still miss as a tear starts in thoughts of our fishing trips] anyways him calling the F&G a Game Warden was shown and he was supprised and it was decided mostly by me and Dad to keep it to ourselves, and for his use as an interesting conversation with fishing buddies.Befor I get too boring I'll say Best Regards and leave that record breaker for the next guy. Gus ...Oh Red Stone Quarry Was fished be me almost the only one back in 1938 rode Bike through the woods on days I skipped school to fish it. It looked like a Small Mouth Bass Hatchery, in those days ........ohhhhhhh the Bass I got out of that Quarry ...not the one right off the street that forms the X in town. The Best Days of my life, it was the Depression, for my Dad ......Heaven for me, as I was to kid him later in life, see you good fishing.