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Health & Fitness

Click on the headlines below to view full story

Mental health care – a crisis for teens and children in Western Mass


GREATER SPRINGFIELD – If the coronavirus pandemic has had one positive effect, it’s been to shine a much-needed light on the emotional and behavioral health needs of America’s chi...
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School districts gauge pandemic effects on learning, behavior


WESTERN MASS. – The COVID-19 pandemic brought with it chaos and uncertainty in just about every facet of society, and for much of the pandemic a big focus has been on how the effects of the p...
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Social media shows sustainability strides


Sometimes if you scroll through Facebook or other social media platforms, there are many depressing photos of our planet covered with trash, filthy rivers or animals stuck in plastic netting. Hopef...
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This is why everyone needs a health care decision plan


SPRINGFIELD – April may have been national Healthcare Decision Month, but one thing a year of the coronavirus pandemic has taught us all is that it’s truly important to make a plan, jus...
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This spring, make time to check for ticks


SPRINGFIELD – It’s been a year of outdoor activities, one where walks in the woods to soothe the soul have kept the worst effects of pandemic lockdowns at bay, and hikes along local tra...
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Pandemic stress – making it to the ‘finish line’


GREATER SPRINGFIELD – April may be Stress Awareness Month, but after more than a year of coping with the coronavirus pandemic, few need to be reminded that we’re living in a stressful t...
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Local sisters bring awareness to colorectal cancer


SPRINGFIELD –  During the month of March, Western Massachusetts was lit up blue with the help of sisters Kimberly Schoolcraft and Karen Fogarty. March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Mont...
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Creating an environmentally friendly garden at your home


Spring is in the air, and there are many ways to have a safe, environmentally friendly, and beautiful garden.

Soil – Grass is a popular ground cover but not very environmentally frien...
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COVID-19 vaccine could impact annual mammogram timing


SPRINGFIELD – Women are used to being asked certain questions when they arrive at their annual mammogram screenings – “Did you use deodorant or powder this morning?” “...
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‘The Big Cocktail’ fundraiser hopes to return this year


WESTERN MASS. – While many companies and businesses struggled because of COVID-19, many non-profit organizations suffered as well. An event known as “The Big Cocktail Party,” host...
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Lesser discusses public health equity, vaccine distribution


GREATER SPRINGFIELD – On Feb. 5, state Sen. Eric Lesser hosted another episode of his Lunchtime Livestream series. The series has been ongoing throughout the pandemic and covers a wide range ...
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World Cancer Day: How COVID-19 is impacting care


SPRINGFIELD – According to the American Cancer Society, nearly 9 million people lose their lives to cancer around the world every year. That means one out of every six people on the globe suc...
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Mental illness resources across state seeing higher demand


WESTERN MASS. – With mental illness on the rise as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic mental health resources across the state are spread thin and seeing higher demand including the National A...
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Cannabis – trends in a growing market


GREATER SPRINGFIELD – To say cannabis has become big business in Massachusetts would be an understatement. According to an Nov. 20, 2020, article in the Boston Business Journal, adult use ret...
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Baker announces caregiver option to get vaccinated with elder companion


MASSACHUSETTS – Gov. Charlie Baker announced on Feb. 10 that, beginning the next day, a caregiver who brings residents aged 75 and older to a mass vaccination site can also receive a vaccinat...
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Eighty percent of population needs to be vaccinated


ST. PETERSBURG, FL – Yes, the COVID-19 vaccine is a reality – both the Pfizer and the Moderna versions have been FDA approved and are being administered, and there are two more in late-...
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Grief may weigh heavier during pandemic holiday season


SPRINGFIELD – According to Merriam Webster, grief is defined as  a “deep and poignant distress caused by or as if by bereavement.”

In many ways, it is exactly that wor...
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Baker announces vaccine plan for Commonwealth


BOSTON –  During an afternoon press conference on Dec. 9, Governor Charlie Baker announced the state’s COVID-19 vaccine plan including how many vaccines would be distributed and wh...
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Clear the air – tips for a safer indoor environment


We’ve had a summer reprieve –  though COVID-19 has kept us all masked and socially distanced, the outdoors helped mitigate the potential spread of the virus when we played, dined o...
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Local chiropractor launches second product to address back pain


EAST LONGMEADOW – Need a back massage but don’t have anyone to help you out? An area chiropractor just may have the solution for you.

Dr. Roland Berthiaume is continuing his miss...
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Baystate to partner in new hospital


SPRINGFIELD – Baystate Health announced a new collaboration that will result in a new behavioral health hospital with more beds than the medical system currently has.

The proposed $43 ...
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Hot weather raises potential for heat-related illnesses


GREATER SPRINGFIELD – Hot days seem to be the norm this summer, with plenty of afternoons where the temperatures top out well into the 90s.

These conditions are more than just uncomfor...
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Lesser turns to TV to bring “Thrive After 55” info to elders


SPRINGFIELD - The coronavirus pandemic has caused many familiar things to adapt to a new way of doing business, and Sen. Eric Lesser’s Thrive After 55 fair for elders and their caregivers is ...
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Recycling packaging materials, learning to compost


Here are two questions that I’ve been asked a lot lately:

Question: I’m ordering a lot of packages, can I recycle the packaging?

Answer: A lot of the packaging is recyclab...
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Mercy doctor stresses emergency room is safe to visit


SPRINGFIELD – Dr. Mark Kenton, chair of the Department of Emergency Medicine for Mercy Medical Center told Reminder Publishing he’s been concerned by a trend he’s observed in the ...
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Alternative medicine and grocery shops continue to serve during virus crisis


GREATER SPRINGFIELD – Grocery stores and pharmacies aren’t the only essential businesses seeing a high demand from customers during the COVID-19 crisis. Alternative medicine and grocery...
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Expert issues warning on use of essential oils for COVID-19


CHICOPEE – Jonathan Evans, owner and information specialist for the Herbarium, recently raised an alarm about information circulating regarding the use of essential oils of cinnamon and clove...
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Sarat helps those stuck at home stay in shape


WESTFIELD – Westfield resident Salina Sarat has been on a fitness journey for more than 20 years and teaches small, group workout classes from her home. Now, while she’s unable to welco...
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It is not too early to be aware of ticks


GREATER SPRINGFIELD – The COVID-19 shelter-in-place advisories have left many with fewer exercise options than normal. One that’s been encouraged is to get outdoors and get some fresh a...
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Pregnant women can breathe sigh of relief when it comes to COVID-19


GREATER?SPRINGFIELD – When expecting a child, parents are naturally concerned with the health of their baby, but the COVID-19 pandemic is likely to bring up extra questions and concerns for p...
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Health director clears confusion on quarantining, isolation and social distancing


EAST LONGMEADOW – In recent weeks due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) discussions have been heavily focused on social distancing, quarantining and isolation. With that said, many of these terms...
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Local psychologists offer information on how to talk to kids about coronavirus


WESTERN MASS. – With a seemingly never-ending onslaught of information about the coronavirus (COVID-19) and the illness it causes, figuring out what is going on can be overwhelming. For kids,...
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How to be prepared for a possible quarantine


An expert in emergency preparedness told Reminder Publishing that in many ways preparing for quarantine for the coronavirus doesn’t differ than for a blizzard, hurricane or any other...
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Your habits can affect your heart – and your health


February may be considered heart–health month, but according to Dr. Quinn Pack, medical director of Cardiac Rehabilitation and Wellness at Baystate Medical Center, paying attention to how hab...
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Hilltown Community Health Centers celebrating 70 years of service


WORTHINGTON – The Hilltown Community Health Center’s CEO is looking forward to its 70th anniversary in 2020 after recent expansions into schools, opening a new center in Amherst, and re...
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Westfield Health Department weighs in on vaping


WESTFIELD – The laws and attitude towards vaping have shifted dramatically over the past year on the federal, state, and local levels. Massachusetts Governor Charlie D. Baker famously made th...
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How to make the holiday season sustainable


With the holidays upon us, so is overeating, overspending, and overproducing.  According to the National Environmental Education Foundation, Americans produce 25 percent more trash than usual ...
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Local woman spreads awareness for Pancreatic Neuroendocrine cancers


GREATER SPRINGFIELD – Each November marks the observation of national Pancreatic Cancer Awareness month. In addition, Nov. 10 marked World Neuroendocrine Tumor (NET) Awareness Day. One local ...
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How should broken holiday lights be recycled?


Dear Elizabeth, How can I recycle my Christmas lights?

Dear Reader, Christmas lights seem to break every year, and those broken strands keep piling up. But there is a way to recycle...
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Golden Years Home Care success reflects growth of industry


EAST LONGMEADOW – The move to East Longmeadow and the renovation of the former Ski Haus building in the center of the town is an indication of the growth in in-home care programs and Golden Y...
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Vape shops struggle in the wake of temporary ban


­­­GREATER SPRINGFIELD – One month after Gov. Charlie Baker enacted a temporary ban on the sale of vaping products and devices vape shops across the state are struggling.

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Annual Rays of Hope Walk & Run steps off to fight breast cancer


SPRINGFIELD – It will be time for the Valley to “Think Pink” again as the 26th Annual Rays of Hope Walk & Run Toward the Cure of Breast Cancer steps off from Springfield&rsquo...
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Before you fire it up: fireplace and wood stove safety tips


Cooler days mean home heating season is just around the corner. And though most homes have a modern efficient central heating system in place, it’s hard to beat the allure of a crackling fire...
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Which juice containers can I recycle? When can I recycle batteries?


Dear Elizabeth, What kind of juice containers or boxes can I recycle?

Dear Reader, There are a few types of juice containers that are recyclable, and a few that are not depe...
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Are Solo cups recyclable? The answer may surprise you


Question:    Can I recycle red or blue solo cups?

Answer: Solo cups are made out of number six plastic called polystyrene, the same type of p...
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Walk to End Alzheimer’s to raise research money, awareness


HOLYOKE – A walk dedicated to raising awareness and funds for Alzheimer’s Disease will soon take place at Holyoke Community College.

The Walk to End Alzheimer’s is a walk h...
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Autumn Festival focuses on thriving in ‘third act’


HOLYOKE – Are you getting ready to retire? Are you retired but looking for something more? The Autumn Festival, presented by Baystate Senior Class on Sept. 14 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Ba...
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Hampden County selected to take part in annual national health survey


WEST SPRINGFIELD – For the first time in its 55-year history, Hampden County has been selected as one of the 15 sites nationwide to participate in the National Health and Nutrition Examinatio...
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Expert describes pros and cons of CBD oil


GREATER SPRINGFIELD – There’s no question that CBD oil has become the new darling of alternative medicine. Shops offering a plethora of CBD oil and oil-based products have sprung up eve...
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Measles may present a threat in Western Massachusetts area


SPRINGFIELD – The nationwide measles outbreak shows no signs of mitigating, with the CDC recently releasing a report indicating there have been 971 confirmed cases so far this year, with fear...
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State Sen. Eric Lesser to host annual ‘Thrive After 55’ event


SPRINGFIELD – State Sen. Eric Lesser will be bringing the third annual edition of “Thrive After 55” to the Springfield College Field House on June 21 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

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Stroke, heart attack care focus of ‘Lobby Day’ on May 30


BOSTON – Luke Perry was 52. John Singleton was 51. Stroke took both of these famous men, and during American Stroke Awareness Month, their deaths are a stark reminder that this “brain a...
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Camp physicals – more than just forms


SPRINGFIELD   – You’ve signed your child up for camp. The next step is filling out the forms required, including the annual camp physical form.

Your child has already h...
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Camp physicals can be more than just a quick form


SPRINGFIELD – You’ve signed your child up for camp. The next step is filling out the forms required, including the annual camp physical form.

Your child has already had his or he...
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March 26 is Diabetes Awareness Day


GREATER SPRINGFIELD – Maybe it’s the typical American diet, maybe it’s our lifestyle. Maybe it’s a trigger medical science hasn’t yet discovered. Whatever the contribu...
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Campaign For Better Hearing offers free screenings at age 60


SHREWSBURY, MA – When was the last time you had your hearing tested? If you are like most Americans, your hearing tests ended sometime back in grade or middle school.

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Dakin pet food aid program helps pets, families stay together


SPRINGFIELD – There are food pantries were people can turn to when life’s circumstances put them in a tight spot. But what about their pets? What happens to them when money – and ...
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Caring Health Center celebrates open enrollment for health insurance


SPRINGFIELD – Massachusetts may have a very high rate of its residents covered by health insurance but there is more work to be done.

“We won’t stop until 100 percent of ou...
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Check your detectors, not just your batteries!


GREATER SPRINGFIELD – It’s almost time to “fall back” – we set our clocks back to standard time at 2 a.m. on Nov. 4. That means it’s traditionally time to check ...
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Summit Lounge is state’s first cannabis smoking lounge


Note: This is another installment of The Reminder’s on-going series on marijuana in the Commonwealth.

WORCESTER – Kyle Moon, the general manager of the Summit Lounge...
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CBD oil provides anxiety relief, pain relief and more


This story begins an informal series on marijuana and its growing presence in Massachusetts.

CHICOPEE – CBD won’t make you high, but the oil derived from marijuana has ...
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Walking path at Soldiers Home increases mobility for vets


HOLYOKE – A new walking path around the grounds of the Holyoke Soldiers Home is part of an on-going program to increase mobility for the 262 veterans who live there and decrease the number of...
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Recent deaths call attention to suicide prevention


GREATER SPRINGFIELD – Suicide isn’t something people like to talk about. It’s only when celebrities like Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain take their own lives that suicidal behavio...
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Doctors prepare for medical issues surrounding legal pot


SPRINGFIELD – It’s a question that bore examining. What might happen when the recreational use of marijuana for adults over the age of 21 suddenly became legal on July 1? Would hospital...
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New shingles vaccine offers improved protection


EAST LONGMEADOW – There’s a new shingles vaccine in town, and even if you had Zostavax – the original shot recommended since 2006 –the medical community is suggesting that y...
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How’s your hearing? Find out during Better Hearing and Speech Month


GREATER SPRINGFIELD – How’s your hearing? If you’re like most people, you’ll answer that question with a one-word statement –“fine.”

But do you real...
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New England Endovascular Center enhances patient care in the Valley


WEST SPRINGFIELD – Passion and purpose are what motivated Dr. S. Lowell Kahn to open New England Endovascular Center (NEEC) on Ashley Avenue in June of 2017 – a passion for providing th...
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‘Challenge Diabetes’ program offered locally April 25, 26


GREATER SPRINGFIELD – If you have diabetes and are looking for better control over your A1c numbers and health, Chet Galaska, local author of “The Diabetes Book: What Everyone Should Kn...
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Pope Francis students learn to ‘Stop the Bleed’


CHICOPEE – April 10 started with a dose of reality for sophomore Alannah Brunt and her classmates in Leslie Perreault’s Health and Wellness class at Pope Francis High School, as they be...
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Take precautions for the dangers posed by cold weather


SPRINGFIELD – In the event of an imminent cold weather emergency, the Commissioner of the Department of Health and Human Services for the City of Springfield (SDHHS) in conjunction with Mayor...
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Premenstual syndrom is no laughing matter


SPRINGFIELD – Premenstrual syndrome, more commonly called PMS, is common fodder for jokes, but for many women, it’s no laughing matter. It’s hard to pin down exactly how many wome...
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Helpful Christmas tree fire prevention tips


STOW – “The best way to prevent a Christmas tree fire is to water it well every day, place it well away from heat sources, and dispose of it soon after the holiday,” said State Fi...
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Evade Thanksgiving fires by following these safety tips


STOW – There are more home fires on Thanksgiving than any other single day in Massachusetts, twice as many as Dec. 25 which ranks second.

“Thanksgiving is a wonderful family holi...
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Tips to avoid burns when cooking this holiday season


GREATER SPRINGFIELD – People feeling hot when the weather turns cool are likely hard at work in their kitchens, cooking and baking for the holidays. That explains the uptick in the number of ...
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Restrain yourself this Thanksgiving


SPRINGFIELD – Ok, let’s talk turkey and how heart attacks spike during the holiday season.

First of all, don’t blame the turkey. It’s not the delicious bird alone tha...
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Manage muscle pain by practicing integrated positional therapy


AMHERST – Ginny Hamilton was diagnosed with scoliosis at 9 years old and suffered chronic issues with neck and jaw pain for most of her life. For years, she tried – unsuccessfully &ndas...
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Red Cross to host local blood drives


GREATER SPRINGFIELD – The American Red Cross encourages people to share their good health this holiday season by donating blood for patients in need.

Mike Healey’s son was born ...
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Aquatic program promotes fitness


SPRINGFIELD – The city of Springfield’s Aquatics Department will be hosting an aquatic fitness program called O2H, for those who are overweight or obese. With trained professionals on s...
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Hyperhidrosis Awareness Month to shine light on condition


GREATER SPRINGFIELD – Nov. 1 launched the inaugural Hyperhidrosis (Hh) Awareness Month. Why? Because the more people who know about Hh (excessive sweating), the sooner there will be a cure....
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New app lets parents screen kid’s spines for signs of scoliosis


SPRINGFIELD – If you’re of a certain age, you remember the school nurse asking you to pull up your shirt and bend forward as she checked your back for signs of curving.

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AIC, CPC partner for athletic training


SPRINGFIELD – The American International College’s (AIC) athletic department will partner with Continuum Performance Center (CPC) EDGE in East Longmeadow to outfit training programs for...
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Increase in cases of Whooping Cough reported in Longmeadow


LONGMEADOW – To date there have been 13 cases of “Whooping Cough” (Pertussis) among Longmeadow residents reported to the Longmeadow Board of Health since May, 2017.   Pe...
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Immunizations are critical to maintaining public health


SPRINGFIELD – Massachusetts has some of the highest childhood immunization rates in the country. In fact, the Massachusetts Department of Health and Human Services Childcare/Preschool Immuniz...
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Eagle Scout creates ‘survival kits’ for fellow Type 1 diabetic scouts


BELCHERTOWN – The seeds for the Diabetes Survival Kit – Daniel Godbout Jrs’ Eagle Scout project – were planted early with this young Type 1 diabetic.

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Warning issued about dangers of infant co-sleeping


SPRINGFIELD – The unexpected death of any infant is a tragedy. The death of a half-dozen infants in greater Hampden County in a little over six months is a troubling trend.

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East Longmeadow Skilled Nursing Center receives prestigious award


EAST LONGMEADOW – Once again, the East Longmeadow Skilled Nursing Center has been recognized for achieving a superior level of excellence in its operations.

The American Co...
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Applications now open for Senior Farmshares program


GREATER SPRINGFIELD – Applications are now open for the Community Involved in Sustaining Agriculture’s (CISA) annual discounted Senior Farmshares. 

  This s...
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Rolling the dice – State bets GameSense program will stem problem gambling


GREATER SPRINGFIELD – Who hasn’t done it? Plunked down a dollar or two for a scratch ticket when you hit the convenience store for gas or milk?   Kicked in a few b...
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National Brain Injury Awareness Month sparks advocacy


WESTERN MASSACHUSETTS  – Stacia Bissell knows firsthand how life can change in an instant. The career educator was on track to become a middle school principal when she and a...
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National Eating Disorders Week raise awareness of illnesses


GREATER SPRINGFIELD – It affects the lives of 30 million Americans, encompassing all age groups, genders, races and socio-economic groups.

Yet eating disorders – anorexia nervosa...
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Flu on track to hit Western Mass. hard


GREATER SPRINGFIELD – After some fairly quiet years, the flu has returned with a vengeance for 2017. According to figures provided by Baystate Medical Center, more than 200 people came throug...
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Shingles is a condition that can affect all age groups


GREATER SPRINGFIELD – There’s ads about its debilitating effects – and the vaccine that’s supposed to prevent it – on TV nearly every night. But shingles – a bli...
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Stomach bug makes early appearance in region


GREATER SPRINGFIELD – It’s been popping up all over everyone’s Facebook feed, messages from friends bemoaning days of nausea and other symptoms as they battle the latest thing goi...
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Recent grant to support local health advocacy initiatives


GREATER SPRINGFIELD – Up to 10 local organizations in Hampden County will receive additional funding for public health advocacy work, thanks to the recent round of grants awarded through Bays...
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Baystate Children’s Hospital patients get holiday treat


SPRINGFIELD – The little patients of Baystate Children’s Hospital received a big surprise this year when Santa brought them Virtual Reality. The big man in the red suit received a littl...
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Shoveling snow can be hazardous to your health


The snow has already arrived for the season bringing with it a host of injuries – from mild sprains to back injuries to life-threatening heart attacks – seen in Emergency Departments th...
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Springfield College professor leads clinical


SPRINGFIELD – Springfield College Professor of Exercise Science and Sports Studies Samuel Headley, along with nephrologist Dr. Michael Germain from Renal and Transplant Associates of New Engl...
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Robert Charles to raise money for Baystate


EAST LONGMEADOW – Robert Charles Photography recently announced the launch of their Annual Holiday Collection Fundraiser, with the goal to raise $10,000 for Baystate Children’s Hospital...
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Galaska’s program aims to empower diabetics


SPRINGFIELD – November may have been Diabetes Awareness Month, but to Chet Galaska, founder of the Challenge Diabetes Program, one month is not enough attention for this growing health issue....
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Epilepsy Foundation aims to raise awareness


SPRINGFIELD – “The holidays are so much harder for me to manage my seizures,” according the Western Massachusetts resident Jean Gilman, who has had epilepsy since she was 15. &nbs...
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Cold weather increases risks of CO poisoning


GREATER SPRINGFIELD – With colder temperatures settling into the region, and heating systems running more frequently, increases in carbon monoxide incidents occur.

Whether you heat you...
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WNE professors develop diabetes breathalyzer


SPRINGFIELD – Western New England University professors Dr. Ronny Priefer and Dr. Michael Rust have developed a hand-held breathalyzer that allows individuals to painlessly check their blood ...
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Baystate Health breaks ground on new power plant


SPRINGFIELD – Baystate Health and public officials broke ground on Nov. 2 on a $27 million combined heat and power plant that will provide non-grid energy sources to critical facilities in th...
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The presidential election is seriously stressing people out


SPRINGFIELD – There is plenty to stress out the average American today – financial issues, work, family obligations, health concerns and many other stressors. Now, add to that the presi...
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Goulart receives Isreal Davidsohn Award from ASCP


SPRINGFIELD – Robert Goulart, MD, FASCP, president of New England Pathology Associates, PC, and Director of Cytopathology Services at LifePath Partners, LLC, was recently honored by the Ameri...
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BHN’s Mastriana honored posthumously


SPRINGFIELD – The Association for Behavioral Healthcare (ABH), at its Annual Celebration of Excellence on Oct. 21, has recognized posthumously a Behavioral Health Network (BHN) employee, Meg ...
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Telemedicine has benefits, but also comes with pitfalls


From diagnosing disease to record keeping, technology is rapidly changing the practice of medicine.  One of the areas where technology is having a dramatic impact is telemedicine, affecting bo...
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Brightside’s annual toy drive begins Nov. 4


HOLYOKE – The children served by Brightside for Families and Children will be the recipients of the “Hope for the Holidays Toy Drive.” The three-day event will begin on Nov. 4, an...
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SHINE Program offers savings to seniors


SPRINGFIELD – Mayor Domenic J. Sarno recently announced savings to seniors provided by the Department of Elder Affairs’ SHINE Program for fiscal year 2017 of $5.3 million.

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Report makes key recommendations on childhood cancer


SPRINGFIELD – Earlier this year President Barack Obama announced the establishment of a Cancer Moonshot initiative to accelerate progress toward ending cancer as we know it. September was Nat...
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Rays of Hope walk still accepting registrations


SPRINGFIELD – There is still plenty of time for teams and individual participants to begin their fundraising efforts for the 23rd annual Rays of Hope –  Walk and Run Toward the Cur...
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Beautiful Image opens new location in Ludlow


LUDLOW – Beautiful Image of Western Mass, a popular South Hadley-based non-invasive medical spa, recently opened a second location in Ludlow at 123 Center St.

The new facility offers t...
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Toys needed to comfort Baystate’s youngest patients


SPRINGFIELD – Their pictures pop up on our Facebook feed, and they smile bravely back at us from fundraising television commercials.

Who hasn’t been moved by the plight of a sic...
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Dr. Howard Trietsch to direct new collaboration


SPRINGFIELD – Longtime respected community physician, Dr. Howard Trietsch, has been chosen by Baystate Health to oversee and direct new collaborative partnerships with community physicians an...
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Women’s Health Associates welcomes Lormand


GREATER SPRINGFIELD – Women’s Health Associates, a specialized women’s healthcare practice providing obstetrical and gynecological care in Springfield and Westfield, announced tha...
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Local cosmetic surgeon attends preceptorship program


LONGMEADOW – Aesthetic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, P.C., a community-centered cosmetic surgery and non-invasive practice serving western Massachusetts and northern Connecticut, recent...
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AFC Doctors Express continues rapid expansion


GREATER SPRINGFIELD – AFC Doctors Express, the largest independent urgent care provider in the Commonwealth, opening its 17th urgent care center in Arlington with four more set to open in Jan...
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Better Life to celebrate anniversary


SPRINGFIELD – Better Life Whole Foods and The Integrative Health Group in Springfield will host an anniversary celebration free to the community on Oct. 1, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

The public...
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Thumbsucking is OK, within reason


SPRINGFIELD – Dating back to the early days of the popular Peanuts comic strip in 1954, Linus can be seen carrying his security blanket around and sucking his thumb.

Many of the comic ...
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Church will offer pre-diabetes seminars starting Sept. 13 & 14


AGAWAM – Have you been told you have pre-diabetes health concerns? Do you want to learn how to reverse your risk?

An upcoming free seminar hosted by Bethany Assembly of God, in partne...
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Brain fitness program offered


WEST SPRINGFIELD – Homewatch CareGivers is partnering with Rockridge Retirement Community in Northampton to present a once a month program “Optimizing Brain Fitness.”

The ...
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Fadus named new VP at Mercy Medical Center


SPRINGFIELD – Doreen Fadus has been named vice president of Mission Integration and Community Health and Well Being for Mercy Medical Center and the Sisters of Providence Health System.

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UV protection for eyes important every season


GREATER SPRINGFIELD – The media has made us all sun-smart in recent years, and most of us will be sure to grab sunscreen when we head out for some waning-days-of summer outdoor fun.

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Wingate at Hampden recognized


HAMPDEN – Wingate Healthcare announced recognition of Wingate at Hampden as a 2016 recipient of the Bronze – Commitment to Quality Award. This award is in recognition of the facility&rs...
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Integra home health care receives full accreditation


EAST LONGMEADOW – To Emily Gralia, CEO of Integra Home Health Agency, the decision in 2010 to expand her family’s footprint from The Arbors assisted living facilities into the arena of ...
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Local PA, Mercy Medical Center continue Eat for Life


LONGMEADOW – The Mindful Awareness Practice Center and Leslie Smith Frank PA, in co-operation with Mercy Medical Center, announced the continuation of a groundbreaking program to end dieting ...
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HCC seeks health professionals for series of career panels


HOLYOKE – Holyoke Community College (HCC) is seeking alumni and other professionals working in the health care industry for a new series of career panels the college is launching this fall....
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Golf tournament raises funds for Brightside


SPRINGFIELD – Warm temperatures and high humidity didn’t slow down golfers at the 36th Annual Brightside Golf Classic on July 25.  

The tournament at Springfield Country Clu...
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Residents reminded to call 811 before they dig for safety


GREATER SPRINGFIELD – Summer weather finds many people engaged in outdoor projects – everything from installing a mailbox, building a deck or planting a tree. With Aug. 11 here, Columbi...
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Hand, foot and mouth disease reaches peak season


GREATER SPRINGFIELD – It usually starts with a slight fever, runny nose and cough. Then the characteristic red rash shows up on your child’s hands and feet, and there are spots on the b...
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BHN institutes $12 minimum wage


SPRINGFIELD – Behavioral Health Network (BHN) announced it has instituted a $12 per hour minimum wage for employees serving in its four-county service area in Western Massachusetts, where the...
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Taylor Street Dental adds Dr. Oh


SPRINGFIELD – Taylor Street Dental recently announced the addition of Vincent Oh, DMD, to their dental practice.

Oh began treating patients on July 11 in the practice’s new offi...
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HealthSouth receives recognition for brain injury rehab


LUDLOW – HealthSouth Rehabilitation Hospital of Western Massachusetts has earned certification for Disease-Specific Care in brain injury rehabilitation. The Joint Commission’s Gold Seal...
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Shriners Hospitals thanks Smith & Wesson for support


LUDLOW – Shriners Hospitals for Children announced that it recently presented Smith & Wesson with its Benefactor Crystal recognition award. On hand to receive the award, which was present...
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Longmeadow issues Zika advisory


LONGMEADOW – It is not expected that residents of this part of the country will have exposure here to mosquitos carrying the Zika Virus.

If you travel this summer to Florida, other So...
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Men often neglect their health


Remember the adage “when you’ve got your health, you’ve got just about everything?”

Too many men, unfortunately, have forgotten it, because when it comes to individua...
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Springfield College president on new opioid commission


SPRINGFIELD –Springfield College President Mary-Beth Cooper is looking forward to working on one of three new special commissions recently created by Gov. Charlie Baker to address the opioid ...
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Big Y helps out Make-A-Wish


In celebration of their 80th Anniversary, Big Y Foods Inc. raised $150,000 to support Make-A-Wish Massachusetts and Rhode Island ($75,000) and Make-A-Wish Connecticut ($75,000) through its “W...
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HomeGoods supports Dana-Farber


EAST LONGMEADOW – Now, through June 29, East Longmeadow HomeGoods shoppers will have the opportunity to support cancer care and research while shopping at the off-price home fashions retailer...
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AFC Doctors Express offers online check-ins


AFC Doctors Express, the largest independent urgent care provider in the Commonwealth, announced the availability of online check-ins prior to arriving at either the Springfield or West Springfield...
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Health officials announce positive rabies test for raccoon in Westfield


WESTFIELD – On June 9, a juvenile raccoon from the Kellogg Street area of Westfield tested positive for rabies by the Massachusetts State Public Health Laboratory.

Raccoons are consid...
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Jennie Lane residents enjoy Healthy Living


SPRINGFIELD – At age 91, Alice Schultz is chasing down cancer and has trouble walking. She had to stop playing golf, a favorite activity, six years ago.

But at Springfield Housing Auth...
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Colorectal cancer: a disease that can be avoided


Colorectal cancer is the second leading cause of cancer-related death and the third most common cancer for both men and women in the United States. The disease claims more than 50,000 lives each ye...
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Smith & Wesson event raised $20k for local children’s charities


SPRINGFIELD – Smith & Wesson Corp. recently hosted its annual live comedy show, “A Night of Laughter,” to support two local children’s charities: Shriners Hospitals for ...
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Dog bites are common, but can be prevented


More than 4.5 million people in the U.S. are victims of this each year.  More than 800,000 Americans receive medical attention every year because of this – at least half are children. ...
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Cologuard offers alternative colon cancer screening


GREATER?SPRINGFIELD – For many who dread that mid-life rite of passage – the colonoscopy – there’s now an alternative. Cologuard offers patients with no contributing factors...
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Better Life to host Integrative Health Festival


SPRINGFIELD – The third annual Integrative Health Festival will offer food, music, children’s activities, vendors, and informative speakers free to the community May 22, 10 a.m. to 4 p....
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Mom was right all along; more veggies equal better health


GREATER SPRINGFIELD – “Eat your vegetables!” Nearly everyone hears that admonishment growing up, but according to a 2013 survey by Gallup Healthways Well Being Index, only 57 perc...
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Healthy eating more accessible through CSA


WILBRAHAM – Looking for a way to get fresh vegetables, fruits and other products directly from local farmers? A Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) share is one way and now is the time to c...
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Mercy Medical Center to host endoscopy suite open house


SPRINGFIELD – Mercy Medical Center is pleased to announce completion of a significant project to expand, renovate and relocate the Endoscopy Suite. The new clinical space is designed to impro...
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What you should know about skin cancer


Our skin is the largest organ in our human body. It provides the critical functions of controlling body temperature and protecting us from bacteria and viruses.  Yet it’s also subject to...
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Video program discusses opioids


The Massachusetts Medical Society and the Massachusetts Department of Public Health have collaborated on a video program discussing the opioid crisis in the Commonwealth and how the new law signed ...
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Local Jimmy Fund golf fundraising surpasses $10 million


BOSTON – The Jimmy Fund Golf Tournament/Jeffrey Vinick Memorial committee, comprised of more than thirty locals, was honored by the Jimmy Fund Golf program at a reception on March 30 at The Y...
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WSU Student Ambassadors make donation to Baystate Children's Hospital


WESTFIELD – Westfield State University Student Ambassadors present Baystate Children's Hospital with a $500 donation. The donation was generated out of proceeds from the Student Ambassador's ...
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UHCCF to offer grants


BOSTON – The UnitedHealthcare Children’s Foundation (UHCCF) is seeking grant applications from Massachusetts families in need of financial assistance to help pay for their child’s...
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Falcons to host Cancer Awareness Night


SPRINGFIELD – The Springfield Falcons announced Cancer Awareness Night will take place April 17 when the Falcons host the Portland Pirates at 5 p.m. at the MassMutual Center.

The team ...
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Spring 2016 brings widespread flu


 The calendar may say April, but according to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), we’re still in the grip of this year’s flu season.

“Usually its January and Februar...
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Dentist offers free lunch


SPRINGFIELD – In a new ad campaign featuring the headline “Free Lunch. With A Doctor’s Note,” Taylor Street Dental is offering patients a voucher for a free meal at Hot Tabl...
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Info sessions focus on neurology clinical trials


SPRINGFIELD – Did you know that national clinical trials of treatments for mild to moderate memory loss – and often for other neurological conditions such as migraine headaches and Mult...
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Concussions finally getting serious attention they deserve


For years, athletes and coaches downplayed the injury, calling it merely a “ding,” or getting your “bell rung.” No longer. Concussion has finally captured the attention it d...
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Number of state’s fatal fires on the rise


STOW – State Fire Marshal Peter J. Ostroskey was joined recently by leaders of the Fire Chiefs’ Association of Massachusetts, the Fire Prevention Association of Massachusetts, the Profe...
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Big Y celebrates 80th birthday by supporting Make-A-Wish


CHICOPEE – Some birthday parties have cake and ice cream. The one for Big Y Foods will have community service, as well.

“It’s our 80th year. How do we celebrate?” Cla...
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Wood to host women’s health forum at Asnuntuck


ENFIELD, CT – A personal trainer is bringing his effort to improve women’s health to a new level in his career.

Ryan Wood, the founder of “Ignite. Excite. Empower” (I...
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Heart disease the cause of one in four deaths each year in America


SPRINGFIELD – AFC Doctors Express reminds area residents that every year, one in four deaths are caused by heart disease. Although this is a startling fact, heart disease can be prevented by ...
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Springing ahead can cause sleep pattern problems for children


SPRINGFIELD – Mention the words “spring ahead” or “fall behind” and most adults will tell you it means they are either going to lose or gain an hour’s sleep.

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Homewatch Caregivers honored twice by Home Care Pulse


WEST SPRINGFIELD – Homewatch Caregivers recently announced that it has received both the Best of Home Care Provider of Choice and Employer of Choice Awards from Home Care Pulse.

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Baystate Noble receives gift from St. George Cathedral


WESTFIELD – Baystate Noble Hospital’s Oncology Department was the recipient of proceeds from the St. George Greek Orthodox Cathedral annual holiday concert on Dec. 6, 2015.

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Mindfulness an important component of healthy living


The stress of daily life can take many forms: financial pressures, family demands or crises, and professional or occupational tensions. These circumstances can produce anxiety, fatigue, sleeplessne...
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The Meadow Place Dental has successful Smiles for Kids campaign


The Meadow Place Dental team is proud to announce that they had another successful year with their Smiles for Kids whitening campaign. A total of $ 12,100 was donated to Baystate Children's Hospita...
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Local colleges welcome new Baystate chief


More than 40 academic leaders and research faculty from AIC, Bay Path University, Elms College, Western New England University, and Westfield State University joined Springfield College for a meet-...
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State fire marshal offers burn prevention and treatment tips


This week is National Burn Awareness Week and State Fire Marshal Stephen D. Coan recently offered tips on burn prevention.

“While we traditionally associate burns with fires, the leadi...
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Improper colonoscope sanitation leads to blood tests for 293 people


WESTFIELD – A lack of proper equipment prevented medical devices used in colonoscopies to receive a complete cleaning have caused Baystate Noble Hospital to ask 293 patients to undergo a simp...
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Baystate Noble to host 32nd annual 5K


WESTFIELD – Baystate Noble Hospital announces 32nd annual 5K Run & Walk for a Noble Cause April 30.

Registration is now open for the race at Stanley Park. The race begins at 9 a.m...
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Surgeon warns against surgical tourism


LONGMEADOW – Aesthetic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, P.C., a plastic surgery and non-invasive practice serving western Massachusetts and northern Connecticut, is urging individuals inte...
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Noble Group opens new Express Care facility in Feeding Hills


WESTFIELD – Noble Medical Group opened a new Primary Care and Express Care facility at 24 North Westfield St. in Feeding Hills on Jan. 18, to better serve patients in the community.

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Baystate warns of winter hazards


Every season has its own unique set of safety hazards, and the winter months are no exception.

“Every year more than 150 people in the United States die from accidental carbon monoxide...
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Columbia Gas offers safety tips


GREATER SPRINGFIELD – As we prepare for this winter season, Columbia Gas of Massachusetts is reminding customers of important safety tips during cold, snowy and icy conditions.

To be s...
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Robert Charles reaches $20,000 fundraising goal for Baystate Children's Hospital


HOLYOKE – On Jan. 7, Robert Charles Photography presented a $20,000 check to Baystate Children’s Hospital at the Delaney House.

This is a result of their 10th annual holiday por...
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New procedure could help obese


SPRINGFIELD – The light at the end of the tunnel for millions of obese Americans may have just appeared.

This past July, the FDA approved two new devices for the treatment of obesity ...
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New campaign stresses need for dependable smoke alarms at home


State Fire Marshal Stephen D. Coan and Wellesley Fire Chief Rick DeLorie, president of the Fire Chiefs’ Association of Massachusetts, recently announced the launch of a new statewide smoke al...
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Lord becomes O’Connell Care at Home chief operating officer


HOLYOKE – For nearly a decade, Danielle Lord has taken to heart the O’Connell Care at Home sentiment of “I am more,” providing compassion and empathy to not only the home he...
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Restore Skin Care Center offers safe tattoo removal service


SPRINGFIELD – The skin is the largest organ in the human body and for at least one in five U.S. adults, a canvas for body art.

But 17 percent of those with tattoos have expressed some...
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Doctors Express introduces new regional director


WEST SPRINGFIELD – AFC Doctors Express, the largest independent urgent care provider in the Commonwealth, recently announced the appointment of Regional Medical Director Vincent Meoli.

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Amelia makes donation to Noble


WESTFIELD – Baystate Noble Hospital recently received a check for $1,000 from the Amelia Park Ice Arena’s October Pink in the Rink event.

This donation will go the Baystate Nobl...
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Fire marshal offers tips on keeping decorations safe


The State Fire Marshal’s Office recently released safety tips on holiday decorating

“The best way to prevent a Christmas tree fire is to water it well every day, place it well aw...
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Eat for Life offers alternatives to dieting


LONGMEADOW – The Mindful Awareness Practice Center and Leslie Smith Frank PA announced the Western Massachusetts launch of a groundbreaking program, Eat for Life.

This educational, re...
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Dopafit aims to help Parkinson’s patients


SPRINGFIELD – To say American International College Student (AIC) Chad Moir of Chicopee is driven is an understatement.

Moir works two jobs during the week. He’s also a certifie...
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Springfield College Occupational Therapy Master’s Program receives 10-year accreditation


The Springfield College Occupational Therapy Master’s Program has received 10-year accreditation status by the Accreditation Council for Occupational Therapy Education (ACOTE) of the American...
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O’Connell Care at Home opens satellite office at Bluebird Estates.


HOLYOKE – O’Connell Care at Home recently celebrate the grand opening of its new satellite office at Bluebird Estates.

Bluebird Estates, located at 1 Apple Blossom Lane in East ...
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Governor aims to remove stigma from addiction


BOSTON – Calling on every resident to do their part to stop addiction in its tracks, Governor Charlie Baker announced a second statewide media campaign today, with the bold goal of making Mas...
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MEMA urges families to develop a plan for emergencies


As part of Massachusetts Emergency Preparedness Month, the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) urges families to "Make a Plan."

“It is important to develop a Family Emerge...
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Parents rank concerns about their children’s health


By Elizabeth Goodman, M.D.
Physician Focus

Children today face many risks to their health and safety; some were nonexistent just a decade ago, others have persisted for decades.&nbs...
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Blood drives upcoming


GREATER SPRINGFIELD –  During Liver Awareness Month this October, the American Red Cross encourages eligible donors to give blood and platelets to support liver transplant patients and o...
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Substance abuse bill passed by the Senate


BOSTON – Sen. Eric P. Lesser (D-Longmeadow) voted in favor of a bipartisan substance abuse bill passed by the Senate that includes several provisions for addressing the opioid addiction crisi...
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Baystate Noble Hospital receives $150,000 from state


WESTFIELD – Baystate Noble Hospital was recently awarded $150,000 from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts for needed front entrance improvements.

These funds will be used to enhance Bay...
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Local cancer survivor benefited from donated tissue for breast reconstruction


CHICOPEE – With a mother who is a 15-year breast cancer survivor, and an aunt who is almost five years breast cancer free, Maribel Sepulveda, 47, of Chicopee, knew what it meant when her doct...
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Local medical practice closing


SPRINGFIELD – Robert J. Cooper, MD, at New England Endocrine & Thyroid Center PC, located at 299 Carew Street, Suite 323, is announcing the closure of his solo medical practice as of Sept...
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Road to Recovery seeks volunteer drivers


HOLYOKE – The American Cancer Society’s Road to Recovery program is in critical need of volunteers from Hampden County to drive local cancer patients to and from their chemotherapy and/...
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State offers campus fire safety tips


BOSTON – Governor Charles D. Baker has joined governors across the country in declaring September as Campus Fire Safety month.

Massachusetts has a large population of college students...
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Out of the Darkness Community Walk slated for Sept. 27


SPRINGFIELD – More than 1,200 people from Western Mass are expected to participate in the Annual Springfield Out of the Darkness Community Walk on Sept. 27.

The fundraising walk suppo...
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Baystate’s HVCC, PCU units receive gold level Beacon Award


SPRINGFIELD – Wayne Augusta of North Adams has always been an active man – recreationally and professionally as a law enforcement officer. He thought he was in good health, until one da...
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Jewish Geriatric Services rebrands itself as JGS Lifecare


LONGMEADOW – Continuing a journey of transformation that started years ago, Jewish Geriatric Services, Inc. (JGS) announced recently that the organization is launching a rebranding campaign f...
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East Village Place associates gain dementia practitioner certification


EAST LONGMEADOW – Thirteen additional associates of East Village Place have received certifications from the National Council of Certified Dementia Practitioners.

The National Council...
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Holyoke Medical Center’s Wound Care Center set to open this fall


HOLYOKE – In preparation for the opening of Holyoke Medical Center’s (HMC) Wound Care Center this fall, two hyperbaric oxygen chambers were delivered recently to support the facility's ...
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Red Cross announces late August Pioneer Valley blood drives


GREATER SPRINGFIELD – The American Red Cross urges blood donors to give in the final weeks of summer to help prevent a blood shortage.

Blood donations often decline in August as final ...
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Association for Community Living distributes awards


SPRINGFIELD – Carmelina “Lina” Durocher is only 11, but she is already learning how to promote her creative talents as an entrepreneur.

Diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disor...
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State fire marshal issues warning about carbon monoxide


Massachusetts recently lost four young people to carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning in a Maine cabin.

State Fire Marshal Stephen D. Coan said, “A similar tragedy led to a law here in Mass...
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Fadus named Board for National Health Care for the Homeless Council head head


SPRINGFIELD – Doreen Fadus, executive director of Community Benefit and Health at Mercy Medical Center, has been tapped to serve as president of the Board for National Health Care for the Hom...
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Baystate Noble Hospital receives honors from HHS


WESTFIELD – Baystate Noble Hospital is among a select group of hospitals and transplant centers nationwide recognized by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) for reaching go...
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Red Cross announces upcoming July blood drives


GREATER SPRINGFIELD – The American Red Cross urges eligible donors to help offset a seasonal decline in donations and prevent a shortage this summer by giving blood.

During June, July ...
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NAMI-WM to host 12-week course on mental illness


AGAWAM – The National Alliance on Mental Illness of Western Massachusetts (NAMI-WM) is offering a free 12-week course in Northampton on Saturday mornings, starting Sept. 12, for family, careg...
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Local, state officials address several firework-related incidents


The Fourth of July was a busy weekend for local fire and police and State Police assigned to the Office of the State Fire Marshal.

While there were no injuries or mishaps at any of the prof...
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As number of Alzheimer’s patients increases, so do challenges


Alzheimer’s disease is a cruel affliction, robbing individuals of memory, motor activity, and the ability to plan and organize.  Children, families, and friends can become strangers; a c...
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Dental students cut their teeth at STCC’s dental hygiene clinic


SPRINGFIELD – The rising cost of dental insurance, or lack-thereof, is one reason families today skip going to the dentist. Combine that with pre-existing complications or fears of having wor...
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Loomis hosts annual spring reception


SPRINGFIELD – The Loomis Communities Annual Spring Reception honored the founding Board of Directors of Loomis Lakeside at Reeds Landing on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the senior ...
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Baystate Medical Center ranked ‘high performing’


SPRINGFIELD – U.S. News & World Report has rated Baystate Medical Center as part of an elite group of 34 “high performing” hospitals in a new form of evaluation that rates hos...
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JGS board honors Burrows


LONGMEADOW – Jewish Geriatric Services, Inc. (JGS) hosted its Annual Meeting May 19, providing membership the opportunity to thank all who provided service, to honor talented and caring leade...
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Volunteers sought for World Blood Donor Day


GREATER SPRINGFIELD – The American Red Cross seeks eligible donors to give blood in honor of World Blood Donor Day, June 14, and throughout the summer to help ensure a sufficient blood supply...
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Noble Hospital to host dementia awareness training class May 29


WESTFIELD – Noble Hospital will host “Understanding Dementia in the Real World,” a dementia awareness and communication training class on  May 29 taught by the Armbrook Villa...
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Docs Who Rock concert benefits United Way of the Pioneer Valley


HOLYOKE – Western Massachusetts doctors will trade stethoscopes for guitars, keyboards and drums on May 29, in a reprise of Docs Who Rock, a night of music, food and beverage to benefit the U...
click for more gives East Village high marks in recent rankings


EAST LONGMEADOW – East Village Place, 50 Benton Drive, recently scored distinguished honors for quality service and care. named East V...
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Noble Hospital luncheon shows appreciation for local volunteers


WESTFIELD – Noble Hospital hosted a volunteer appreciation luncheon April 15 at East Mountain Country Club in honor of Noble’s volunteers and to celebrate National Volunteer Week.

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Loomis Communities to honor founding board at reception


SPRINGFIELD – The Loomis Communities Annual Spring Reception will honor the founding Board of Directors of Loomis Lakeside at Reeds Landing on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the seni...
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Hampden Hearing Center to take part in Listen Up America


EAST LONGMEADOW – The national Audiology Awareness Campaign (AAC) is pleased to announce May 11 to 15 will be “Listen Up America” Week.

This weeklong event provides opport...
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Springfield Walk to Defeat ALS set to step off at Forest Park


SPRINGFIELD – The Springfield Walk to Defeat ALS will take place on May 30 at Forest Park in Springfield.  

Beginning with a 9 a.m. check in and registration, the walk starts at 1...
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Baystate Medical Center physician named Community Clinician of the Year


WALTHAM – Ronald I. Gross, M.D., of Baystate Medical Center has been honored by his peers of the Hampden District Medical Society as the district’s 2015 Community Clinician of the Year,...
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Pioneer Valley Red Cross announces local blood drives


GREATER SPRINGFIELD – The American Red Cross encourages eligible donors to give blood this May in honor of World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day on May 8, the birthday of International Red Cro...
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Autism Society celebrates 50 years during Autism Awareness Month


SPRINGFIELD – Marty Baillargeon of Southwick, who cares for her autistic grandson, Nathan, 11, has a message of “acceptance” during Autism Awareness Month held each year in April....
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Monson Savings Bank makes donation to cancer center


SPRINGFIELD – Mercy Medical Center has announced that Monson Savings Bank has pledged a gift of $25,000 to Transforming Cancer Care – The Capital Campaign for the Sister Caritas Cancer ...
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Public remains ignorant of many causes of cancer


“You have cancer” are words that patients likely fear the most to hear. The future instantly becomes uncertain, treatments can be long and exhausting, and the prospect of a life ending ...
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Kids to ride for cancer research


SUFFIELD, Conn. – The Suffield, CT, Pan Mass Challenge (PMC) Kids Ride, presented by the First National Bank of Suffield, will be one of 35 PMC Kids Rides throughout New England and beyo...
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Wilbraham couple makes gift of $1 million to Sister Caritas Center


SPRINGFIELD – With Mercy Medical Center in the midst of the silent portion of a capital campaign for the Sister Caritas Cancer Center, a Wilbraham couple has come along and made a lot of nois...
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O’Connell Care at Home hosts open houses in Holyoke


HOLYOKE – O’Connell Care at Home, the most complete home health care provider in the Pioneer Valley, recently released the dates of open houses for its recruitment this spring.

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Red Cross announces upcoming blood drives


GREATER SPRINGFIELD – The American Red Cross encourages eligible blood donors to become everyday heroes by giving blood in celebration of Red Cross Month this March.

Since 1943, every ...
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Addiction film to be screened at HCC


HOLYOKE – An award-winning film about America’s addiction epidemic will be shown at Holyoke Community College (HCC) on March 25 at 11 a.m. in the Leslie Philips Theater in the Fine &...
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Healing Spirit Expo set for April 25


NORTHAMPTON – Regional metaphysical businesses, readers, healing practitioners and authors will converge on April 25 to bring light, hope and love to “A Healing Spirit Expo.”

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National Alliance on Mental Illness to offer Spanish course


AGAWAM – The National Alliance on Mental Illness of Western Massachusetts (NAMI-WM) is offering a three-week NAMI Basics education course in Spanish for parents and caregivers of children and...
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Quilts and Treasures to host brain injury fundraiser


EAST LONGMEADOW – March is Brain Injury Awareness Month.

Quilts and Treasures, 56 Shaker Road, will host the third annual “With ‘T’ea There is Hope” event on M...
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Misinformation has intensified spread of measles outbreak


Fifteen years ago, the U.S. declared measles eliminated from this country because of an effective vaccine, high immunization rates, and a strong public health system. Yet over the last five years, ...
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March is American Red Cross Month


GREATER SPRINGFIELD – The American Red Cross is recognizing the country’s everyday heroes during Red Cross Month.

“Everyday heroes help those in need in Massachusetts,&rdqu...
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Surgeon discusses new breast cancer treatment at international conference


WESTFIELD – A Noble Hospital breast surgeon’s work with a new device that improves treatment of breast cancers was featured this year at a prestigious international medical conference.<...
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Columbia Gas warns of dangers winter weather poses to customers


WESTBOROUGH – Columbia Gas of Massachusetts is concerned with recent incidents involving large icicles and snow accumulation falling from rooftops onto natural gas meters. This can cause a ru...
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Red Cross announces March blood drives in Hampden County


GREATER SPRINGFIELD – During Red Cross Month in March, the American Red Cross reminds eligible blood donors that it doesn’t take a cape or superpowers to be a hero. By donating blood, d...
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Red Cross announces Hampden County blood drive dates


GREATER SPRINGFIELD – The American Red Cross encourages eligible donors to help ensure a sufficient and diverse blood supply by giving blood this February.

Since the beginning of the year, wide
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Fire marshal: Be prepared for storm-related power outages


STOW – State Fire Marshal Stephen D. Coan issued fire safety warnings due to the likelihood of storms capable of causing power outages in February.

“Start your storm preparations by making sur
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Attain offers tips on arthritis prevention


According to the Arthritis Foundation, 46 million Americans live with arthritis. Arthritis symptoms limit simple everyday activities such as dressing, bathing and cooking for more than 7 million Ameri...
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Boney to head pediatrics at Baystate Medical Center


SPRINGFIELD – Dr. Charlotte Boney, a nationally recognized pediatric endocrinologist and physician educator, has been named to the position of Tufts University School of Medicine chair of Pediatrics a...
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Marconics helps spiritual healing


By Lori Szepelak

WESTFIELD – Energy healer and spiritual teacher Lisa Wilson had an “awakening” earlier this year that forever changed how she views the universal force
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Red Cross extends ‘Dunkin Donors’ program due to weather


GREATER SPRINGFIELD – For the first time in eight years, the American Red Cross and Dunkin’ Donuts are extending the “Dunkin’ Donors Make a Difference” campaign, launched on Jan. 1 and originally sche...
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Spiritual Spa Day offers workshops for relaxation


WESTFIELD – For those seeking more meaning in their lives, a special Spiritual Spa Day is being planned by the Labyrinth Connection of Western Massachusetts.
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Baystate, WMAS seek radiothon ‘Change Heroes’


SPRINGFIELD – Baystate Children’s Hospital and 94.7 WMAS are looking for Change Heroes to help kick-off fundraising efforts in advance of this year’s 14th annual 94.7 WMAS Radiothon, which will be bro...
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Falcons, Noble team up of Pink in the Rink


WESTFIELD – Noble Hospital is the major sponsor the Springfield Falcons’ Pink in the Rink event on Feb. 21 against the Portland Pirates.

This annual event helps to raise funds for and awarenes
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Kidney disease a sneaky condition


Our kidneys may be small – each about the size of a fist – but these vital organs perform critical functions in the human body.  They clean our blood, remove waste, and control blood pressure.&nb...
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Restless leg is caused by many things


DEAR DR. ROACH: Don’t forget that although there are many medical causes of restless leg syndrome, varicose veins also can be a source of symptoms, and we have cured many people of symptoms with minim...
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CDC: Flu season has become an epidemic


SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. – The Centers for Disease Control have officially deemed this flu season to have hit the epidemic threshold, meaning that it is maintaining a high level of spread throughout the nati...
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Winter weather can wreak havoc on your health


SPRINGFIELD – Winter officially arrived on Dec. 21, and you know what that means – a host of wintertime ailments that can affect one’s physical and mental health, as well as your safety from slipping ...
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Health is key factor when traveling says OSHA


A report from the U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) says that it is the responsibility of employers and employees to ensure travel health before, during a...
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Mount Saint Vincent Care Center earns 5-star rating from CMS


HOLYOKE – Mount Saint Vincent Care Center recently earned a 5-Star quality rating from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), the government agency’s highest possible rating.

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EPA declares January 2015 ‘National Radon Action Month’


January 2015 has been declared “National Radon Action Month,” according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Health agencies throughout the United States have joined forces to promote awarene...
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Renaissance Mannor on Cabot honored by Chicopee Chamber


HOLYOKE – Renaissance Manor on Cabot, a member of the Revera Inc. family, is pleased to announce that the center was recently awarded by the Chicopee Chamber of Commerce. The center participated in a ...
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Make your holiday healthier for your family this year


The holiday season is about family traditions and making memories that last a lifetime.  But many of these traditions involve food such as hosting cookie-baking parties, making gingerbread houses...
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Achalasia is painful throat condition


DEAR DR. ROACH: My adult son recently has been diagnosed with achalasia, after many months of being misdiagnosed. He has suffered unbelievable pain and difficulty eating or drinking. At first he thoug...
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Red Cross seeks Hometown Heroes


SPRINGFIELD – Each year the American Red Cross of Western Massachusetts hosts the Hometown Heroes Breakfast to honor local individuals and groups that have shown courage, kindness and unselfish charac...
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Don’t forget the rules of healthy eating during the holiday season


Food has become a centerpiece of American life, filling holiday celebrations, family milestones and gatherings of friends or co-workers – regardless of the holiday or the season.

What we somet
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Upcoming area blood drives announced


GREATER SPRINGFIELD – The American Red Cross encourages eligible blood donors to give one last gift this holiday season and discover the true meaning of giving by donating blood.

Busy holiday s
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Renaissance Manor on Cabot receives Tier One recognition


HOLYOKE – Renaissance Manor on Cabot, a member of the Revera Inc. family is pleased to announce that the center has achieved the Tier One Recognition level as part of the American Health Care Associat...
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Taking precautions prevents carbon monoxide poisoning


WESTBOROUGH – With winter weather upon us and furnaces expected to work longer to keep homes warm, Columbia Gas of Massachusetts encourages customers to stay safe by recognizing the signs of carbon mo...
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Noble doctor offers new tendon procedure


WESTFIELD – Noble Hospital’s Orthopedic Surgeon Peter Pascal, MD, is now offering an advanced treatment that quickly and safely removes the source of tendon pain.

Based on technology developed
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December blood drives announced


GREATER SPRINGFIELD – The American Red Cross asks eligible donors to give something that means something this holiday season – a lifesaving blood donation.

Blood donations often decline this ti
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Coping strategies crucial for those suffering from holiday grieving


SPRINGFIELD – The anticipation of the upcoming holidays can create more stress than the holidays themselves, especially for someone who is grieving the loss of a loved one. Yet, for some, this special...
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Former HCPA staff joins Noble Hospital


WESTFIELD – Noble Hospital is pleased to announce that medical professionals Michelle Barnett, MD, Roger Beneitone, MD, Laura Gioiella, MD, Elizaveta House, NP, Gary Jacobson, MD, Arthur King, MD, Ram...
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Mercy welcomes new physicians to roster


SPRINGFIELD – The Sisters of Providence Health System is pleased to welcome 19 physician members, as well as physician assistants, nurse practitioners and staff members formerly with Hampden County Ph...
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Mercy welcomes new physicians to roster


SPRINGFIELD – The Sisters of Providence Health System is pleased to welcome 19 physician members, as well as physician assistants, nurse practitioners and staff members formerly with Hampden County Ph...
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Longmeadow reminds residents to keep vaccinations up to date


LONGMEADOW – Just as many folks take in their cars to the service station for a pre-winter check-up, now  is the time to evaluate whether you are  “up to date” with your immunizations.
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Self-management programs emphasize partnerships between patients, doctors


Chronic diseases such as asthma, heart disease, arthritis, and diabetes affect some 90 million American adults, with two out of three persons having multiple conditions. These conditions are the leadi...
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Holyoke Medical Center begins widespread rebranding efforts


HOLYOKE – In television ads, on billboards, in newspapers and on the Internet, Holyoke Medical Center is unveiling a vibrant new logo and a tagline that focuses on the patient experience.

The s
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Maza runs for YMCA


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Comedian Lenny Clark headlines Allie’s Five O’Clock Fund event


HOLYOKE – Allie’s Five O’Clock Fund is proud to host its annual fundraiser, “Jokes for Jimmy,” to benefit childhood cancer research through the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and the Jimmy Fund Nov. 14 ...
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Baystate offers babysitting course


GREATER SPRINGFIELD –  Are you already a babysitter looking to further your skills, or considering becoming a babysitter to earn extra money?

Baystate Medical Center will host a Babysitter
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Local dentist, army of supporters march for cancer research


SPRINGFIELD – Dr. Amy G. St. Germain, a dentist in East Longmeadow for the past 18 years knows firsthand about the devastating diagnosis of breast cancer.

Two years ago this month St. Germain
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Baystate Medical Center launches Family Cancer Risk Program


SPRINGFIELD – Breast cancer survivor Diane Santos, before undergoing surgery, opted for genetic testing to see if she carried the BRCA gene, which greatly increases the risk of female breast cancer....
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Brennan becomes one of state’s top hospice directors


SPRINGFIELD –  Dr. Maura Brennan, medical director, Baystate Visiting Nurse Association and Hospice, is among the inaugural national group of qualified hospice physicians – including only two in ...
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Local cancer walk raises $50,000


WESTFIELD – More than 500 Pioneer Valley residents rallied together Sunday at Stanley Park for the American Cancer Society’s Making Strides Against Breast Cancer community walk, raising $50,000.
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Physician's Focus: HPV common, but preventable


It’s a scary thought. Too many adolescents are needlessly at risk of cancer when there’s a safe, effective vaccine available to prevent the disease.

The human papillomavirus (HPV) is the most
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Go Red nominations due Oct. 10


SPRINGFIELD – The American Heart Association is holding a search to find woman who are inspirational, heart healthy role models to become one the 2015 Go Red Leading Ladies of Western Massachusetts. <...
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Hampden Hearing Center to participate in Listen Up America Week


EAST LONGMEADOW – The statistics are shocking and even more so knowing that over half of those 36 million Americans are under the age of 65. 

Hearing loss is an increasing health concern
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Y offers peace of mind, health of body


AGAWAM – The newly opening Agawam YMCA Wellness & Program Family Center, 63 Springfield St., provides a quiet, state-of-the-art facility for residents and passersby alike. Recently, this reporter ...
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Strides continue to be made in pediatric cancer treatment


SPRINGFIELD – This year alone some 15,780 children under the age of 21 will be diagnosed with cancer.

The good news for these young cancer patients and their families is that what was once an i
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Martinis for Melanoma raises a glass to combat cancer


Event organizer Meghan Rothschild and Rock 102’s John O’Brien pose at Martinis for Melanoma, a benefit for the Melanoma Foundation of New England. The event raised over $7,000 Tuesday night at Luxe Bu...
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PVPC releases health survey


GREATER SPRINGFIELD – The Pioneer Valley Planning Commission, on behalf of the Oversight Committee of the Hampden County Shared Public Health Nurse Assistance program, has announced an online Hampden ...
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Phoenix House run/walk to step off Sept. 20 at Forest Park


SPRINGFIELD – Phoenix House New England will host Phoenix House Runs and Walks – For the Health of It! on Sept. 20 at Forest Park, 302 Sumner Ave.

This celebration of life, health, and wellnes
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Local health centers get ACA funds


GREATER SPRINGFIELD – Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Sylvia Burwell announced recently $8,770,906 in Affordable Care Act funding to 37 health centers in Massachusetts to expand primary care...
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Physician’s Focus: Is marijuana really medicine?


Despite a federal ban, little research into its effectiveness, and lack of approval by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the use of marijuana for medical purposes has been approved in 23 states ...
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Cancer survivors set ambitious fundraising goal of $20,000


LUDLOW – An ambitious $20,000 goal was set by Leonor Salvador, Maureen Ender and Robyn Hersey, all cancer survivors, who are hosting the fifth annual Breast Cancer Benefit on Oct. 12 at the ...
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Noble Hospital unveils new breast cancer treatment


WESTFIELD – Noble Hospital now offers a new device that improves the treatment of breast cancer.

The BioZorb Tissue Marker helps physicians deliver more precise radiation treatment and keep tra
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Wingate earns Bronze Award


EAST LONGMEADOW – Wingate at East Longmeadow, has been recognized as a 2014 recipient of the Bronze – Commitment to Quality Award for its dedication to improving the lives of residents through quality...
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‘Martinis’ event benefits Melanoma Foundation of New England


SPRINGFIELD – The Melanoma Foundation of New England (MFNE) announced recently that it will host a fundraising event, Martinis for Melanoma, in Springfield on Sept. 9.

“We're really excited for
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ALA urges those with respiratory issues to seek out vaccinations


GREATER SPRINGFIELD – The American Lung Association (ALA) is advising that everyone, especially those with lung problems, be vaccinated against respiratory infections.

The Centers for Disease
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Time for school immunizations is running out


SPRINGFIELD – Time is running out to get your child’s immunizations up-to-date before the school bells ring once again.

“The countdown is already on in many pediatrician offices to schedule bac
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American Heart Association releases 'Go Fresh' cookbook


SPRINGFIELD – Whether your kitchen is stocked with fresh produce from your local farmers market, the grocery store or your own garden this summer, the American Heart Association’s newest cookbook, Go ...
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Association for Community Living recognizes milestones


SPRINGFIELD – To a backdrop of proud smiles and enthusiastic applause, The Association For Community Living honored individuals it serves for milestones such as overcoming fears, working on lifestyle ...
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Advance care planning is critical in ensuring your wishes are fulfilled


Physicians undergo years of education and training to promote wellness, cure and heal, and protect life.  Yet we also know that death is inevitable, and we are increasingly recognizing the import...
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Fleet Feet Sports, PVWRC team up for 5K training program


SPRINGFIELD – Fleet Feet Sports, a new running, walking, and fitness specialty store serving greater Springfield, is partnering with the Pioneer Valley Women’s Running Club (PVWRC) for a 5K training p...
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Fight for Air Climb slated for Nov. 8


SPRINGFIELD – The Lung Association will host its 7th annual Fight for Air Climb in Springfield at One Monarch Place on Nov. 8 and is offering prospective participants a $15 break on the registration f...
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Gearhart joins ProEx as local community relations specialist


SPRINGFIELD – ProEx, a physical therapist owned private practice specializing in orthopedics, spine and sports medicine announces that Lisa Gearhart of Windsor, Connecticut, has been named as communit...
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Burger King helps Dana-Farber, Jimmy Fund


GREATER SPRINGFIELD – Burger King customers can help fight cancer through Sept. 7 by contributing $1 to the Jimmy Fund through the A Chance for Kids & Families program at participating Burger King...
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Making Strides Against Breast Cancer to host kickoff event at Stanley Park


WESTFIELD – The American Cancer Society Making Strides Against Breast Cancer in Pioneer Valley is inviting residents of the Pioneer Valley to its kickoff event from 6 to 7:30 p.m., Aug. 20 at Stanley ...
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Greater Springfield Senior Services provides six-week course for caregivers


SPRINGFIELD – Greater Springfield Senior Services is offering “Powerful Tools for Caregivers,” a program designed to provide caregivers with the tools needed to decrease stress as they care for aging ...
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McMillian, Fiallo join Noble Hospital’s surgical team


WESTFIELD – Noble Hospital announced additions to the Noble Center for Surgical and Ambulatory Care. General Surgeons Dr. Viriato M. Fiallo and Dr. Ursula McMillian have joined Dr. Kacem Sekkal in off...
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Red Cross seeks donations in order to stave off blood shortage


GREATER SPRINGFIELD – The American Red Cross is facing a looming blood shortage, leading to an urgent need for donors of all blood types to roll up a sleeve and give.
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Blockbuster movie snacking could end up busting your belt


SPRINGFIELD – It’s summer blockbuster movie time and who doesn’t like to munch on some yummy treats while watching creepy-looking space invaders destroy the Earth or eat their sorrows away while “enjo...
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Sonic Urgent Care delivers prompt non-emergency services to area


EAST LONGMEADOW – The popularity of urgent care facilities is on the rise because of its fast, quality medical care and East Longmeadow now has one of its own.

Sonic Urgent Care opened its door
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Red Cross issues blood drive schedule for Aug. 1 to 15


GREATER SPRINGFIELD – The American Red Cross encourages all eligible blood donors to make an appointment to donate blood soon to help prevent a shortage.

During the summer months, on average, a
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Kids Safety Expo set for July 26 at Basketball Hall of Fame


SPRINGFIELD – Massachusetts state officials issued a reminder to families in support of child safety during summer vacation.

The Department of Children and Families, the Department of Public H
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Brumley named Home Health Aide of the Year


WEST SPRINGFIELD – Mercy Home Care Aide Brenda Brumley has been named “Home Health Aide of the Year” by the Home Care Alliance of Massachusetts, a nonprofit trade association of home care agencies tha...
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Red Cross in danger of blood shortage


GREATER SPRINGFIELD – The American Red Cross urges eligible blood donors to roll up a sleeve and give to help prevent a summer blood shortage. Blood donors with types O negative, B negative and A nega...
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Boards of health act as local arms of state health department


Much of their work remains invisible to most residents, yet the work is critically important and affects all citizens across the Commonwealth. For more than 200 years, in fact, ever since 1799 when Pa...
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CDC warns of heat-related dangers


SPRINGFIELD – Whoever thought the summer sun could be so deadly?

Each year some 318 people die in the United States of heat-related illnesses, according to the Centers for Disease Control and P
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Resolve New England aims to educate women on infertility treatment options


Massachusetts is one of 15 states that mandates health insurance plans cover fertility services and Resolve New England, a regional organ...
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Noble VP a top hospital marketer


WESTFIELD – Noble Hospital announced that Allison Gearing-Kalill, vice president of Community Development, has been awarded the 2014 Top Hospital Marketer award from DTC Perspectives. Gearing-Kalill w...
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Cohen named Hackett Memorial Award winner


SPRINGFIELD – Dr. Lewis Cohen of the Psychiatric Consultation Service at Baystate Medical Center has been chosen from among a highly competitive roster of nominations to receive the prestigious 2014 E...
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Doctors Express partners with Steward Health Care


SPRINGFIELD – Doctors Express announced support for a growing trend of health care system partnerships with urgent care facilities. Steward Health Care, the largest fully-integrated community care org...
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Casartellos receive JGS Chairman’s Service Award


LONGMEADOW – Jewish Geriatric Services, Inc. (JGS) presented the 2014 JGS Chairman’s Service Award to Carol J. Kantany Casartello and Charles (Charlie) R. Casartello Jr., and elected officers and new ...
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JCC to offer ShockWave program


SPRINGFIELD – The Springfield Jewish Community Center (JCC) has become the first to offer ShockWave in Western Massachusetts.

Members Dan Weiswasser and Kristen Lyon are among the first to use
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Make dad’s Father’s Day feast a heart-healthy one


SPRINGFIELD – This Father’s Day, give Dad a BBQ celebration from the heart.

Eating a healthy diet can help reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke, the No. 1 and No. 4 leading causes of dea
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Sleep deprivation can have severe health impacts


SPRINGFIELD – Extreme sleep deprivation may affect brain health in later life. Sleep may aid chronic pain sufferers. Sleep apnea linked with blood sugar levels.

These are just a few of the head
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Life Begins @ 50 Expo set for June 6


CHICOPEE – Focusing on the interests and issues of those older than 50 years of age plan to spend the day at the Life Begins @ 50 Expo: “Plan It, Live and Enjoy It.”

The expo is offering real
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Women’s Health Associates add Metzger


SPRINGFIELD –  Women’s Health Associates, a specialized women’s health care practice providing obstetrical and gynecological care in Springfield and Westfield,  announced on May 13 the appoi...
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June blood drives announced


GREATER SPRINGFIELD – The American Red Cross will host several community blood drives during the month of June.

All eligible and new blood donors are encouraged to give blood. Blood donors are
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MotherWoman receives award for maternal, child health care


HADLEY – MotherWoman was recently selected for the Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies Partner Award for their contributions in the area of maternal and child health in the state of Massachusetts.
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Physician’s Focus: Oral, physical health linked


By Hugh Silk, M.D. and Michael Wasserman, D.D.S.

If you’re wondering why a phys
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Spring-cleaning provides dangers for those with respiratory problems


SPRINGFIELD – With the snow long gone and temperatures finally rising, it’s getting to be that time again to open the windows, air out the basement, and vacuum the carpets as spring cleaning season ar...
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Longmeadow resident named Community Clinician of the Year


WALTHAM – Longmeadow resident Francis D. Murray, M.D. has been honored by his peers of the Hampden District Medical Society as the district’s 2014 Community Clinician of the Year, an award recognizing...
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Walk-N-Roll for Spina Bifida on June 7


WESTFIELD – The Spina Bifida Association of Greater New England (SBAGNE) is sponsoring the annual Walk-N-Roll for Spina Bifida. 

The Walk-N-Roll for Spina Bifida is a family-friendly walk
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YMCA to host Stewards of Children


HOLYOKE – The Greater Holyoke YMCA is taking action to combat child sexual abuse by partnering with Darkness to Light (D2L), a nationally acclaimed nonprofit, to bring its award winning prevention pro...
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DPH, Red Cross unveil Patient Connection


BOSTON – The Department of Public Health (DPH) has joined forces with the American Red Cross of Massachusetts and area hospitals to develop a groundbreaking patient tracking database called Patient Co...
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Nine-year-old to serve as Katelynn’s Ride ambassador


AMHERST – Nine-year-old Luke of South Hadley has been named the 2014 Katelynn’s Ride/Walk Ambassador and will participate with his family as part of Team Bradley on June 1.
Luke was diagnosed with a
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Red Cross schedules May blood drives


GREATER SPRINGFIELD – The American Red Cross will hold several community blood drives during the month of May.
All eligible and new blood donors are encouraged to give blood. Blood donors are needed
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May marks American Stroke Awareness Month


SPRINGFIELD – During American Stroke Month in May, the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association asks all Massachusetts residents to learn two things that may save a life: 1) Know if you ...
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Holyoke Medical Center honored with gold


HOLYOKE – Holyoke Medical Center has, once again, received the Get With The Guidelines Stroke Gold-Plus Achievement Award for implementing specific quality improvement measures outlined by the America...
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River Valley Counseling Center’s annual 5K set for June 7


HOLYOKE – River Valley Counseling Center Inc. will host the third annual Run for River Valley, a 5K/1-Mile Walk on June 7 at Ashley Reservoir at Elks Lodge 902, 50 Whitney Ave.
Proceeds from the even
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Melanoma Foundation of New England to launch new campaign


The Melanoma Foundation of New England (MFNE) will launch a new public awareness campaign called “The Annoying Mole” during Melanoma Month, May 2014.
The campaign features an unsightly and “annoyin
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Fundraiser to benefit Noble Visiting Nurse, Hospice


WESTFIELD – Noble Visiting Nurse & Hospice will be hosting its 10th Annual Wine Tasting Fundraiser on May 16 from 6 to 8:30 p.m. at the Tekoa Country Club, 459 Russell Road.
Tickets are $25 in advan
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Loomis Communities employees honored


HOLYOKE – The Citizen Advisory Board of the Holyoke/Chicopee Area Department of Developmental Services recently recognized four employees of The Loomis Communities for “Rewarding Resilient Relationshi...
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NSC aims to bring awareness to risks of distracted driving


SPRINGFIELD – Multitasking may be a good skill when you’re working in an office, but when you’re behind the wheel of a car on the highway, then multitasking – such as text messaging while driving – ca...
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Schreiber appointed president of Baystate Medical Practices


SPRINGFIELD – Dr. John R. Schreiber, MPH, has been appointed president of Baystate Medical Practices and chief physician executive of Baystate Health, joining the health system’s senior leadership tea...
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Decade old report on health disparities contains vital information


By Ronald Dunlap, M.D. and Milagros Abreu, M.D., M.P.H.
Twelve years ago, the Institute of Medicine, the independent health arm of t
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New Lyme Disease Resource Center opens in Northampton


NORTHAMPTON – With the hope of providing resources and services to people living with Lyme disease, Maria Malaguti has launched a new nonprofit, the Lyme Disease Resource Center Inc.
Malaguti, the fo
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Local students coordinate run/walk to aid in battle against cancer


WESTFIELD – Westfield State University students Brittni Peck of Longmeadow and Sean Vanzant of Springfield are organizing a 5K race as part of their senior internship at Strides Human Performance Inst...
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STCC offering Dental Radiology course


SPRINGFIELD – Springfield Technical Community College (STCC), is offering a Dental Radiology course for dental auxiliaries related to fundamental theories and clinical procedures.
Students will be en
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National Nutrition Month encourages Americans to eat healthier


SPRINGFIELD – Any parent knows that if you place something in front of a child that doesn’t taste good, then they won’t eat it.
“Adults aren’t any different. We all want our food to taste good. But,
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Physician recalls early days of treating patients with HIV/AIDS


By Thomas Treadwell, M.D.
On July 3, 1981, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued what may be the most stunning
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Noble Hospital’s annual run/walk at Stanley Park marks 30th year


WESTFIELD – Registration is now open for the 30th Annual Noble Hospital 5k Run & Walk for a Noble Cause, which is scheduled for April 26. The race begins at 9 a.m., with registration from 7:30 to 8:30...
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Springfield College hosts Healthcare Interprofessional Education Committee


SPRINGFIELD – More than 80 health care professionals representing eight surrounding college and universities recently collaborated at Springfield College as part of the Healthcare Interprofessional Ed...
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Motorcycle ride to benefit veterans suffering from PTSD


By Lori Szepelak
CHICOPEE – Motorcycle riders are sought for the first Chicopee Amvets Chapter 12 PTSD/TBI Awareness Ride on May 3, accor
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National Patient Safety Foundation stresses better understanding of health care


SPRINGFIELD – You wouldn’t go into a store to buy a new $1,500 television set without asking any questions, right?
So why should it be any different when it comes to your health care?
In an effort t
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Motorcycle ride to benefit veterans suffering from PTSD


By Lori Szepelak
CHICOPEE – Motorcycle riders are sought for the first Chicopee Amvets Chapter 12 PTSD/TBI Awareness Ride on May 3, accor
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Radiothon to raise funds for Baystate Children’s Hospital


SPRINGFIELD – Luke Bradley was just 6 years old when he began to feel more and more exhausted as the days went by back in the winter of 2011. He’d fall asleep on the bus coming home from school, then...
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Pioneer Valley Women’s Running Club offers Walk-to-Run Clinic


SPRINGFIELD – The Pioneer Valley Women’s Running Club (PVWRC) will offer a Walk-to-Run Clinic, beginning March 20 from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m., at Forest Park. An information session will take place on Mar...
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Stroke remains serious risk for women


SPRINGFIELD –During American Heart Month in February, many women will focus on their risk for heart disease – the No. 1 killer of women. But the American Heart Association (AHA)/American Stroke Associ...
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Roughly 30,000 patients diagnosed with Crohn’s disease each year


By Andrew Warner, M.D.
Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis are digestive disorders that are types of inflammatory bowel disease.
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Minority children more likely to die from not being buckled in


Motor vehicle crash deaths among children age 12 and younger decreased by 43 percent from 2002-2011; however, still more than 9,000 children died in crashes during that period, according to a new Vit...
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NAMI-WM to offer course in Spanish


AGAWAM – The National Alliance on Mental Illness of Western Massachusetts (NAMI-WM) is offering its six-week NAMI Basics education course in Spanish for parents and caregivers of children and teens w...
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Twelve selected as 2014 Go Red Leading Ladies


SPRINGFIELD – The American Heart Association (AHA) recently hosted a search to find inspirational women to become the next Go Red Leading Ladies of Western Massachusetts.
Dozens of women were nomin
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Mercy re-accredited by American College of Radiology


SPRINGFIELD – Western Massachusetts PET-CT Imaging at Mercy Medical Center has been re-accredited for a three-year term by the American College of Radiology (ACR).
PET-CT combines two separate imag
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Sharps disposal regulations clarified


LONGMEADOW – The Massachusetts Department of Public Health has recently issued a clarification of its regulations regarding the disposal of syringes and other sharps used by residents. These regulati...
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Yoga studio offers free classes to survivors of domestic violence


FLORENCE – River Valley Yoga Center, a therapeutic yoga studio, is pleased to announce that Co-Director Susan Elena Esquivel is the recipient of a grant from the Iyengar Yoga Association of New Englan...
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Red Cross announces February blood drives


GREATER SPRINGFIELD – The American Red Cross will host several community blood drives during the month of February.
All eligible and new blood donors are encouraged to give blood. Blood donors are
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Not a cold or a flu? It could be respiratory syncytial virus


SPRINGFIELD – It usually arrives during the winter months, but it’s not the flu or a cold.
It’s the highly contagious virus known as respiratory syncytial virus, more often referred to as RSV, and it
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State health services get favorable grades


SPRINGFIELD – Baystate Medical Center will host its popular Heart and Vascular Health Lecture Series during the month of February beginning with a look at “Heart Health” on Feb. 2.
The Heart and Vasc
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Plenty of exercise opportunities this winter


SPRINGFIELD – When winter blows in, don’t pull the blankets over your head and go back to sleep! Suit up to head out for an outdoor winter adventure.
The American Heart Association recommends
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PACE offers new model for care of disabled elderly


By Lori Szepelak
WEST SPRINGFIELD – Dr. Rachel Broudy touts PACE (Program of All-inclusive Care for the Elderly) as the “best model
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New HealthSouth officially opens


LUDLOW – The new HealthSouth Rehabilitation Hospital of Western Massachusetts, the most modern facility of its kind in New England, has officially opened.
Located at 222 State St., site of the Ludl
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Recent incidents of violence bring mental illness into focus


By John Bradley, M.D. and Michael Tang, D.O., M.P.H.
The names bring unwanted reminders: Newtown, Aurora, Virginia Tech, Fort Hood,
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Local businessmen honored by Jimmy Fund Council of Western Massachusetts


GREATER SPRINGFIELD – The Jimmy Fund Council of Western Massachusetts recently presented three local businessmen with the prestigious Sadowsky Visionary Award during the Council’s annual meeting...
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Red Cross to hold blood drives


GREATER SPRINGFIELD – The American Red Cross will host several community blood drives during the month of December.
All eligible and new blood donors are encouraged to give blood. Blood donors
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Mercy Medical Center receives award for care of stroke patients


SPRINGFIELD – Mercy Medical Center has received the Get With The Guidelines – Stroke Gold Plus Quality Achievement Award from the American Heart Association.
The award recognizes Mercy M
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Red Cross, Big Y team up to aid Philippines


SPRINGFIELD – The American Red Cross has a huge relief response to the Philippines and other surrounding communities underway and Big Y World Class Market is doing its part to send help and hope...
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Local companies, groups do their part with blood donations


By Lori Szepelak
GREATER SPRINGFIELD – As the holiday season gears up, there are countless ways that area residents can help others
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Rays of Hope walk generates $750,000 for breast cancer research


SPRINGFIELD – For most of the past 20 years, Rays of Hope – A Walk and Run Toward the Cure of Breast Cancer has been blessed with good weather and the generosity of the community.
Once ag
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Orthodontist gives back


SPRINGFIELD – October is National Orthodontic Month, and the staff at R. Scott Smith Orthodontics will celebrate by kicking off its Let’s Get Something Straight – Give Back Program.
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Red Cross seeks blood donations in November


GREATER SPRINGFIELD – The American Red Cross will host several community blood drives during the month of November.
All eligible and new blood donors are encouraged to give blood. Blood donor
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Pathologists play significant role in cancer detection


SPRINGFIELD – Rarely, if ever, do viewers see pathologists depicted on television medical dramas such as “Grey’s Anatomy.”
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and a time to recognize the c
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PVPC announces shared public health nurse program for Hampden County


SPRINGFIELD – The Pioneer Valley Planning Commission (PVPC) is pleased to announce the establishment of the Hampden County Shared Public Health Nurse Assistance program. Funding for this program...
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New options make recommended flu vaccinations easier


SPRINGFIELD – There’s plenty new to talk about when it comes to getting your flu shot and preparing for this year’s flu season.
But before getting to the new, the message this year remains the
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Noble Hospital making preparations for 49th annual ball


WESTFIELD – Noble Hospital is preparing for the 49th Noble Ball co-chaired by the Sarat Family: Jack, Jeff, Kim, Chris, Salina, Scott, Hannah, and Nancy Neilson. Join them for Mardi Gras on Nov....
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Rays of Hope run/walk reaches 20-year milestone in Springfield


SPRINGFIELD – Large tents, pink balloons, music, colorful flags and a festive, hopeful atmosphere will welcome participants in Springfield and Greenfield at this year’s annual Rays of Hope – A Walk an...
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Red Cross Hometown Hero nominations


SPRINGFIELD – The American Red Cross is calling for nominations for its annual Hometown Heroes Breakfast.
Each year the chapter’s Hometown Heroes Breakfast honors local individuals and groups
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PVPC establishes shared public health nurse program for Hampden County


SPRINGFIELD – The Pioneer Valley Planning Commission (PCPV) is pleased to announce the establishment of the Hampden County Shared Public Health Nurse Assistance program. Funding for this program...
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National Cholesterol Education Month a reminder to make healthy choices


SPRINGFIELD – How many times have you heard the phrase “know your numbers” when it comes to your health?
National Cholesterol Education Month in September serves as an important reminder for al
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Rays of Hope walk celebrates 20 years on Oct. 20


SPRINGFIELD – When this year’s 20th annual Rays of Hope – A Walk Toward the Cure of Breast Cancer steps off on Oct. 20, it will be a celebration of two decades of women, men and children wal...
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Proton pump inhibitors the most effective in preventing GERD


By Paul G. Donohue, M.D.
DEAR DR. DONOHUE: Is it true that those of us who have to take Prilosec every day are in danger of getting a bone fracture? Should we consider stopping it? – Anonymous
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PowerClean offers free Booiaka class


EAST LONGMEADOW – PowerClean Fitness, 167 Shaker Road, will celebrate Labor Day with a free Booiaka (cardio dance) fitness class on Sept. 3 at 6:30 p.m.
Booiaka is a revolutionary system of tea
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Nurse reveals ‘Miracle of Hospice’ in book


SOUTH HADLEY – Cathy Truehart of Southampton, the author of “The Miracle of Hospice: A Personal Journey of a Hospice Nurse,” will read from her book on Aug. 22 at Gaylord Memorial Library, 47 Co...
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Parents keep promise to son with Steps for Pediatric Cancer Walk


By Katelyn Gendron
GRANBY – Michelle and Ed Cayo of Granby made their son, Nicholas Redmond-Cayo, a promise: They’d make a di
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MGM expands Boots to Business program


SPRINGFIELD – MGM Resorts International has expanded its commitment to the Boots to Business program that helps veterans transition from military service into management positions at properties ...
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Massachusetts residents satisfied with health care


WALTHAM – Seven years into health care reform, and despite longer wait times for appointments with physicians, Massachusetts residents remain as satisfied with the health care they receive as th...
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Mercy Medical Center recognized by SCORE for defect-free care


SPRINGFIELD – Mercy Medical Center has received the Defect-free Care Award from the Stroke Collaborative Reaching for Excellence (SCORE), a voluntary statewide quality improvement collaborative ...
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Red Cross announces August blood drives


GREATER SPRINGFIELD – The American Red Cross will host several community blood drives during the month of August.
All eligible and new blood donors are encouraged to give blood. Blood donors
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MotherWoman to celebrate World Breastfeeding Week in August


HADLEY – MotherWoman, along with local advocates, is celebrating World Breastfeeding Week from Aug. 1 to 8. World Breastfeeding Week was founded in 1992 by the World Alliance for Breastfeeding A...
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Mercy Medical Center named Top100 Community Value hospital


SPRINGFIELD – For the fourth consecutive year, Mercy Medical Center has been recognized as a Top100 Community Value hospital by Cleverley + Associates, a leading healthcare financial consulting ...
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Long waits continue for new patient appointments with primary care doctors


WALTHAM – The Massachusetts Medical Society released its ninth annual Patient Access to Care Study, showing that wait times for new patient appointments with primary care physicians remain long,...
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Obesity remains a major health concern for Americans


By Rick Buckley Jr., M.D., and Mitchell Gitkind, M.D.
Ten years after then-U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Richard Carmona addressed Cong
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Noble Hospital receives Stroke Collaborative's Defect-free Care Award


WESTFIELD – Noble Hospital received the Defect-free Care Award from the Stroke Collaborative Reaching for Excellence (SCORE), a voluntary statewide quality improvement collaborative administered...
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Manhan Internal Medicine completes renovation to offices


EASTHAMPTON – Manhan Internal Medicine, a family medicine practice made up of four health care providers, recently completed an office renovation that doubles the space and makes an on-site bloo...
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Marathon bombings highlight need for emergency preparedness


By Paul Biddinger, M.D. and Mary-Elise Manuell, M.D.

The bombings at the Boston Marathon in April were a stark reminder tha
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Red Cross announces release of new app that provides tornado updates


SPRINGFIELD – The new American Red Cross Tornado App puts help right into the hands of people when tornadoes threaten. It's free and available for iPhone, iPad and Android smart phone and table...
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Red Cross announces golf tournament scheduled for June 24


SPRINGFIELD – The 20th annual American Red Cross Pioneer Valley Chapter Golf Tournament, sponsored by Pellegrini, Seeley, Ryan & Blakesley, P.C., is scheduled for June 24 at Springfield Country ...
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Red Cross releases schedule for June blood drives


GREATER SPRINGFIELD – The American Red Cross will have several community blood drives during the month of June.
All eligible and new blood donors are encouraged to give blood. Blood donors a
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Noble Hospital receives high safety scores


WESTFIELD – Noble Hospital was recognized with an "A" Hospital Safety Score by The Leapfrog Group, an independent national nonprofit run by employers and other large purchasers of health benefit...
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National Nurses Week focuses on quality, innovation of care


SPRINGFIELD – For East Longmeadow nurse Jane Sonack Bedard, RN, the compassionate care she provided at home for her grandmother set the stage for her to bring that same kind of care to patients ...
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Red Cross announces May blood drives


GREATER SPRINGFIELD – The American Red Cross will host several community blood drives during the month of May. All eligible and new blood donors are encouraged to give blood. Blood donors are ne...
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Prenatal yoga open house to take place at River Valley Yoga Center


FLORENCE – River Valley Yoga Center, a therapeutic yoga studio, will host a free open house to launch the studio's new Prenatal Yoga program on May 4 from 12:30 p.m. to 3 p.m.
The event will of
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Newtown police officer named keynote speaker


HOLYOKE – Lt. Christopher M. Vanghele from the Newtown, Conn., Police Department will serve as keynote speaker for the 24th Annual Victim Rights Conference – "Age Old Crimes, Modern Soluti...
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Noble's 5K Run & Walk set for April 27


WESTFIELD – Noble Hospital's 29th Annual 5k Run & Walk for a Noble Cause will take place April 27 at Stanley Park. The race begins at 9 a.m., with registration from 7:30 to 8:30 a.m. near the Ch...
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Mercy Medical Center seeks volunteers


SPRINGFIELD – Compassionate volunteers are needed at Mercy Medical Center to inform local cancer patients of programs, services and resources available to them through the American Cancer Societ...
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Perkins School for the Blind to host Western Mass. Tech Expo


CHICOPEE – The Perkins School for the Blind Education Partnerships Program and Perkins Training Center will present the Fifth Annual Perkins Western Mass Tech Expo on April 6 from 10 a.m. to 3 p...
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Longmeadow to host pneumonia clinics


LONGMEADOW – The Longmeadow Board of Health is taking reservations for Pneumonia Shot Clinics on April 11 from 10 a.m. to noon and 4 to 5:30 p.m. at the Health Room, Greenwood Center (Adult Cen...
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Mercy Medical Center receives accreditation in nuclear medicine


SPRINGFIELD – Mercy Medical Center has been awarded a three-year term of accreditation in nuclear medicine as the result of a recent review by the American College of Radiology (ACR).
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Massachusetts joins rest of country to stress brain injury awareness


GREATER SPRINGFIELD – March is Brain Injury Awareness Month. A brain injury can happen anytime, anywhere to anyone. Statistics show that 1.7 million people sustain a brain injury each year. An i...
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Red Cross announces March blood drives


GREATER SPRINGFIELD – The American Red Cross will hold several community blood drives during the month of March. All eligible and new blood donors are encouraged to give blood. Blood donors are ...
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Melanoma Foundation of New England to host 'No-Tanning Pledge' contest


GREATER SPRINGFIELD – The Melanoma Foundation of New England (MFNE) is hosting its sixth annual Your Skin Is In No-Tanning Pledge contest through April at high schools and colleges across New En...
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Noble Hospital to coordinate Care Transitions Education Project


WESTFIELD – Noble Hospital, in conjunction with Noble Visiting Nurse & Hospice and Westfield Care & Rehab, has been chosen as a pilot site for the Care Transitions Education Project.
Noble Hos
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Major depression the leading cause of disability for people ages 15 to 44


By Marie Hobart, M.D.
Commonly misunderstood, somewhat mysterious, and often stigmatizing, depression is a widespread chronic med
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Preventative cardiology talk kicks off lecture series


SPRINGFIELD – Baystate Medical Center will hold its popular annual Heart and Vascular Health Lecture Series during the month of February beginning with a look at "Preventive Cardiology" on Feb....
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Noble Hospital 5k slated for April 27


WESTFIELD – Registration is now open for the 29th annual Noble Hospital 5k Run & Walk for a Noble Cause on April 27. The race begins at 9 a.m., with registration from 7:30 to 8:30 a.m. in the Ch...
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Lung cancer still difficult to treat


SPRINGFIELD – Lung cancer, especially in its advanced stages, is still very difficult to treat. The good news is that advances in molecular genetics are resulting in new "designer therapies" whi...
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Red Cross announces holiday season blood drives


GREATER SPRINGFIELD – The American Red Cross will have several community blood drives during the month of December. All eligible and new blood donors are encouraged to give blood. Blood donors ...
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National Eating Healthy Day to bring awareness to dangers of salt-heavy diets


SPRINGFIELD – Eating too many salty foods can create all sorts of health problems, including high blood pressure. But did you know a lot of common foods are packed with excess sodium? It's not ...
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Medicare assistance available through deadline


SPRINGFIELD — Until the end of Medicare Part D Open Enrollment Period on Dec. 7, the Department of Elder Affairs and the SHINE Program will provide assistance to those on Medicare with choosing a...
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November blood drives announced


GREATER SPRINGFIELD — The American Red Cross will host several community blood drives during the month of November.
All eligible and new blood donors are encouraged to give blood. Blood donors a
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Local dentist offers cash for candy


SPRINGFIELD — What's a ghost's favorite candy? BOO-ble gum!
One area dentist is redefining the phrase "put your money where your mouth is." This Halloween, trick-or-treaters can bring their exce
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Obesity increases risk of death from breast cancer


SPRINGFIELD – There is plenty of good news to report during Breast Cancer Awareness Month this October when it comes to the fight against breast cancer, and it begins with prevention.
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Noble Hospital announces co-chairs for annual fundraising ball


WESTFIELD – Noble Hospital is proud to announce that Dr. and Mrs. Stanley Strzempko and Dr. Brian Sutton and Mrs. Cherie Santagate-Sutton are the co-chairs of the 48th annual Noble Hospital Bal...
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Rays of Hope walk aims to attract thousands


SPRINGFIELD – Once again this October, as the nation observes Breast Cancer Awareness Month, thousands of walkers, as well as runners, will be hitting the pavement on Oct. 28 to support breast ...
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Red Cross announces October blood drives


GREATER SPRINGFIELD – The American Red Cross will have several community blood drives during the month of October. All eligible and new blood donors are encouraged to give blood. Blood donors ar...
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Physicians set record straight on prostate-specific antigen testing


SPRINGFIELD – First it was their recommendation on breast cancer screening, now it is the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force's (USPSTF) recommendation in May on screening for prostate cancer &#...
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Mass. Medical Society opposes ballot questions


WALTHAM – The Massachusetts Medical Society, the statewide professional association of physicians with more than 24,000 members, today officially declared its opposition to the November ballot q...
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Olympia Sports gives 'a chance for kids'


EAST LONGMEADOW – Through Oct. 7, Olympia Sports customers can help fight childhood cancers by giving $1 to the Jimmy Fund through the A Chance for Kids program. The store chain's goal is to rai...
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New England Urgent Care opens new facility


ENFIELD, Conn. – Many of us have been there at one point or another – the wait to be seen at an emergency room can seem like an eternity. However, the introduction of urgent care facilitie...
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Noble Hospital receives special recognition for stroke patient care


WESTFIELD — Noble Hospital has received the 2012 American Heart Association/American Stroke Association's Get With The Guidelines Stroke Gold Plus Performance Achievement Award. The award rec...
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Noble to sponsor ethics discussion


WESTFIELD — Noble Hospital's Ethics Committee presents Barbara Bennett Jacobs, PhD, MPH, RN speaking on Ethics Committees: Past, Present, and Future Generations. Jacobs will speak on Sept. 12 fro...
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Red Cross launches new Hurricane App


SPRINGFIELD — The American Red Cross launched its official Hurricane App, putting lifesaving information right in the hands of people who live in or who visit hurricane prone areas.
This free ap
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Massachusetts Medical Society releases Access to Care Study


WALTHAM — On Aug. 8, the Massachusetts Medical Society released its 2012 Patient Access to Care Study, containing detailed information on wait times for new patient appointments with physicians a...
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Massage practice "The Flexible Farmer" focuses on keeping professionals healthy


HADLEY — Lydia Irons, a massage therapist, recently announced the opening of her new massage practice, The Flexible Farmer, which focuses on injury prevention and is geared toward professionals i...
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Massachusetts homes contain more lead than rest of U.S.


SPRINGFIELD — Did you know that Massachusetts has the highest percentage of homes with lead than anywhere else in the country — nearly 50 percent — because of the high number of older h...
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Olympics can get children interested in fitness


SPRINGFIELD — The 2012 Summer Olympics are taking place in London. And although most people won't be able to watch the events in person, they can still experience the thrill of victory in their o...
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Red Cross announces blood drives in August


GREATER SPRINGFIELD — The American Red Cross will hold several community blood drives during the month of August. All eligible and new blood donors are encouraged to give blood. Blood donors ar...
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Need for blood donations reaches emergency status


July 9, 2012
By Katelyn Gendron
GREATER SPRINGFIELD — The word "emergency" is not one that is used casually at the Amer
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Moderate coffee drinking found good for the heart


July 4, 2012
SPRINGFIELD — If you drink coffee regularly in moderation, you could reduce your risk of heart failure, according to new research in the American Heart Association's journal C
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Pulmonologist Padmanabhan opens private practice on HMC campus


July 2, 2012
HOLYOKE — Dr. Sivakumar Padmanabhan, a pulmonologist, is pleased to announce the opening of his private pulmonology practice, Pioneer Valley Lung Associates, on the campus of
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Red Cross creates app, puts lifesaving information at public's fingertips


July 2, 2012
SPRINGFIELD — The American Red Cross has launched its official first aid app, putting free and simple lifesaving information right in the hands of smart phone users.
This ap
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Participants raise $165,000 for American Heart Association


June 25, 2012
SPRINGFIELD — The American Heart Association, the largest voluntary health organization fighting heart disease and stroke, recently hosted its 2012 Pioneer Valley Heart Walk
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Learn tips to beat the heat, stay healthy this summer


June 25, 2012
SPRINGFIELD — We wait all winter for it to return. And, when it finally does, it isn't long before we start complaining about it.
It's the warmth of the sun. But, when the
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Lupus called America's most-common, least-known disease


June 25, 2012
By Martin J. Kafina, M.D., F.A.C.R., F.A.C.P.
Lupus has been called America's most-common, least-known disease
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Learn to improve hurricane preparedness this season


June 11, 2012
SPRINGFIELD — Hurricane season runs from June through November. It is important to take the time to improve hurricane preparedness, response and recovery to save lives and pr
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Number of stroke-related deaths drop in United States


May 28, 2012
SPRINGFIELD — According to new federal statistics, stroke has dropped from the No. 3 cause of death in the United States to No. 4.
According to the American Stroke Associa
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Ludlow Community Center, Randall Boys & Girls Club sponsor triathlon on June 3


May 21, 2012
LUDLOW — The Ludlow Community Center/Randall Boys & Girls Club's 22nd Annual Triathlon will take place on June 3 at Chicopee State Park at 8 a.m. Registration begins at 7 a.m.
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Most important step for childbirth is preparation


May 7, 2012
By Erin Tracy, M.D., M.P.H., and Glenn Markenson, M.D.
Massachusetts Medical Society
Having a baby is an exciting event, and most parents' biggest wish is that mother and child co
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National Nurses Week lauds work of 3.1 million


April 30, 2012
SPRINGFIELD — Baystate Medical Center Emergency Department nurse Judith Brown, RN, of East Longmeadow was first attracted to the nursing profession through her mother's comp
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One in every 88 kids is autistic


April 23, 2012
SPRINGFIELD — The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released its latest report on autism on the eve of National Autism Awareness Month (April). And, the news
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Life Enrichment Expo slated for April 26


April 23, 2012
SPRINGFIELD — Caring for parents can leave many questions unanswered. The annual Life Enrichment Expo is a resource for the sandwich generation, which continues to be respon
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Local oral surgeon strives to bring awareness to oral cancer risks


April 23, 2012
By Katelyn Gendron
GREATER SPRINGFIELD — Preventing oral cancer, as with any other, requires decreasing
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Pathways for Parents takes part in Week of the Young Child


April 18, 2012
By Matt Murphy
GREATER SPRINGFIELD — Pathways for Parents, an organization that offers parental suppo
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Meals on Wheels delivers greeting cards to homebound seniors


April 16, 2012
GREATER SPRINGFIELD — Since 2000, Meals on Wheels programs from across the United States have joined together during the month of March to raise awareness about nutrition pr
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Pathways for Parents takes part in Week of the Young Child


April 16, 2012
By Matt Murphy
GREATER SPRINGFIELD — Pathways for Parents, an organization that offers parental support,
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No Small Victories to host Autism Awareness fair April 21


April 11, 2012
SPRINGFIELD — April is Autism Awareness month and No Small Victories invites the public to participate in the No Small Victories Autism Awareness Fair on April 21.
The eve
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Noble Hospital surgery chief to discuss cosmetic procedures


April 9, 2012
WESTFIELD — On April 24 at 6:30 p.m. in Conference Room B, Noble Hospital will sponsor a discussion with Gary E. Russolillo, MD, director of Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery, and
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Noble Hospital sponsors 28th annual 5K run/walk at Stanley Park


April 9, 2012
WESTFIELD — Registration is now open for the 28th annual Noble Hospital 5K Run & Walk on April 28.
The race begins at 9 a.m., with registration from 7:30 to 8:30 a.m. in th
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Red Cross announces local April blood drives


April 2, 2012
GREATER SPRINGFIELD — The American Red Cross will host several community blood drives during the month of April.
All eligible and new blood donors are encouraged to give bl
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Liptzin to keynote health awareness lectures at AIC


March 19, 2012
SPRINGFIELD — Benjamin Liptzin, M.D., chair of the Department of Psychiatry at Baystate Medical Center, will be the keynote speaker at this year's Desmond Tutu Public Health
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Medical literacy a forgotten component of proper health


March 12, 2012
By Andrew Morris-Singer, M.D.
A critical but often overlooked aspect of health care is a topic called 'medic
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Lustman to keynote Cancer Survivors' Day


March 12, 2012
SPRINGFIELD — Singer, songwriter, record producer, and cancer survivor Charlie Lustman will serve as keynote speaker at the 15th annual Rays of Hope Breast Cancer Survivors'
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More star efforts


March 7, 2012
Members of Parker's Peeps, one of many teams that participated in the Oct. 16, 2011 Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation's (JDRF) Walk to Cure Diabetes at Six Flags New England,
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'Minor' heart attacks can create major problems or even death


February 27, 2012
By Paul G. Donohue, M.D.
DEAR DR. DONOHUE: My husband, 46, died suddenly and unexpectedly from a heart attack. An autopsy showed that he died from what the doctor said was a
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Lifestyle changes, not diets, key to weight loss


February 13, 2012
SPRINGFIELD — Are you one of the millions of Americans who each year resolves to lose weight and eat right, but who fails a month or two into the new year?
"The key to y
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Massachusetts shows increases in health care delivery effectiveness


February 6, 2012
SPRINGFIELD — Five years after the enactment of Massachusetts health reform, gains in residents’ access to needed health care have been sustained and first-time reductions
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Patrick administration forms PPD Commission


BOSTON — When Gov. Patrick created the Massachusetts Commission on Postpartum Depression (PPD), he wanted to ensure representation from Western Massachusetts experts who work with mothers. He app...
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Loss of loved ones can affect heart health


January 16, 2012
SPRINGFIELD — Your risk of heart attack may increase during the days and weeks after the death of a close loved one, according to research reported in Circulation: Journa
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Red Cross, Dunkin Donuts team up for ‘Give a Pint, Get a Pound’


January 16, 2012
GREATER SPRINGFIELD — For the fifth year in a row, Dunkin’ Donuts and the American Red Cross are teaming up for the “Give a Pint, Get a Pound” campaign, which provides a
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Mercy Continuing Care facilities garner national praise


January 9, 2011
HOLYOKE — Three Mercy Continuing Care Network facilities have gained national recognition for continuous quality improvement and superior resident and patient satisfaction.
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Local volunteers receive Jimmy Fund’s Sadowsky Visionary Award


January 9, 2011
GREATER SPRINGFIELD — Michael Vinick of Somers, Conn., and Marc Packin, of Longmeadow, each longtime Jimmy Fund supporters and volunteers, recently received the prestigious
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Need for organ donors reaching critical levels


January 9, 2011
SPRINGFIELD — For those who haven’t made any New Year’s Resolutions yet, here’s an easy one to make and keep in 2012.
This year, make a resolution to become an organ donor
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Red Cross to hold Blood Drive in Wilbraham


SPRINGFIELD — The American Red Cross along with family and friends of Craig Anthony Campbell are hosting the eighth annual blood drive in his memory at St. Cecilia’s Church, 42 Main St., Wilbraha...
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Many elements factor into healthy living


By Lynda Young, M.D.
Massachusetts Medical Society
What makes a person healthy?
The genes we inherit are important. So are economic, social, and cultural factors — our incomes, where we live,
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Longmeadow Board of Health offers immunizations


SPRINGFIELD — “It’s a killer. It’s that simple. Drowsy driving is as dangerous as driving while under the influence of alcohol or drugs,” Dr. Ronald Gross, chief, Trauma and Emergency Surgery Ser...
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Local doctor makes ‘Trax’ in path toward eradication of back pain


Jan. 2, 2012
By G. Michael Dobbs
Managing Editor
SPRINGFIELD — As I lay down on the floor of the Maple Street offices of NGC Industries and got into the position to use Lo Bak Trax, I must
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Red Cross announces January blood drives


December 26, 2011
GREATER SPRINGFIELD — The American Red Cross will host several community blood drives during the month of January.
All eligible and new blood donors are encouraged to g
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More women choosing to start families later in life


December 26, 2011
By James N. Martin Jr., MD
Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists
Many women in the U.S. today are choosing to have babies later in life. Although the majority of births
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Photography studio aids children’s hospital


EAST LONGMEADOW — Now in its sixth year, Robert Charles Photography of East Longmeadow is again conducting its “Portraits for Baystate Children’s Hospital” fund-raiser.
Since 2005, the acclaime
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Mass. doctors urge state’s residents to get their flu shots


GREATER SPRINGFIELD — Physicians of the Massachusetts Medical Society are adding their voice to those of other health officials in urging everyone to get vaccinated for this flu season.
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Parkinson’s remains medical mystery


By Anna Hohler, M.D. and Samuel Frank, M.D.
Despite remarkable discoveries and technological advances over the years, medicine still has its mysteries, and Parkinson’s disease is among them.
A ne
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Red Cross announces its holiday fund-raiser


SPRINGFIELD — The holiday season is just around the corner and this year the American Red Cross is urging people to give something that means something by donating to the Red Cross and helping th...
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Red Cross plans local blood drives


GREATER SPRINGFIELD — The American Red Cross will host several community blood drives during the month of November. All eligible and new blood donors are encouraged to give blood. Blood donors a...
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Prescription abuse is the fastest growing drug problem in America


SPRINGFIELD — As drug research progresses and new treatments are developed, doctors are prescribing more drugs for health problems than ever before.
“Prescription and over-the-counter medicatio
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Local dentist sponsoring candy buy-back


SPRINGFIELD — What’s a ghost’s favorite candy? BOO-ble gum!
One area dentist is redefining the phrase “put your money where your mouth is.” This Halloween, trick-or-treaters can bring their exc
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Rays of Hope steps off on Oct. 23


SPRINGFIELD — Once again this October, as the nation observes Breast Cancer Awareness Month, thousands of walkers, as well as runners, will be hitting the pavement locally to support breast healt...
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Noble Hospital wins award for care of stroke patients


WESTFIELD — Noble Hospital has received the 2011 American Heart Association/American Stroke Association’s Get With The Guidelines Stroke Gold Plus Performance Achievement Award. The award recogni...
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NENA hosting inaugural run/walk Oct. 22


SPRINGFIELD — New England Neurosurgical Associates is proud to sponsor the inaugural “We’ve Got Your Back” 5K run/walk, the signature awareness and fund-raising event of The Spinal Research Found...
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Noble to mark Breast Cancer Awareness Month with pink gloves


WESTFIELD — October 2011 marks the 27th year since the first National Breast Cancer Awareness Month (NBCAM) was declared in 1985. Noble Hospital is celebrating this anniversary in a special way &...
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NENA hosting inaugural run/walk Oct. 22


SPRINGFIELD — New England Neurosurgical Associates is proud to sponsor the inaugural “We’ve Got Your Back” 5K run/walk, the signature awareness and fund-raising event of The Spinal Research Found...
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Longmeadow schedules flu vaccinations


LONGMEADOW — The Longmeadow Board of Health announces the following schedule of Flu Vaccination Clinics for Longmeadow residents:
  • Oct. 5 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Greenwood Center. This c...
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D’Amour Cancer Center to host ‘Look Good ... Feel Better’ event


SPRINGFIELD — D’Amour Center for Cancer Care will host the American Cancer Society’s Look Good ... Feel Better on Sept. 26 from 4 to 6 p.m., at 3350 Main St.
Look Good ... Feel Better is a free
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Microburst forces St. Jude Mission to close temporarily


SPRINGFIELD — High winds caused by the July 26 microburst that struck parts of Springfield and surrounding communities has forced the temporary closure of St. Jude Mission Church in Indian Orchar...
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Noble Hospital purging pre-1989 patient records


WESTFIELD — Massachusetts state regulations for the retention of medical records has decreased from 30 to 20 years. This means that if the last time a patient visited Noble Hospital was before De...
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‘Plan to Be Grand’ at JCC senior seminar


SPRINGFIELD – The Baby Boomer generation and their parents have the opportunity to benefit from the Plan to Be Grand seminar at the Springfield Jewish Community Center (JCC), 1160 Dickinson St., on Se...
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Red Cross supports residents through more severe weather


SPRINGFIELD — A tornado, a hurricane, a severe winter storm, or a home fire — they can all bring destruction and chaos to our friends and neighbors, both near and far.
In Massachusetts, r
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Lovin’ Life Festival to benefit paralyzed Holyoke resident


HOLYOKE — On July 16, 2010, Patrick J. Shanahan of Holyoke was shot and paralyzed during a robbery while vacationing in Cape Cod. Shanahan has called this event life changing but not one that wil...
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Longmeadow schedules Pneumonia Vaccination Clinic


LONGMEADOW – The Longmeadow Board of Health has scheduled a Pneumonia Vaccination Clinic open to Longmeadow residents age 19 years or older on Oct. 4 from 3 to 5 p.m. at the Nurse’s Room in the Greenw...
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Open Pantry plans its second annual run/walk


SPRINGFIELD — Open Pantry will be hosting its second annual 5K Run/Walk Against Hunger on Oct. 1. The fund-raiser will take place in beautiful Forest Park. Registration begins at 8:30 a.m. and th...
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Mass. Senior Care Foundation chosen for funding by PIN


NEWTON — Massachusetts Senior Care Foundation announced on Aug. 30 that it has been chosen as one of 11 foundations nationwide to receive funding from Partners Investing in Nursing’s Future (PIN)...
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Pioneer Valley Cardiology receives Nuclear Cardiology accreditation


SPRINGFIELD — Cardiovascular diseases are the number one cause of death in the United States. On average, one American dies every 38 seconds of cardiovascular disease — disorders of the hear...
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Noble announces new dates for Smoking Cessation classes


WESTFIELD — Noble Hospital recently announced the latest Smoking Cessation class dates. This two-part program uses hypnosis to eliminate the desire for smoking and allows the participant to forge...
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Mercy makes U.S. News and World Report ‘best hospitals’ rankings


SPRINGFIELD — Mercy Medical Center has been ranked in U.S. News Media & World Report’s “Best Hospitals” rankings, available online at ...
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Morning sickness unpredictable for pregnant women


By James N. Martin Jr., MD, Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists
Pregnancy-related nausea and vomiting is common in early pregnancy and affects an estimated 70 to 85 percent of pregnant women.
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MassSupport offers free tornado survivor outreach


WESTFIELD — As residents of Hampden and Worcester counties clean up and rebuild in the aftermath of the severe storms and tornadoes of June 1, they may want to take steps to boost their emotional...
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PMS common, but extreme symptoms rare


By James N. Martin Jr., MD, Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists
Breast tenderness, headache, bloating, weight gain — all are common physical symptoms that women experience in the days be
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Local groups keeping an eye on water-borne E. coli


GREENFIELD — As the summer swimming season heats up, three area organizations are teaming up again for a water quality monitoring program that has both given recreational users of the river a reg...
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New way to identify Alzheimer’s early may have been discovered


ST. PAUL, MINN. — A new biomarker may help identify which people with mild memory deficits will go on to develop Alzheimer’s disease, according to a new study published in the June 22 online issu...
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Moriarty named new president of Hampden District Medical Society


GREATER SPRINGFIELD — Dr. Kevin P. Moriarty, chief of Baystate Medical Center Pediatric Surgery, medical director of Pediatric Trauma and Associate Clinical Professor of Surgery, Tufts University...
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Nutrition important during pregnancy


By James N. Martin, Jr., MD
Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists
As your baby’s sole source of nutrition during pregnancy, eating a well-balanced diet is essential. Many women have ques
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Most young Americans' diets put them at higher risk of stroke


SPRINGFIELD — Nine out of 10 Americans between ages 18 and 24 believe they're living healthy lifestyles — yet most eat too much fast food, drink too many alcoholic and sugar-sweetened bevera...
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Pastor John P. Morgan honored


SPRINGFIELD — The American Heart and Stroke Association is pleased to announce that Pastor John P. Morgan of Springfield has been selected as a 2011 National Power to End Stroke Ambassadors Award...
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Noble recognizes staff members for lengthy service


WESTFIELD — Noble Hospital had its annual Employee Service Award Luncheon at the School Street Bistro on May 12.
This year, 50 employees were recognized for a combined total of 760 years of ser
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Nurses celebrated nationwide for hard work


SPRINGFIELD — For many who choose nursing as a career, there is often a defining moment in their lives when they set their sights on health care as their life's work. For Susan Merrigan-Manning, ...
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New procedure at Noble treats reflux without surgery


WESTFIELD — Tens of millions of Americans suffer with daily heartburn or other symptoms of reflux such as regurgitation, chronic cough, hoarseness and dental erosions.
Until recently, these peo
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Red Cross recognizes contributions from local schools


SPRINGFIELD — The American Red Cross Pioneer Valley Chapter thankfully recognized all of the communities, school districts, and students within the Pioneer Valley for generous donations toward th...
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Nugent honored as Clinician of the Year


HOLYOKE — Holyoke physician Anne Nugent, M.D. has been honored by her peers of the Hampden District Medical Society as the district's 2011 Community Clinician of the Year.
The Community Clinicia
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Nets, Armor make partnership official


By Chris Maza
Reminder Assistant Editor
SPRINGFIELD — The New Jersey Nets have a lot of work to do before the National Basketball Association (NBA) has its draft on June 23.
Not only do they hav
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Martins, McDonough to co-chair Heart Walk


SPRINGFIELD — The American Heart Association (AHA), the largest voluntary health organization fighting heart disease and other cardiovascular diseases, recently announced Carlos Martins, senior v...
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Life Enrichment Expo


Baby Boomers and seniors came to the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame on April 28 to learn about new goods and services available to people over 50 at the 20th annual Life Enrichment Expo. ...
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Mom's event to aid parents of autistic kids


By G. Michael Dobbs
Managing Editor
April 18, 2011
SPRINGFIELD — Springfield resident Jacqueline Williams-Hines has gone from being the mother of a child with autism to an author writing bo
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Mom's event to aid parents of autistic kids


April 18, 2011
By G. Michael Dobbs
Managing Editor
SPRINGFIELD — Springfield resident Jacqueline Williams-Hines has gone from being the mother of a child with autism to an author writing b
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Life Enrichment Expo celebrates 20 years


SPRINGFIELD — For those who have questions about their futures or the future of their parents can have them answered at the 20th anniversary of the Life Enrichment Expo, April 28 from 11 a.m. to ...
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Dentists hope to educate public during National Prosthodontics Awareness Week


GREATER SPRINGFIELD — Dr. Vincent J. Mariano and Dr. Thomas J. Vergo of EMA Prosthodontic Associates of Western Massachusetts, the only prosthodontists in the Pioneer Valley since 1984, are looki...
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Noble participates in WSU Health Fair


WESTFIELD — Several Noble Hospital departments were among a variety of health organizations represented at 2011 Westfield State University Health Fair on March 8 in the Ely Campus Center.
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Noble participates in WSU Health Fair


WESTFIELD — Several Noble Hospital departments were among a variety of health organizations represented at 2011 Westfield State University Health Fair on March 8 in the Ely Campus Center.
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Leonard highlights AIC's Tutu health lecture


SPRINGFIELD — Noted epidemiologist Dr. Leonard J. Morse will be the keynote speaker at the Desmond Tutu Public Health Lecture Series at American International College (AIC). The event, which is o...
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More than 350 attend Go Red For Women luncheon


SPRINGFIELD — The American Heart Association hosted its second annual Western Massachusetts Go Red For Women Educational Forum and Luncheon on Feb. 15 generating awareness and funds to benefit wo...
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Red Cross makes $10 million contribution to Japan relief


SPRINGFIELD — The American Red Cross announced on March 14 an initial contribution of $10 million to the Japanese Red Cross Society to assist in its ongoing efforts to provide medical care and re...
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Red Cross celebrates new vehicle


SPRINGFIELD — On March 1, The Pioneer Valley Chapter hosted a reception to celebrate the unveiling of its new Emergency Response Vehicle. The addition of the new vehicle expanded the chapter's fl...
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Locals honored by Jimmy Fund


GREATER SPRINGFIELD — Peter and Korby Clark, owners of Southwick's Ranch Golf Club, and Peggy Grodd of Longmeadow, each longtime Jimmy Fund supporters and volunteers, recently received the presti...
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Red Cross, Coinstar team up


SPRINGFIELD — Spare change piling up? Spare coins can be donated to the American Red Cross at a Coinstar coin counting machine. March is Red Cross Month and what better way to aid the Red Cross t...
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Noble names Bryant president and CEO


WESTFIELD — On March 9, Robert J. Bacon, chair of the Noble Hospital Board of Trustees, announced the appointment of Ron Bryant, currently executive vice president and chief operating officer (CO...
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Osteopathic Medicine Ceremony


Heather Sunter, daughter of Barbra Sunter of Palmer and Richard Sunter of Longmeadow, a first-year student at the University of New England College of Osteopathic Medicine, participated recently in th...
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Red Cross Month marks time to aid those in need


SPRINGFIELD — March is Red Cross Month, a time to herald the enduring spirit of the American Red Cross — channeled through an extended family of volunteers, donors, partners and employees wh...
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Preschool enrichment event


SPRINGFIELD — The Preschool Enrichment Team is hosting its 31st annual conference for early education and out of school time educators on March 11 from 8:15 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at the Sheraton Hote...
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Noble adds member to cardiology team


WESTFIELD — Dr. Yufeng Zhang has recently been appointed to the cardiology staff at Noble Hospital.
Zhang, a board certified cardiologist, is one of three Pioneer Valley Cardiology physicians, a
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March 10 is World Kidney Day


SPRINGFIELD — People with kidney failure are three times as likely to have heart disease and so the National Kidney Foundation Serving Connecticut and Western Massachusetts is urging Americans to...
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Noble Hospital taps Aliotta for chief of medicine position


WESTFIELD — Noble Hospital has announced several staff appointments, effective Jan. 1.
Dr. Armand A. Aliotta has been appointed chief of medicine at Noble Hospital.
Aliotta, who has worked at
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Noble Hospital taps Aliotta for chief of medicine position


WESTFIELD — Noble Hospital has announced several staff appointments, effective Jan. 1.
Dr. Armand A. Aliotta has been appointed chief of medicine at Noble Hospital.
Aliotta, who has worked at
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Preparedness beneficial for surgical patients


By Richard N. Waldman, MD
President, The American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists
Millions of people in the US have surgical procedures each year. Being prepared for surgery beforehand ca
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Red Cross reschedules Jan. 26 DAT meeting


GREATER SPRINGFIELD — The American Red Cross Disaster Action Team meeting and volunteer preview that was originally scheduled to be held on Jan. 26 has been rescheduled to Feb. 2.
On Feb. 2, vi
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Red Cross to hold Disaster Action Team (DAT) meeting


GREATER SPRINGFIELD — Volunteers are the core of the Red Cross. They represent our communities, speak many languages, are different ages and ethnicities and have one thing in common: the desire
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Red Cross salutes two volunteers


GREATER SPRINGFIELD — What do we call people that, with willing hearts, give to their community week after week, year after year, expecting nothing in return? We call them volunteers.
At the Ame
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Red Cross salutes two volunteers


GREATER SPRINGFIELD — What do we call people that, with willing hearts, give to their community week after week, year after year, expecting nothing in return? We call them volunteers.
At the Am
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Noble Hospital partners with Jefferson Radiology


WESTFIELD — Noble Hospital is pleased to announce a new partnership with Jefferson Radiology of East Hartford, Conn., expanding the advanced imaging services already available for patients across...
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Noble Hospital sponsoring spring nutrition class


WESTFIELD — On Jan. 6 at 2 p.m. at The American Inn, One Sawmill Park, in Southwick, Noble Hospital will sponsor a discussion with Kelly Slattery, chief clinical dietitian, RD, LD, at Noble Hospi...
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Longmeadow to host elder eye care clinic


LONGMEADOW — Low vision affects more than 6.5 million Americans age 65 and older.
If you have been told by an eye professional that you are visually impaired in a manner that can not be correct
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Red Cross collecting for its annual toy drive this month


GREATER SPRINGFIELD — The American Red Cross Pioneer Valley Chapter Disaster Action Team launched its annual Holiday Toy Drive on Nov. 30 and is collecting toys at various locations throughout th...
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Preconception care crucial to healthy pregnancies


By Richard N. Waldman, MD
President, The American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists
No woman should die as a result of being pregnant. Yet each day in the US, one to two women die from comp
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Pass on digestion woes this holiday


By Richard N. Waldman, MD
President, The American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists
During the holiday season, delicious and decadent foods are everywhere. Foods that have the potential to
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Production explores depression in elderly


SPRINGFIELD — The Center for Human Development is producing the play "Talking with Dolores," the afternoon of Dec. 15 at the Majestic Theater in West Springfield.
"Talking with Dolores" was wri
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Prescription drugs being abused more than ever before


By Barbara Herbert, M.D.
Special to Reminder Publications
Americans are using prescription drugs in ever-increasing numbers. According to the Centers for Disease Control, nearly half of Americans
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Mass. 37th in keeping kids from smoking


WASHINGTON DC -- Massachusetts ranks 37th in the nation in funding programs to prevent kids from smoking and help smokers quit, according to a national report released today by a coalition of public h...
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Moen named new Providence CEO


SPRINGFIELD -- Daniel P. Moen, president and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Heywood Hospital in Gardner, Massachusetts, has been named as the new President and CEO of the Sisters of Providence Healt...
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Red Cross aims to train 5 million in CPR


GREATER SPRINGFIELD With the increasing importance of compression only or "hands only" CPR in many cardiac emergencies, the American Red Cross has launched an initiative to educate 5 million people ...
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Medicare enrollment begins Nov. 15


Mark your calendars:Medicare Open Enrollment started Nov. 15, and ends on Dec. 31. Whether you have original Medicare, Medicare Advantage, or a prescription drug plan through Medicare Part D, now is ...
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Lung cancer conversation


In conjunction with "The Great American Smokeout," Holyoke Medical Center (HMC) and the American Cancer Society will present a free "Community Conversation on Lung Cancer" on Nov. 18 at 6 p.m. in the ...
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Managing Cases


Debbie Marquis has been named manager of the Case Management Department at Holyoke Medical Center (HMC), according to an announcement by HMC Medical Director Karen Ferroni, M.D.
Marquis is a graduate
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Red Cross sets goal to educate five million people about benefits of CPR


SPRINGFIELD With the increasing importance of compression only or "hands only" CPR in many cardiac emergencies, the American Red Cross has launched an initiative to educate five million people in 20...
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Local dentist plans to host 'candy buy-back'


SPRINGFIELD -- One area dentist is redefining the phrase "put your money where your mouth is." This Halloween, trick-or-treaters can bring their excess candy to Dr. Laura Gramse's office, located at 2...
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Keep kids safe on Halloween


SPRINGFIELD -- On such a potentially dangerous night of the year for child pedestrians as Halloween, Safe Kids of Western Massachusetts, headquartered at Baystate Children's Hospital, urges parents to...
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Neigher family cited by Jewish Geriatric Services for efforts


LONGMEADOW -- Jewish Geriatric Services (JGS) of Longmeadow dedicated its Chapel to the Neigher family of Springfield following Shabbat services on Oct. 2.
The dedication, which was attended by clo
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Mittineague Congregational hosts caregivers' seminars


WEST SPRINGFIELD -- The Parish Nurses of Mittineague Congregational Church will host a series of Alzheimer's caregivers' seminars.
  • Oct. 13, 6:30 p.m., Positive Approach to Dementia Care;
  • O...
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New workshops available at Cancer House of Hope


SPRINGFIELD The Cancer House of Hope, a Westfield and Springfield-based cancer support non-profit organization, is offering free-of-charge workshops for people with cancer, as well as their families ...
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Mass. autism waiver apps available online


BOSTON -- State Rep. Angelo J. Puppolo, Jr. has announced applications for the Massachusetts Department of Developmental Services' Children's Autism Waiver Program are now available online and in his ...
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Noble Hospital announces Oct. community events


WESTFIELD -- Noble Hospital is recognizing National Breast Cancer Awareness Month (NBCAM) with several events scheduled in the community and at the hospital throughout the month of October.

Noble Hospital to host 46th annual ball


WESTFIELD -- Bill and Jan Parks and Bo and Kristin Sullivan will serve as co-chairs for the 46th annual Noble Hospital Ball, the signature annual fundraising event for the hospital.
The black-tie gal
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Look Park to host Sept. 26 walk for diabetes


GREATER SPRINGFIELD -- Come join the American Diabetes Association's 2010 Step Out Walk to Fight Diabetes on Sept. 26 at Look Park in Northampton.
This annual community fundraising event brings toge
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Morris, Wingo headline JDRF event


Springfield -- University of Massachusetts Head Football Coach Kevin Morris, and his wife, Rebeccas, are serving as co-chairs of the 2010 Western Massachusetts Walk to Cure Diabetes for the second co...
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Red Cross offering new nursing assistant and home health classes


GREATER SPRINGFIELD -- In today's economy many local residents are looking for ways to increase their employability. The American Association of Colleges of Nursing reports that the United States is p...
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Red Cross provides lunch to emergency workers


The American Red Cross Pioneer Valley Chapter Disaster Action Team provided lunch to 50 emergency workers at the Blandford rest area sulfuric acid spill cleanup on Aug. 4. Shown here is American Red ...
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Pneumonia Clinics


LONGMEADOW The Longmeadow Board of Health has scheduled two pneumonia vaccination clinics, open to residents age 18 years or older. The first is Sept. 14 from 10 to 11 a.m., the second is Sept. 16 f...
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Mass. senior facilities garner awards


GREATER SPRINGFIELD -- Of the 36 Massachusetts Senior Care member long term care facilities that will be honored in Long Beach, California as part of the American Health Care Association (AHCA)/Nation...
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MEMA offers tips for dealing with summer severe weather


GREATER SPRINGFIELD -- This summer we have experienced a number of tornado watches and warnings.
Tornadoes are nature's most violent storms, with whirling winds that can reach 300 mph. Spawned from
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Little Leaguers helping to strike out cancer


BOSTON Some remarkable boys and girls from the Springfield Little League are trying to take a swing at cancer, both on and off the field. As a part of the 2010 Jimmy Fund Little League Program pres...
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Online searches rack up funds for Valley's Red Cross


SPRINGFIELD -- What if the American Red Cross Pioneer Valley Chapter earned a donation every time you searched the Internet? Or how about if a percentage of purchases you made online went to support o...
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Local caregiving company receives national recognition


SPRINGFIELD Representatives from leading aging organizations and agencies from around the nation convened in St. Louis, Mo., earlier this month to honor the 2010 winners of the National Family Care...
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McDonald House Charities now accepting grant applications


GREATER SPRINGFIELD Ronald McDonald House Charities (RMHC) of Connecticut and Western Massachusetts is accepting applications for grants to be awarded in the fourth quarter of 2010. The deadline i...
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'Pink Tea' to be served


SPRINGFIELD -- Mercy Medical Center's Sister Caritas Cancer Center is partnering with the American Cancer Society for a special event designed to provide education and resource information for women ...
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Mercy Medical receives Community Value Award


SPRINGFIELD Mercy Medical Center was recently recognized as a top-ranked Community Value Provider by Cleverley and Associates of Columbus, Ohio.
Cleverley and Associates, a leading healthcare fin
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MEMA offers tips on power outage safety measures


FRAMINGHAM "The severe winds experienced during hurricanes and tropical storms have the potential to cause power outages throughout the Commonwealth during this Hurricane Season," Massachusetts Emer...
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Red Cross set to host blood drive at Castle of Knights


CHICOPEE -- The American Red Cross will be hosting its second-annual "Largest Blood Drive in Western Mass." on July 13.
The blood drive, which will run from noon to 7 p.m., is slated to take place at
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Red Cross offers help for Nurse Assistants


WESTFIELD -- Greater Westfield American Red Cross has added a new help for Nurse Assistants in need of completing their annual 12 contact hours.
Nurse Assistants can obtain literature and quizzes to
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Longmeadow Board of Health encourages all those who picnic to exercise food safety tips


LONGMEADOW With picnic season upon us, the Longmeadow Board of Health has provided the following food safety tips to help prevent food poisioning during warm-weather dining:

Mercy appoints Wolf as new vice president


Springfield Scott A. Wolf, D.O., MPH, has been appointed to the position of vice president of medical affairs and chief medical officer for Mercy Medical Center. In this position, Wolf will serve a...
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Red Cross Pioneer Valley honors volunteers and staff


GREATER SPRINGFIELD The American Red Cross Pioneer Valley Chapter honored several volunteers and staff for their outstanding contributions to the organization at its Annual Meeting May 20 at the Spr...
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Local nurse graduates inducted into Beta Zeta Honor society


GREATER SPRINGFIELD Induction of new members and officers of the Beta Zeta at Large chapter, Honor Society for Nurses, Sigma Theta Tau International took place May 1 at American International Colleg...
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Learn to keep pressure down during High Blood Pressure Education Month


SPRINGFIELD -- Getting your blood pressure checked is one of the easiest and most important medical tests you can have done.
"High blood pressure is a primary risk factor for heart disease and stroke
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Nationally-known nurse researchers to speak at JGS conference May 27


Longmeadow -- Jewish Geriatric Services' (JGS) Fifth Annual Research Conference will take place at the Julian J. Leavitt Family Jewish Nursing Home on May 27. "Nursing Ethics Across Levels of Care" is...
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MDS Foundation announces grants for dental health


GREATER SPRINGFIELD The Massachusetts Dental Society (MDS) Foundation is launching a new grant-giving program, dedicated to improving the oral health of Massachusetts residents.
As a philanthropic
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'Light of Hope' spotlighted holistic cancer prevention


EAST LONGMEADOW The May 2 "Light of Hope" Walk for Cancer Prevention was the second annual cancer prevention awareness event sponsored by and for one of the ongoing projects of the Holistic Retreat...
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May 8 marks 21st annual Cornelia de Lange Syndrome Awareness Day


The 21st annual National Cornelia de Lange Syndrome (CdLS) Awareness Day takes place May 8.
CdLS Awareness Day is an opportunity to educate the public and healthcare professionals about the little-kn
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Life Enrichment Expo draws crowd


Dolores Sacco of Springfield is seen at the booth of Westfield Family and Sports Chiropractic with staff member Tay Silveira. Sacco was one of about 1,500 people who attended the annual event for seni...
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Potluck to examine power of gluten-free diets


GREATER SPRINGFIELD On May 23 at 5 p.m., Teri Cummings will lead a seminar on "The Power Of Eating Gluten Free" at the Northern Connecticut Vegetarian's Potluck. Anyone interested in improving his o...
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Mass. Dental Society Foundation 'grants' access to oral health programs


GREATER SPRINGFIELD The Massachusetts Dental Society (MDS) Foundation is launching a new grant-giving program, dedicated to improving the oral health of Massachusetts residents.
As a philanthropic
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Protect hearing, health on Noise Awareness Day


SPRINGFIELD What? Excuse me? Can you repeat that? Do you find yourself saying these words all day long? If so, you're not the only one.
Some 28 million Americans suffer from some degree of hearing
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Pioneer Valley Red Cross launches Facebook and Twitter pages


GREATER SPRINGFIELD As part of its mission to help residents prevent, prepare for and respond to emergencies, the American Red Cross Pioneer Valley Chapter is reaching out via Facebook and Twitter. ...
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Local business leaders step up to raise awareness and get Western Mass walking


SPRINGFIELD From coast to coast, including right here in Western Massachusetts, Americans will lace up their sneakers and take steps literally to increase physical activity. National Start! Walk...
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Learning to live with chronic back pain


By Janet D. Pearl, M.D.
Special to Reminder Publications
For most Americans, aches and pains come and go. However, roughly 10 percent of Americans experience chronic pain or pain that lasts longer t
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VHP celebrates 15 years


Vincent J. McCorkle, FACHE, president and CEO, Sisters of Providence Health System, accepts a handmade Vietnamese wooden boat presented to him on Feb. 18 in thanks for his support of the Vietnamese...
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New scanning technology comes to Springfield


March 1, 2010
By Courtney Llewellyn
Reminder Assistant Editor

SPRINGFIELD - This reporter was shocked by the "baby" in the bassinet that greets you when you first step into the Accu-Vista off
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Northern Conn. Vegetarian Society invites public to monthly potluck


GREATER SPRINGFIELD -- The Northern Connecticut Vegetarian Society is a non-profit organization which advocates a compassionate and healthy vegetarian diet. We have monthly potlucks with a featured sp...
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MassDEP Retrofit Program


BOSTON State Rep. Angelo J. Puppolo Jr., D-Springfield, is pleased to announce grant applications are available through the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) to install ...
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National Children's Cancer Society is now accepting applications for scholarship program


There are currently more than 270,000 survivors of childhood cancer in the U.S. In 2010, one out of every 250 young adults living in the U.S. will have survived a childhood cancer.
To assist these
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Martinis for Melanoma on tap at Basketball Hall of Fame Feb. 22


GREATER SPRINGFIELD The incidence of melanoma, the second most common cancer among teens and young adults aged 15 to 29, is rising faster than any other cancer. It is also one of the most preventabl...
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"More Than Sad: Teen Depression" film now available


GREATER SPRINGFIELD The American Foundation of Suicide Prevention (AFSP) has produced a film project that aims to educate high school students about depression.
Since the majority of suicides are
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National Health Career Association Examination


The Greater Westfield American Red Cross, located at 48 Broad St., Westfield, will host a National Health Career Association Examination on Feb. 24 at 2 p.m.; March 26 at 9 a.m.; Aug. 25 at 2 p.m.; an...
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Mercy noted for high Patients First score from MHA


SPRINGFIELD Maintaining patient safety and providing high quality care are among the highest priorities for Mercy Medical Center, and this commitment to excellence is evident in the recent statewide...
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Nursing home advocates sought, training to begin Jan. 26


GREATER SPRINGFIELD Greater Springfield Senior Services is seeking caring individuals to serve as volunteer advocates for residents of nursing homes and rest homes through its long term care ombudsm...
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Life Enrichment Expo slated for April 22 at the Basketball Hall of Fame


GREATER SPRINGFIELD Are you in need of new resources or advice for your future plans? Whether you are advocating on behalf of yourself or a parent, you will find useful tools at the 19th Annual Li...
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Protect yourself from sinusitis this cold, flu season


By Dr. Jerry Schreibstein, MD, FACS
Ear, Nose & Throat Surgeons of W. Mass.
With the cold and flu season already upon us, sinusitis cases won't be far behind, and neither will the call for antibiotic
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New Year's Day yoga classes benefit the Open Pantry


EAST LONGMEADOW Heartsong Yoga "Will Teach Yoga for Food" on New Year's Day at 3 p.m. Two free classes will take place. Belth Wadden will lead an all levels Kripalu-style yoga class that will be sui...
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Massachusetts Medical Society adopts policy opposing biomass power plants


WALTHAM On the grounds that biomass power plants pose an unacceptable risk to the public's health by increasing air pollution, the Massachusetts Medical Society (MMS) has adopted a policy opposing ...
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Polish National Credit Union participating in Red Cross' annual stuffed animal fundraiser


The American Red Cross Pioneer Valley Chapter is having its annual stuffed animal fundraiser to support local disaster relief services of the chapter serving greater Hampden, Hampshire and Franklin c...
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MEMA offers some safety tips for this winter season


The Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) has issued information regarding safety precautions to be taken on frozen lakes, rivers and ponds.
"Before we experience a tragedy that is unfort
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Mindful Awareness Practice


For those in grades 9 - 12. All of us have stress in our lives, but how can we deal with it in a healthy way? There are simple and effective ways to deal with stress. Over 30 years of scientific resea...
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Promoting Holistic Health


On Nov. 1, the Holistic Retreat & Institute, a non-profit organization located at 280 North Main St., East Longmeadow, hosted its premier event, "A Walk for Healthy Life," led by the institute's found...
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Movember aims to make a difference in men's health


By Courtney Llewellyn, Reminder Assistant Editor
SPRINGFIELD It's time to put away everything pink and focus on growing your best Rollie Fingers homage or support those who are.
Movember (
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LHS volleyball aims to score an ace against cancer


By Courtney Llewellyn
Reminder Assistant Editor

LONGMEADOW The defending Western Mass girls' volleyball champions fight a battle on the court with every opponent they face. This year, they're also
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MassMutual once again offering LifeBridge insurance sign ups


SPRINGFIELD Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company (MassMutual) is giving away free $50,000 life insurance policies to working families throughout Western Massachusetts and Northern Connecticut...
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Noble Hospital and Health Systems announces executive transition


WESTFIELD The Board of Trustees of the Noble Health Systems and of Noble Hospital together with George Koller announces the departure of Koller as President and Chief Executive Officer, effective Se...
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Recruiter's rally for the Greater Springfield CROP Hunger Walk set for Sept. 14


SPRINGFIELD A Recruiter's Rally for those planning to participate in the 2009 Greater Springfield CROP Hunger Walk will take place Sept. 14 from 6 to 7:30 p.m. at Trinity United Methodist Church, 36...
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Nationwide Kidney Walk helps those close to home


Patricia Reddick-Johnson is currently a patient receiving dialysis treatments at the ARA Springfield Dialysis on Liberty Street. This is her first year participating in the Western Massachusetts Ki...
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Professor studies long-term effects of bullying


By Natasha Clark
Assistant Managing Editor

When considering the long-term effects of bullying, it is rare to measure them by the bully. But Elizabeth Stassinos, associate professor of criminal justi
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Organization looks for those willing to help on 'Road to Recovery'


By Lori Szepelak

HOLYOKE -- Maura Schiavina's career had been spent on the road as a lieutenant with the Massachusetts State Police, but now in her retirement, she traverses the roads f
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Plosky joins Ear, Nose & Throat Surgeons of Western New England


SPRINGFIELD Ear, Nose & Throat Surgeons of Western New England has announced that Dr. Daniel Plosky, MD will practice in its Springfield, Northampton and Ware offices. An otolaryngology (ENT) specia...
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New eye procedure offers alternative to Lasik


HOLYOKE For Dr. Kevin Hulseberg, a little patience paid big dividends for his patients.
Although in May, Hulseberg became one the first Western Massachusetts physicians to perform a new version of
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Organization looks for those willing to help on 'Road to Recovery'


By Lori Szepelak

HOLYOKE Maura Schiavina's career had been spent on the road as a lieutenant with the Massachusetts State Police, but now in her retirement, she traverses the roads fo
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Life Line Screening comes to East Longmeadow


Residents living in and around the East Longmeadow community can be screened to reduce their risk of having a stroke or bone fracture. The St. Mark's Episcopal Church will host Life Line Screening on...
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Local fitness trainer explains why all diets die in new book


By Courtney Llewellyn
Reminder Assistant Editor

EAST LONGMEADOW That New Year's resolution you set way back in January may be coming back to haunt you right now, in the time of hamburgers, hot dogs
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Physical therapist Lynne Weidl joins Performance Rehabilitation


EAST LONGMEADOW Performance Rehabilitation is pleased to announce the addition of Lynne Weidl PT, to our physical therapy team at 80 Denslow Rd. in East Longmeadow.
Weidl has over 15 years of exp
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Pulmonologist Dr. Robert Kaslovsky joins Baystate Children's Hospital


SPRINGFIELD Pediatric pulmonologist Dr. Robert Kaslovsky has joined the Department of Pediatrics at Baystate Children's Hospital where he is serving as chief of the Pediatric Pulmonology Division.
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Mall Walkers


The Chicopee Visiting Nurse Assoc. sponsors a free health presentation on June 10 at 9 a.m. at Eastfield Mall Food Court. Mary Beth Stawarz, RN will discuss "Maintaining a Healthy Heart Is Only a Call...
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MDA's Stride and Ride fundraiser to take place at Holyoke Mall


The Western Massachusetts Chapter of the Muscular Dystrophy Association will host their Stride and Ride, a family-based fundraising walk, on June 7 from 8:30 to 10 a.m. at the Holyoke Mall, first flo...
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Pedal power to raise funds for Cancer House of Hope


By Ashlene Ferris
Staff Intern

WESTFIELD Pedal for hope on the road to a cure. The Cancer House of Hope will host its eighth annual Heidi's Chain of Hope Bike Ride on May 17.
The Cancer House of
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Learning how to face end-of-life issues


By Jack Evjy, M.D.

As a physician who has specialized in medical oncology for four decades, I know well how death and dying can affect patients and their families. End-of-life issues are never easy
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Living today for a better tomorrow


May is Older Americans Month, a great time to bring attention to the issues that affect older adults and create community-wide opportunities to help older Americans improve their quality of life. Thi...
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Local student gains acceptance into coveted Harvard-MIT Bioinformatics Summer Program


AGAWAM " Monica Lefebvre of Feeding Hills, a junior at Bay Path College, has recently been accepted into the Harvard-MIT Bioinformatics Summer Program, based at the Massachusetts Institute of Techno...
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New staff hired at Jewish Geriatric Services


Jewish Geriatric Services is pleased to announce these recent hires at our healthcare system serving seniors and their families.
Danielle Withroder of Manchester, Conn., has been appointed Developm
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Nutrition expert to reveal ways to create a healthy you


CHICOPEE " On March 30 at 7:15 p.m., St. Anne Church will present a public service event, A Healthy You, in its parish hall.
The evening will open with Nancy Dell, best known for her Food
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Providence Hospital boasts 100 percent patient satisfaction


HOLYOKE " It s been said that you cannot please all of the people all of the time, but that s exactly what they are doing in two programs at Providence Behavioral Health Hospital. The Adu...
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Life Enrichment Expo gives "scoop" on boomer services


SPRINGFIELD " The 18th Annual Life Enrichment Expo at the Basketball Hall of Fame, April 23 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., is the original major event of its kind for those aged 50 and older. Again this ye...
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Make your move to a healthier lifestyle


By Bruce Auerbach, M.D.

Massachusetts wants us to move. No, it s not about living elsewhere. It s about physical movement, as in exercising our bodies (and exercising better judgment about what
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The Grammar School at Somersville is again offering a Preschool Story Time March 4 - April 29. The children will meet on Wednesdays from 9:30 - 10:30 a.m. in the Music Room at the Grammar School at So...
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Mall Walkers Club


YMCA of Greater Springfield sponsors the Mall Walkers Cub health presentation on March 4 at 9 a.m., Eastfield Mall Food Court. Courtney Harness, health and wellness director, will discuss and demonstr...
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Library hosts health talk


CHICOPEE The Chicopee Public Library will welcome Gina Welch, Licensed Massage Therapist, to give an afternoon talk on Feb. 28 that will educate people about using massage to enhance their bodies' i...
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Red Cross offers AED training


Learning CPR and how to use an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) can quite possibly mean the difference between life and death for someone suffering from Sudden Cardiac Arrest.
Sudden cardiac
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'Pauline is begging' for help for liver transplant recipient


Phyllis and Don Chretien have been living in Florida since November 2007 due to Don's need for a liver transplant.
By Courtney Llewellyn
Reminder Assistant Editor
In August 2008, Pauline Bea
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Northern Connecticut Vegetarian Society to host Celtic evening


The Northern Connecticut Vegetarian Society is a nonprofit organization which advocates a compassion and healthy vegetarian diet. We wish to provide support to vegetarians by building a community for...
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Northern Connecticut Vegetarian Society to host Celtic evening


The Northern Connecticut Vegetarian Society is a nonprofit organization which advocates a compassion and healthy vegetarian diet. We wish to provide support to vegetarians by building a community for...
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Mercy's Outpatient Services earn Silver Service Excellence Award


SPRINGFIELD Outpatient Surgery Services at Mercy Medical Center has been the site of quality improvements and extensive renovations in recent months, and the efforts have led to its selection for a ...
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NAMI hosts speaker on jail diversion and mental illness


The National Alliance on Mental Illness of Western Massachusetts with support from Eli Lilly will host national speaker Leon Evans, President/Chief Executive Office the Center for Health Care Service...
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Mall Walkers Club


Social Security Administration sponsors the Mall Walkers Club health presentation on Feb. 4 at 9 a.m. at the Eastfield Mall Food Court. Daniel Moraski, Public Affairs Specialist for the Social Securi
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Marceau Fund delivers gift to Spectrum Hospice for those nearing end-of-life


LONGMEADOW Spectrum Home Health and Hospice Care, a program of Jewish Geriatric Services (JGS), received a special holiday gift from the Albert E. & Lillian M. Marceau Fund for the Terminally Ill. T...
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Making progress against obesity


By Denise Rollinson, M.D.

In 2001, then-U.S. Surgeon General David Satcher issued a "call to action" on overweight and obesity, saying both conditions "may soon cause as much preventable disease an
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'Let's Talk' about holistic healing at Storrs Library


By Katelyn Gendron
Reminder Assistant Editor

Eleven years ago, Peggy Hoime would begin her days stressed, not because of her work to teach rambunctious elementary school students or her monthly bill
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New medical director appointed for the CHD


SPRINGFIELD Dr. Louis Velazquez has recently been appointed as the new medical director for the Center for Human Development (CHD).
Velazquez joins CHD at a time when the merger with Child & Fami
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Portrait session fundraiser to benefit Baystate Children's Hospital


SPRINGFIELD To raise much-needed funds for Baystate Children's Hospital in Springfield, Robert Charles Photography in East Longmeadow is donating $50 from every portrait session purchased between no...
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Come make a free personalized gift box or gift tag at Better Life Whole Foods, 1500 Allen St., Springfield, on Dec. 20 at 10:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Learn how to recycle your old holiday cards to make las...
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Memorial scholarship helps students help others


By Katelyn Gendron
Reminder Assistant Editor

Michael Hamblin of Worcester was a model child an honor student, an outdoorsman and a loving son and brother up until high school. At the age of 19,
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Red Cross anticipates 'huge' demand for lifeguards in 2009


The demand for American Red Cross lifeguards this year is likely to be huge. Now is a good time to take a Red Cross lifeguard training or enhancement training course for lifeguards.
"Being a Red Cr
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Mall Walkers to give presentation on avoiding cancer


American Cancer Assoc. sponsors the Mall Walkers Club health presentation on Dec. 10 at 9 a.m. at Eastfield Mall Food Court. Crystal Brown, Community Executive for Health Initiatives, will discuss "S...
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Medicare Part D sign up deadline approaching


By G. Michael Dobbs
Managing Editor

SPRINGFIELD People receiving Medicare Part D coverage of their prescriptions need to know they have until to Dec. 31 to choose the plan that is best for them.
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Life Line Screening offers proactive step in maintaining health


By Courtney Llewellyn
Reminder Assistant Editor

Do you know what the symptoms for an abdominal aortic aneurysm are? What about atrial fibrillation or peripheral arterial disease?
According to WebMD
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Learn the patient's role in preventing infections


By Ronald B. Goodspeed, M.D.

An estimated 100,000 patients will die this year from infections they get while in the hospital. According to the Centers for Disease Control, last year in Massachusett
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Organization offers help and hope


Cheryl A. Gorski, executive director, Cancer House of Hope Inc., on right, and Anita Smith Christopher, Ed.D., look over some of the new wigs available for area women in Springfield. The Cancer Hou...
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Mammograms still the best way to detect breast cancer, despite falling rates


SPRINGFIELD "Think you're too busy? What's your excuse for not getting your annual mammogram?" Dr. Grace Makari-Judson, medical director of the Comprehensive Breast Center, part of the Baystate Regi...
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MassMutual offering free life insurance


SPRINGFIELD MassMutual will issue $50,000 term life insurance policies to benefit children of eligible working families in the Greater Springfield area, at no cost to the families MassMutual pays ...
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Local company, family support Red Cross Disaster Relief


The American Red Cross continues to help individuals and families affected by the 2008 storms and hurricanes this season: Dolly, Edouard, Fay, Gustav, Hanna and Ike. After responding to more than 60 ...
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Models of Life to celebrate breast cancer survivors


SPRINGFIELD Models of Life, a breast cancer awareness/survivor multimedia celebration at American International College, 1000 State St., will be taking place Oct. 3 from 6 to 8 p.m. This is presente...
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Q&A: Time to test your flu IQ


By Bruce S. Auerbach, M.D.

Even as infectious diseases like West Nile virus, Lyme disease and EEE still command our attention, we're now on the edge of the flu season, and it's not too early to remi
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Podbielski earns Humanism in Medicine Award


SPRINGFIELD Francis J. Podbielski, MD, FACS, Medical Director of the Lung Cancer Program at Mercy Medical Center, will receive the Felix G. Cataldo, MD "Humanism in Medicine Award" on Sept. 17.
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Mercy Healthy Communities Corps Team formed


SPRINGFIELD Commonwealth Corps volunteers will join the ranks of the Sisters of Providence Health System (SPHS), thanks to a $131,000 grant from the Massachusetts Service Alliance in partnership wit...
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Puppolo announces Senior Benefit Expo


State Rep. Angelo J. Puppolo Jr. (D-Springfield) is pleased to announce that a Senior Benefit Expo will take place in Springfield at the Greenleaf Community Center located at 1188 Parker St. on Oct. ...
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Preparing for nursing offered at STCC


Springfield Technical Community College will be hosting information sessions this fall for anyone interested in applying to the highly-regarded RN Nursing program.
Louisa Davis-Freeman, Dean of Admi
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Glenmeadow Retirement Community sponsors the Mall Walkers Club health presentation. George DePina, certified fitness trainer, will discuss "Nutrition and Exercises Especially for Seniors." Join us at ...
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Mosquitoes: Beware the bite


By Thomas L. Treadwell, M.D.

Public health officials tracking infectious diseases are on heightened alert this year, as an extraordinarily wet spring and summer have led to an explosion in the mosq
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Pool tournament to benefit Womanshelter/Companeras


Womanshelter/Companeras will sponsor their Fifth Annual Charity Pool Tournament on Sept. 13 at Maximum Capacity in Chicopee. This event has been popular with pool players from around the Pioneer Val...
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Mercy Medical now uses "Wii-habilitation" with patients


SPRINGFIELD Nintendo's Wii video game system has long been popular with teens, allowing them to simulate the movements of boxing, bowling or a game of tennis from the comfort of their homes. Now the...
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Mercy Medical Center now offering free WiFi


Mercy Medical Center now offering free WiFi for patients and visitors
SPRINGFIELD Free wireless Internet access for patients and visitors is now available throughout the Mercy Medical Center campus,
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More West Nile Virus cases reported in Western Massachusetts


BOSTON The Massachusetts Department of Public Health (DPH) announced that several additional samples of West Nile Virus (WNV) were identified this past week. WNV activity has now been confirmed in...
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Mall Walkers at Eastfield


Baystate Rehabilitation Care sponsors the Mall Walkers Club Health Presentation. Maria Funk, occupational therapist, will discuss "Safety in the Home, How to Prevent Falls and Injuries." Join us at Ea...
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Support the fight against diabetes


SPRINGFIELD Diabetes robbed James Walter Clark Jr. of his life. He never made it to his 23rd wedding anniversary. He never saw his only daughter's 16th birthday. He never met his additional four gra...
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Raczkowski named to Board of Directors of CHPA


Adam D. Raczkowski of W.F. Young Inc. in East Longmeadow, international marketers of the Absorbine Jr. line of consumer health care products and the Absorbine line of equine health care products, has...
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Nurse manager named at Holyoke Medical Center


HOLYOKE Lynn Grondin, R.N., B.S.N., has been promoted to the position of nurse manager for Perioperative Services at Holyoke Medical Center. The announcement was made by Ward Mulford, R.N., director...
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Rays of Hope Golf Classic to raise funds for breast cancer recovery


SPRINGFIELD The Springfield Country Club will once again host the Rays of Hope Golf Classic scheduled for June 30. The proceeds of the event will go to Rays of Hope, an organization that partners wi...
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Longmeadow blood donor recognized at Fenway Park


Longmeadow resident Emily Laurenzano was honored on the field at Fenway Park prior to the Boston Red Sox game against the Toronto Blue Jays on April 30. Laurenzano, who was named the Blood Donor of t...
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Longmeadow blood donor recognized at Fenway Park


Longmeadow resident Emily Laurenzano was honored on the field at Fenway Park prior to the Boston Red Sox game against the Toronto Blue Jays on April 30. Laurenzano, who was named the Blood Donor of t...
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Learn sun safety at seminar


SPRINGFIELD The bright sunshine has returned and summer is just around the corner as thoughts turn to protecting your skin from the sun's harmful rays whether at the beach or working at home in the ...
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PVPC offering updated regional bike map


The Pioneer Valley Planning Commission has completed an update to the popular regional bicycle map, last updated in 2005.
The Pioneer Valley Regional Bike Map is designed to be a tool for active us
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Red Cross Pioneer Valley Chapter offers First Aid/


At the American Red Cross Pioneer Valley Chapter, we count on certified instructors to further our mission of bringing lifesaving, safety, and caregiver education to a variety of individuals and grou...
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Help with Addiction


Narconon reminds you that there is hope for those struggling with addiction and recovery is possible. Call today to receive a free booklet titled "The Life Cycle and Mechanics of Addiction." We offer ...
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Senior Services seeking volunteers


SPRINGFIELD Greater Springfield Senior Services is seeking caring individuals to serve as volunteer advocates for residents of nursing homes and rest homes though its long term care ombudsman progra...
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Inniss named co-chair of LGBT Health Coalition


Hutson Inniss, Vice President of Community and Organizational Development at Tapestry Health, was recently elected co-chair of the National LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender) Health Coalitio...
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Baystate announces array of upcoming medical events


SPRINGFIELD Baystate Medical Center has made the following annoucements of up-coming events.

The latest advances in neck pain treatment will be the focus of a free discussion, "A Pain in the N
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Recognizing National Healthcare Decisions Day


WALTHAM, MASS. The Massachusetts Medical Society, in recognition of the first National Healthcare Decisions Day on April 16, is highlighting the importance of advance care planning and reminding cit...
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Cancer House of Hope hosting new workshop: 'Sisters in Survivorship'


SPRINGFIELD If you've been touched by breast cancer, it helps to talk to someone who's been there before. Join American Cancer Society Reach to Recovery volunteers on April 29 at the Cancer House of...
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STCC to host free community health fair on April 15


SPRINGFIELD The public is invited to a free community health fair on April 15 at Springfield Technical Community College. Created by the senior Nursing class at STCC, the fair will take place in th...
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Courtney and Sachs named Community Clinicians of the Year


Springfield physicians Richard A. Courtney, M.D., and Barry F. Sachs, M.D. have been named 2008 Community Clinicians of the Year by their physician peers of the Hampden District Medical Society. The ...
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Navigating nutrition labels: tips to fill your grocery cart with healthy options


(ARA) Members of the food industry, ranging from government organizations to grocers and food manufacturers, are filling supermarket shelves and food and beverage labels with various health claims a...
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Green heroes boost healthy living


(ARA) Thank a plant today. Silent and always "working," these green heroes toil tirelessly to purify our environment and improve our lives, naturally cleansing the very air we breathe.
And since m
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Walk for Hunger or Diabetes


Walk for Hunger Volunteers needed
Each year, more than 2,000 volunteers work together to make the Walk for Hunger fun, safe and successful. Join us for the historic 40th Walk for Hunger on May
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Iris ID program offered to Hampden County residents


The Hampden County Sheriff's Department Law Enforcement Division is offering its Iris Identification Program to organizations and agencies in Hampden County to assist in protecting children and adu...
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Roy Chiropractic to present "Holistic Solutions for Chronic Problems"


SPRINGFIELD Norman Roy, DC of Roy Chiropractic will present "Holistic Solutions for Chronic Problems" at the Eastfield Mall Food Court on April 9 at 9 a.m Free blood pressure screening follows the p...
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American Cancer Society of Greater Springfield to host tag and vendor sale


The planning committee of the American Cancer Society of Greater Springfield will host a tag sale and vendor show on April 12 at Our Lady of Sacred Heart School, 52 Rosewell St., Springfield. There w...
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Safe, simple and scientific secrets to successful weight loss


(ARA) "Sustainability" is the current favorite buzz word of the environmental movement. But what if you applied the concept of sustainability to your weight-loss and health-improvement efforts?
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Get from hospital bed to home


(ARA) Ahh ... home sweet home. There's nothing more comforting than recovering in your own home after a hospital stay. But your humble abode can pose its own set of problems even extending your re...
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Holyoke Medical 'doubling efforts' to treat sleep apnea


HOLYOKE Imagine that as you are reading this article, someone interrupts you every few sentences. It probably would limit your ability to get a lot out of the piece as well as being disruptive in ge...
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No need for an extra set of eyes today


BOSTON Rep. Mary Rogeness announced an ongoing state sponsored program with the Perkins Braille & Talking Book Library offered to all residents of the state that have trouble reading traditional pri...
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Take one step closer to a cure this April


(ARA) In the time it takes you to boil pasta, make a pot of coffee, or write a quick e-mail, one more person has been diagnosed with Parkinson's disease. Every nine minutes someone in the U.S. is di...
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Team walks for breathing rights


By Natasha Clark
Assistant Managing Editor

Reminding ourselves to breathe is a rare obligation. Drawing a breath is something most human beings do so easily the mind does not even focus on the respi
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"Discover You"


"Discover You" will be presented by J.D. Ayers at Better Life Whole Foods, 1500 Allen St., Springfield, on April 3 at 6 p.m. Registration required. Please call 783-9424. Come share a process of self-d...
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Blood Donors get tickets to Home Show


The Home Builders Association of Western MA is donating a ticket to the Western MA Home Show to all presenting Red Cross blood donors on March 24 and 26 from noon - 7 p.m. both days, at the Red Cross ...
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Springfield Y to host health fair


SPRINGFIELD As part of their commitment to total wellness, the Springfield YMCA is hosting a "New Attitude New You" Fit Fair for adults, March 22 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. This event is free and ope...
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Brightside joins forces with BHN


WEST SPRINGFIELD Brightside for Families and Children and Behavioral Health Network Inc. (BHN) have announced an agreement that will allow BHN to assume the clinical services of Brightside Counseli...
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Heart disease: Good news, bad news


By Mario E. Motta, M.D.

The January headline was good news: "U.S. deaths down from heart disease, stroke."
The news story reported a significant drop of nearly 26 percent in deaths from coronary
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Actors breathe life into enchanting words


By Shera Cohen

"Enchanted April"
Majestic Theater, West Springfield
Running through April 6

It's March 2, di
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Riders raising hope in memory of Heidi


By Natasha Clark
Assistant Managing Editor

Preparations are underway for the 7th Annual Heidi's Chain of Hope Bike Ride. The annual ride has raised thousands of dollars for the Cancer House of Ho
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Yoga for Healing


LONGMEADOW "Yoga for Healing" is about staying in an active and caring relationship with your body as you heal. It integrates gentle stretching with deep breathing and relaxation. Doing only what yo...
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Relay for Life to host Survivor's Breakfast


SPRINGFIELD Every lap counts at the American Cancer Society's Relay For Life of Greater Springfield. The Relay For Life of Greater Springfield's planning committee invites local cancer survivors to ...
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Good news about the safety of low-calorie sweeteners


(ARA) When it comes to favorite tastes, our sweet tooth always wins. That is why it is not surprising for people to indulge in their favorite desserts, candies and beverages on a regular basis, desp...
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More Americans seeking organic health supplements


(ARA) Millions of Americans use supplements to enhance their health every day, studies show. But did you know that some supplements those that contain artificial coloring, chemicals, sweeteners an...
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Importance of massage to be discussed


CHICOPEE The Chicopee Public Library will welcome Gina Welch, Licensed Massage Therapist, to give a Monday evening talk that will educate people about their muscles and the health benefits of massag...
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Pilates class offered to assist golfers


Power your golf game with Pilates before they hit the green, golfers should hit the Pilates mat.
Golfers are finding that Pilates helps them hit further, straighter and more accurately. Not only d
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Disability is our most pressing challenge


By Michael J. Astrue
Guest Columnist
Commissioner of Social Security

I know from personal experience how difficult Social Security's disability process can be. When my father was 52, he suffered
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Marathon Healthcare Center opening Alzheimer's Dementia Care Unit


SPRINGFIELD Marathon Healthcare Center of Springfield is gearing up to open a brand new secured Alzheimer's Dementia Care Unit in its 370 Pine St. Skilled Nursing Center. Beginning Feb. 25, the Mara...
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Roberts sets up shop at HMC


HOLYOKE Dr. Loran Willis Roberts enjoys making an immediate difference in patients' lives. His general surgery practice fulfills this desire, while helping his patients get back to their lives as qu...
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Doctor offers tips on preparing for surgery


By James F.X. Kenealy, M.D.

The recent death of a Framingham woman after liposuction by an unlicensed practitioner is a grim reminder of the dangers that exist for the uninformed patient. As the leg
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Finding love online


(ARA) Love is definitely in the air. With Valentine's Day just around the corner, everyone is thinking of romance. Whether you live near or far, technology has a major impact now on how you connect ...
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More Americans seeking organic health supplements


(ARA) Millions of Americans use supplements to enhance their health every day, studies show. But did you know that some supplements those that contain artificial coloring, chemicals, sweeteners an...
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Lifeguard training and CPR courses being offered


LUDLOW The Ludlow Community Center/Randall Boys and Girls Club will be offering Lifeguard Training with CPR. Classes will be held Mondays and Wednesdays from 6 to 9 p.m., March 3 through April 2. Re...
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Suprenant named to Shriners Hospital board


SPRINGFIELD Alfred Surprenant has been appointed to the board of governors for the Shriners Hospitals for Children in Springfield which specializes in pediatric orthopaedic care. He will serve as a ...
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Mallwalkers to discuss the basics of cholesterol


SPRINGFIELD Amy Bishop, registered dietician of Chapin Center and Hampden House of AGE Institute of Massachusetts Inc., will present "The Basics of Cholesterol" at Eastfield Mall Food Court on Feb. ...
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Learn to talk with babies with sign language


SPRINGFIELD Communicating with children before they can speak will be the topic of an upcoming class offered by Baystate Medical Center's Parent Education Department entitled "Teaching Your Baby To ...
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Age seven is the magic number


Ever wonder when your child should see an orthodontist? Don't wait until all the permanent teeth have arrived. The American Association of Orthodontists recommend that every child have an orthodontic...
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Julie Bell joins Baystate Ob/Gyn Group


The providers and staff of Baystate Ob/Gyn Group announced that Julie Bell, CNM will join their staff as a Certified Nurse Midwife, providing experienced gynecologic and obstetric care....
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Mall Walkers to discuss maintaining the brain


SPRINGFIELD Baystate Visiting Nurse Association and Hospice in partnership with Baystate Senior Class will sponsor the Mall Walkers program at Eastfield Mall on Feb. 6 at 9 a.m.
Nadia Saleh, Outpa
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Big reasons to grow your own garden


(ARA) More homeowners are focusing on health by planting their own vegetable gardens this year, rejecting the rising cost of food and fuel, and pesticide-laden produce most often found in supermarke...
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Mothers invited to join 'the Circle' for support


SPRINGFIELD A resource and respite place for moms, "the Circle" gathers at the Unitarian Universalist Society from 10 a.m. to noon the third Saturday of every month in rooms 22 - 23, second floor; c...
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Mothers and daughters invited to free gynecologic seminar and open house


EAST LONGMEADOW Mothers and their daughters (or young ladies without their mothers) are invited to a free seminar/open house on Feb. 8 from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. at 281 Maple St. in East Longmeadow. Phy...
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American Red Cross offering CPR and First Aid class on Valentine's Day


SPRINGFIELD On Feb. 14, the American Red Cross will offer training in CPR with AED and First Aid at Chapter headquarters on 506 Cottage St. in Springfield from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
The class will
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Mercy cancer center receives three-year approval and commendation


SPRINGFIELD The Sister Caritas Cancer Center at Mercy Medical Center has long been recognized for providing expert medical care with a personal touch, and now another national organization is renewi...
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American Red Cross Pioneer Valley to host nurse assistant training courses


SPRINGFIELD Looking for a career in health care? Begin your training with the American Red Cross Pioneer Valley Chapter by taking the Nurse Assistant Training course the class you'll need to prepa...
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Pola named director of cancer center at Mercy


SPRINGFIELD Yvonne Pola has been named Director of the Sister Caritas Cancer Center at Mercy Medical Center. In this position, Pola is responsible for the coordination of all aspects of cancer treat...
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Former Marine serves as yogi at Namaste Yoga Center for Health


Rishi first started practicing yoga as a way to enhance his workouts and to help him deal with the pain of certain medical conditions. He now teaches the art to others.
By G. Michael Dobbs - Managing
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Early Alzheimer's testing is important


By Debbie Gardner
PRIME Editor

My favorite aunt doesn't know me anymore.
She lives happily in her own world, a world that has robbed her of her memories, the ability to recognize family and friend
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Fortier joins team at Performance Rehabilitation


WEST SPRINGFIELD Performance Rehabilitation is pleased to announce the addition of Tina Fortier, PT, to our Physical Therapy team at 1111 Elm St.
Fortier is a graduate of the University of Lowell a
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BeFit to host seminar on 2008 resolutions


HADLEY It's that time of year again the time when millions flock to the gym, go on a diet, or join a weight loss center, when everyone resolves to get healthier in the upcoming year. Less than 20 ...
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MRSA Seminar


Kettle Brook Care Center in East Windsor, Conn., is hosting a free seminar on community-acquired MRSA (methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus) on Jan. 15 at 6:30 p.m. The presenter, William F. Vi...
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Hospice Services of W. Mass. seeking volunteers


AGAWAM Hospice Services of Western Massachusetts is seeking volunteers to provide supportive care to patients and their caregivers who are facing a life-limiting illness. Volunteers are invited to p...
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This winter and year-round, tackle germs on your terms


(ARA) Every parent knows one child's sniffles can spread to the whole family, leading to missed work and school days. But as important as helping reduce the spread of germs can be, mom's time is als...
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STCC offers web-based medical coders course


SPRINGFIELD The Center for Business and Technology at Springfield Technical Community College recently announced the availability of a web-based program that is designed to prepare individuals to en...
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CPR Saturday 2008 to take place at MassMutual Center


SPRINGFIELD On Feb. 9, CPR Saturday 2008, presented by Bank of America, will take place at the MassMutual Center, Springfield.
Thanks to a generous grant from Bank of America, participants will hav
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Seminar to discuss health resolutions and raise funds for aid in New Orleans


On Feb. 5 at the Hadley Courtyard Marriott, five leading Pioneer Valley health, fitness and personal care professionals will deliver the seminar "How to Make 2008 Your Best Year Ever" as a community ...
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Good physical function after age 40 reduces risk of stroke


(ARA) People who have good physical function after the age of 40 may lower their risk of stroke by as much as 50 percent compared to people who are not able to climb stairs, kneel, bend, or lift as ...
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MassMututal Center gearing up for CPR Saturday 2008


SPRINGFIELD On Feb. 9, CPR Saturday 2008, presented by Bank of America, will take place at the MassMutual Center in Springfield.
Thanks to a generous grant from Bank of America, participants will h
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JGS volunteers come together on 'Honorable Menschen Day'


Deanna Fortin of Springfield was a popular volunteer in the beauty salon applying nail polish.

LONGMEADOW -- On Christmas Day, 80 community volunteers continued the annual tradition of supporting of
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Mall Walkers program at Eastfield Mall


SPRINGFIELD Baystate Visiting Nurse Association & Hospice in partnership with Baystate Senior Class will sponsor the Mall Walkers program at Eastfield Mall on Jan. 2 at 9 a.m. Bob Oldenburg, Directo...
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Body Conditioning with Pilates


One of the fastest growing forms of exercise in the world, Pilates offers a safe, sensible system to improve one's core strength, flexibility and agility. Beginners classes are held at 10:30 a.m. and ...
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Mercy hospitalist releases textbook


Winthrop F. Whitcomb, MD, a long time hospitalist at Mercy Medical Center, has released a major textbook in the field of hospital medicine. "Comprehensive Hospital Medicine," a 1000-page resource desi...
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How to make that good dietary advice work for you


(ARA) Dietary advice is plentiful and easy to come by from the importance of consuming omega-3 and antioxidants, to the dangers of trans fats. It's often less easy, however, to find the "how-to" g...
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New year's yoga to gather food for Open Pantry


EAST LONGMEADOW Jump start your New Year by giving, and receiving, when you attend a free class at Heartsong Yoga for their annual "Will Teach Yoga for Food" New Year's Day Yoga Classes. At 3 p.m. o...
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F.L. Roberts and Company fined by DEP


SPRINGFIELD The Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) has assessed F.L. Roberts and Company, Inc. a penalty of $5,750 for violating state regulations governing air quality a...
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National study finds sleep is integral to wellness


(ARA) A majority of Americans agree that nothing beats a good night's sleep for good health not even regular exercise and proper diet. The quality and amount of sleep you get every night are cruci...
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Beware of fake charity solicitations at all times


SPRINGFIELD Baystate Health is warning citizens throughout the area to beware of over-the-phone solicitations from callers claiming to represent the Baystate Children's Cancer Fund. The Springfield-...
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Use caution when drinking this holiday season


SPRINGFIELD - "Many people who don't drink alcohol will find themselves taking a drink while partying during the holidays," said Phil Day, Program Manager of Alcoholism and Drug Services of Baystate M...
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Help patients play a bigger role in their health care


By B. Dale Magee, M.D., M.S.

In this Internet age, patients face a dizzying array of sources for health care information. Search for "diabetes" on Google, and you'll come up with more than eight mi
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Keeping safety on the up-and-up this holiday season


(ARA) Almost two billion people will ride an estimated 35,000 escalators in the United States this holiday season. With so many people using this form of transportation while traveling or at the mal...
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Cancer Connection receives donation, hosts party


Cancer Connection has received a check for $1,000 from MassMutual as part of its charitable giving campaign. Susan Wennemyr and Judy Luddy of the MassMutual Financial Group gave a seminar as part of ...
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Cooking with kids makes fun, nutritious meals


(ARA) When the kids are cooped up indoors, you don't have to go stir crazy. Instead, head for the kitchen and stir up something good to eat. Cooking together can be both educational and fun and ofte...
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Wellness Workshop: Toxic Chemicals in Your Home!


There are over 800 toxic chemicals in the personal care and cleaning products that we use every day! That means that you are exposing yourself to unnecessary physical, emotional, and cognitive changes...
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Horizons for Homeless Children seeking volunteers


BOSTON Horizons for Homeless Children is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing programs and services for homeless children throughout Greater Boston and Massachusetts. Horizons for Homel...
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Cancer House of Hope celebrating 10th year


SPRINGFIELD The Cancer House of Hope, a Westfield and Springfield-based non-profit organization which provides group support for people with cancer as well as their friends and families, will hold i...
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Special ed workshop unites, educates parents


By Courtney Llewellyn
Reminder Assistant Editor

EAST LONGMEADOW Parents and educators of children with special needs met the evening of Nov. 29 to attend a Basic Rights Workshop, hosted by Julie Si
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How to cut calories -- but not fun -- during the holidays


(ARA) You may relish holiday office parties, neighborhood gatherings, family meals and the annual New Year's Eve bash. But how happy will your holidays really be if all those extra calories you cons...
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Mall Walkers present 'The Simple Truth About Carbohydrate Confusion'


SPRINGFIELD Kimberly Ladue, RN, HHC of Holistic Simplicity, LLC will present, "The Simple Truth about Carbohydrate Confusion" at Eastfield Mall Food Court on Dec. 12 at 9 a.m. Free blood pressure sc...
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Exterminator to host seminar on bed bugs


AGAWAM Bed bugs are increasingly becoming a problem in residences of all kinds, including homes, apartments, hotels, cruise ships, dormitories and shelters. Legions of tiny bloodsucking bugs are bit...
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BeFit coach lists some holiday tips for health


HADLEY Coach Holly Leonard, owner of and BeFit Health and Wellness Solutions in Hadley, knows the holidays can be a calorically challenging time of year. To avoid putting on extra...
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E.L. office offering several screenings


EAST LONGMEADOW Residents living in and around the East Longmeadow community can be screened to reduce their risk of having a stroke or a serious bone fracture. Life Line Screening will be at East V...
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Performance Rehabilitation adds Garrison to team


EAST LONGMEADOW Performance Rehabilitation is pleased to announce the addition of Russell Garrison MS PT; he has joined our Physical Therapy team at 80 Denslow Rd. in East Longmeadow.
Russell rec
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Safety seminar planned for Mall Walkers on Dec. 5


SPRINGFIELD Baystate Visiting Nurse Association and Hospice in partnership with Baystate Senior Class will sponsor the Mall Walkers program at Eastfield Mall on Dec. 5 a 9 a.m. Mary Nietupski RN, B...
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Center to address emotional aspects of cancer


SPRINGFIELD The Pioneer Valley Prostate Cancer Support Group will hold a meeting on Dec. 3 at 7 p.m. on the emotional aspects of cancer.
Held in the third floor conference room at the D'Amour Cente
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Catch the 'sneak thief of sight'


By M. Lisa McHam, M.D.

It's called the "sneak thief of sight" because the vision loss it causes is slow, painless, and irreversible. It is glaucoma, a leading cause of blindness around the world.
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Windows of Hope unveiling aimed at helping cancer patients


SPRINGFIELD Jewelry of Hope's Seventh Annual "Open Studio Gala" event is more than just an opportunity for author and jewelry designer Beth-Ann Latsko to showcase her "hope" jewelry designs; it also...
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Cosmetic chemicals controversial


By Debbie Gardener
PRIME Editor

SPRINGFIELD Do you really know what's in that deodorant you slapped on your armpits this morning?
How about the toothpaste you put on your child's toothbrush before
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Emergency nurses offer holiday travel tips


(ARA) - According to the American Automobile Association's annual holiday travel survey, more than 64 million people nationwide will travel this holiday season. The Emergency Nurses Association (ENA) ...
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Teens needed for depression study


SPRINGFIELD Adolescents who have been diagnosed with clinical depression may be eligible to participate in a clinical trial of an antidepressant medication treatment being held at Baystate Children'...
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Put a little play back in your day


(ARA) - So when did life become all work and no play?
In the recent study No Vacation Nation (2007), the U.S. Center for Economic and Policy Research found that among the 21 richest countries in the
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Fast facts about how pH affects your life every day


(ARA) - pH may be one of those things everyone learned in chemistry and thought, "When will I use this in life?" The reality is that it affects your life every day. We all were taught that pH is the m...
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Doctor to discuss plastic surgery for cancer survivors


Cancer Connection announces a program that is free and open to the public. Simone Topal, M.D., of Northampton Plastic Surgery, will give a talk "Plastic Surgery and Breast Reconstruction" based on he...
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Small strokes warn of big trouble


By Paul G. Donohue, M.D.

DEAR DR. DONOHUE: I'll make a long story short. About five weeks ago, my right hand went numb and I couldn't talk. My husband believed I was having a stroke and called an amb
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Memorial blood drive looking for donations


The fourteenth annual Alvin Levy and Beth Dashevsky Memorial Blood Drive will be held at Congregation Kodimoh, 124 Sumner Ave. in Springfield Nov. 18 from 8:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
This drive is being
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American Cancer Society seeking volunteers


The American Cancer Society is in great need of Road to Recovery volunteers to drive local cancer patients to and from their chemotherapy and/or radiation treatments. An integral part of treating can...
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Nutrition and exercise go hand in hand


By Andrea Renee Wyatt, M.S.S., C.S.C.S.

Q: My exercise routine over the past six months has been great. I have more energy, feel stronger and have more flexibility than anytime in the past 10 years.
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Bare Necessities raises $3,500 for Rays of Hope


SPRINGFIELD Bare Necessities is pleased to announce the success of their fourth annual Charity Day benefiting Rays of Hope. This year's event took place Oct. 13 at Bare Necessities' Springfield loca...
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A Different Type of Donation


John Klimas, Vice President of Lending (pictured, left), was one of several volunteers from the staff of STCU Credit Union who lined up to contribute blood recently as the Westfield office of the cred...
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Local volunteers aiding California through Red Cross


The Pioneer Valley Chapter of the American Red Cross continues to be tapped for national disaster relief operations because of their strong skill set and excellent training.
The American Red Cross i
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Celebrity Fit Club doctor to speak at conference


SPRINGFIELD Dr. Ian Smith, noted New York Times bestselling author and television medical correspondent, will be the keynote speaker at the 9th Annual Baystate Health Spirit of Women Conference, "It...
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Nurses from the city's Health Department will be administering flu shots on Oct. 26 from 10 a.m. - noon at the Hungry Hill Center, lower level of Our Lady of Hope Church. This is a free program for Sp...
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Five honored by Red Cross


SPRINGFIELD Five individuals were recognized for their outstanding service to the community through the American Red Cross.
On Sept. 26, the American Red Cross Pioneer Valley Chapter hosted its 10
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Support Griffin's Friends with Sheriff's Shuffle


SPRINGFIELD The Ninth Annual Sheriff's Shuffle Memorial 5K Run/Walk is set for Nov. 4 at 10 a.m. at the Western Massachusetts Correctional Alcohol Center, 26 Howard St. The entry fee is $20 and $10 ...
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Flu shots: plenty and powerful; get yours


By David P. Norton, M.D.

Whether through complacency brought on by previously mild flu seasons, or confusion about the supply of vaccine, the demand for flu shots has fallen short of supply in the
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Get heart healthy tips for cold and flu season


(ARA) According to the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, in the course of a year, Americans suffer one billion colds. With statistics like that, one might assume that most Ameri...
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Dinner to benefit house fire victims


A house fire occurred on Aug. 21 on Franklin Street in Meriden, Conn. By 11 p.m. the families were are Mid-State Hospital in Meriden. Hunter Jandreau, the son of Rebekah Delisle and Rob Jandreau, was...
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Third 'Laugh for Ramps' fundraiser coming to Chicopee


The Stavros Center for Independent Living Come is sponsoring its third "Laugh for Ramps" comedy night to help support its Home Sweet Home Program to build ramps for people. This event will be hosted...
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MSPCA offers two ways to protect pets


The MSPCA Animal Care and Adoption Center offers two ways to help protect pets with a low cost rabies vaccination and microchip clinic on Oct. 20 from 9 a.m. - noon at the facility located at 171 Uni...
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Mercy Medical offering breast cancer programs


October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month and Mercy Medical Center will present special lectures, a mammography screening and a booklet giveaway to provide valuable and potentially life-sav...
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Mercy Medical Staff President speaks


George Karras, M.D., President of the Medical Staff at Mercy Medical Center speaks from the heart about Mercy's commitment to high-quality patient care at the dedication of the new Mary E. Davis Inten...
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Open House at JCC highlights new fitness programs


This fall, the JCC has new features to highlight at its open house, Oct. 14, 10 a.m. 3 p.m. Demonstrations of new group fitness classes will be given, including Les Mills' BODYPUMP, the original b...
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Mini Health Fair to provide free screenings


Redstone Rehabilitation & Nursing Center and Hampden County Physician Associates, LLC will sponsor the Mall Walkers Club Mini Health Fair at Eastfield Mall Food Court and Center Court on Oct. 24 from...
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Find out what to expect at your very first gynecologic visit


Mothers and their daughters (or young ladies without their mothers) are invited to an open house on Oct. 22 from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. at 281 Maple St. in East Longmeadow.
Physician Assistant Sonia Kro
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Bloodmobile making stops in Chicopee and Springfield


SPRINGFIELD Peter Pan Bus Lines and Williams Distributing announce that they are again co-sponsoring blood drives at their respective locations.
Dubbed "This Blood's For You," last year's campaign
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Help find a cure at annual Arthritis Walk


The 3rd Annual Greater Springfield Arthritis Walk will take place on Oct.14 at Forest Park.
The event offers scenic one- and three-mile routes for walkers as well as recreational activities for non-
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ACS has scheduled a Look Good/Feel Better program for Oct. 22 from 3 - 5 p.m. at the Westfield Cancer House of Hope, 86 Court Street in Westfield. Any woman who is currently in treatment for cancer is...
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All invited to annual Brightside Toy Run


By G. Michael Dobbs
Managing Editor

The public is invited to participate in the 13th Annual Toy Run to benefit Brightside for Families and Children. This event draws motorcyclists from all over New
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Vaccinations for vets available at Soldiers' Home


HOLYOKE The Soldiers' Home in Holyoke will be pairing with MAXIM Health Systems for a flu vaccine clinic for veterans. Pneumonia vaccinations will also be available. Spouses accompanying the veteran...
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Don't panic, anxiety programs offered in Holyoke


HOLYOKE Holyoke Medical Center will present a free community education program concerning anxiety disorders on Oct. 11 at 6 p.m. in the Auxiliary Conference Center (formerly known as the Holyoke Med...
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CROP Hunger Walk slated for Oct. 21


Hundreds of Greater Springfield residents will take steps to eliminate hunger and poverty locally and globally by participating in the 2007 Greater Springfield CROP Hunger Walk on Oct. 21. The walk w...
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Come and hear about bio-identical hormones as an alternative to traditional hormone replacement therapy for the symptoms of menopause. Jenifer Fleming of The Counseling and Gynecology Group in East Lo...
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Schools set to celebrate Harvest Week


Local foods, like these from Westfield's William Phelon that placed second in a produce judging at the Big E, will be served at school districts and colleges throughout the state during Mass. Harvest ...
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Volunteers needed for crisis intervention services


SPRINGFIELD The Domestic Violence Volunteer Advocate Program at Baystate Children's Hospital's Family Advocacy Center is looking for volunteers to provide crisis intervention to victims of domestic ...
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Exciting twists, turns and detours at Red Cross "Amazing Race"


Modeled after the popular television series "The Amazing Race," the Pioneer Valley Chapter's version is sure to have some exciting twists, roadblocks and detours all in support of the Chapter's local...
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Clinical trials will begin at Baystate Medical Center


SPRINGFIELD Healthy women looking for a different method of birth control, or who may be tired to trying to remember to take the pill every day, may be eligible to participate in a clinical trial o...
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"Soul 2 Soul" Weight Management Series continues through December


HOLYOKE Holyoke Medical Center will present a 12-week "Sole 2 Soul" Weight Management Series, on Mondays, beginning in September and continuing through Dec. 3 at 6 p.m. in the Medical Center's Auxil...
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Cancer House of Hope to host tennis tournament in Enfield


The Cancer House of Hope, a Westfield and Springfield-based non-profit organization which provides free-of-charge group support for people with cancer as well as their friends and families, will hold...
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Diabetes program offered at Holyoke


HOLYOKE Diabetics and their families are invited to attend "Diabetes Self Management," Holyoke Medical Center's diabetes education program. The class is offered the first three Thursday afternoons ...
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Open Pantry seeking donations


The shelves are nearly empty at Open Pantry's Emergency Food Pantry and we are seeking help from the community. Open Pantry needs people to host food drives.
"Summertime is especially hard for peopl
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American Lung Association seeking volunteers for schools


WALTHAM The American Lung Association of Massachusetts (ALA) is looking to recruit local community members to help teach children about lung health. Students grade 3-8 are being targeted for the He...
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Hospice Life Care accepting applications for fall program


Hospice Life Care, a program of the Holyoke VNA, is taking applications for a Fall volunteer training program.
Hospice volunteers visit with patients in the home and in nursing homes in Hampden and
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Baystate earns accreditation for nurse/midwives


SPRINGFIELD Recognizing its outstanding success and academic excellence in preparing registered nurses to become credentialed nurse-midwives, Baystate Medical Center's Midwifery Education Program h...
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Dinner to recruit CROP walkers


SPRINGFIELD A recruiter's rally and dinner for those planning to participate in the 2007 Greater Springfield CROP Hunger Walk will be held on Sept. 10 from 6:30-8 p.m. at Trinity United Methodist Ch...
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Riverbend Medical Centers seek calling cards


By G. Michael Dobbs
Managing Editor

Want to help a military family who has someone serving overseas? RiverBend Medical Group is participating in the drive conducted by US Family Health Plan to colle
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Physicians stage health fair on Sept. 8


springfield Hampden County Physician Associates, LLC and Abundant Wellness Center are jointly sponsoring a free community health fair on Sept. 8 from 9am to 5 pm at The Clarion Hotel, 1080 Riverdale...
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See a live performance and discuss 'Birth'


The Pioneer Arts Center of Easthampton will host special performances of "Birth" on Sept. 7 and 8 at 7:30 p.m., along with a matinee production on Sept. 8 at 2 p.m. The proceeds will benefit MotherWo...
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Noise-Induced Hearing Loss: What you should know


By Dennis S. Poe, M.D.

As many as 10 million Americans have it. It usually happens slowly, and you may never know you're getting it. It occurs without pain, and it's permanent. As in forever.
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Curves collecting items for troops overseas


Curves of East Longmeadow located at 632 North Main Street is promoting "Support our Troops" for the month of August. They have a raffle consisting of various items, three tickets for $1. The money c...
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Springfield JCC sponsoring sleep program


The Springfield Jewish Community Center is sponsoring a program on "Sleep: What It Is and Why You Should Do More of It." This program will be presented by members of the Resource Team from the Brigh...
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SPRINGFIELD The Diabetes and Endocrine Center at Mercy Medical Center, 299 Carew St., is offering a free diabetes class on Aug. 27 from 2:30 to 4 p.m.
The class will provide an overview of diabetes
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Mary Ann Studio of Dance provides fun and fitness


All year long the students at the Mary Ann Studio of Dance had been having such fun, marching in parades (like the Agawam Memorial Day and Springfield Big Balloon Parade), dancing to help charities (...
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Two-in-one test eases medical procedures


HOLYOKE When it comes to medical procedures, the fewer the better for patients. When new technology comes along that combines two tests into one, the staff at Holyoke Medical Center made sure they h...
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Baystate adds new Ob/Gyn for Springfield and South Hadley


SPRINGFIELD The providers and staff of Baystate Ob/Gyn Group announced that Debra Junnila, MD, will join their practice in August.
Junnila earned her undergraduate degree with high honors from Swar
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Child car seats need proper fitting


By G. Michael Dobbs, Managing Editor
If you think all child car seats are equal and all you have to do is strap them in with a car's seat belt, think again.
That was the message at the Child
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Very low blood sugar can lead to coma


By Paul G. Donohue, M.D.
DEAR DR. DONOHUE: Last year I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. I take half a diabetes tablet and test my blood three times a week. The monograph I received with the
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All invited to run/walk for cancer


SPRINGFIELD Runners, walkers, friends, and supporters are invited to come out to Springfield's Forest Park for the Fifth Annual Frank J. Orszulak II 5K Run/Walk for Cancer to be held on July 21, 2...
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Tapestry Health offers quick and easy HIV test


By Courtney Llewellyn, Reminder Assistant Editor
SPRINGFIELD - "It was very simple," said Helen Caulton-Harris, Director of the Springfield Department of Health and Human Services, in response to the
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Dance event to benefit Alzheimer's Association


By Natasha Clark, Assistant Managing Editor
CHICOPEE The Jitterbugs School of Social Dance is putting the fun in fund-raiser on June 30 with a unique event that includes dance, food, charity and awa
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Guard against 5 top summertime hazards


By Patricia A. Sereno, M.D.
Summer can be a great season, with warm weather, more daylight and outdoor activities, and vacations. The season also presents plenty of health and safety hazards
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'Idle-Free' will keep the state's air clean


With the end of the school year rapidly approaching, we are getting our last glimpse of the on-going line of school buses every morning and afternoon, idling their engines waiting to take the childre...
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Asthma Fun Day will educate children


A new program is being offered to Massachusetts children living with asthma. This summer the American Lung Association and Astra Zeneca are teaming up to introduce Asthma Fun Day, a one-day program t...
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Local health happenings


New class beginning Sept. 4 Tuesday and Thursday from 5:30-9:30 p.m at 506 Cottage St., Springfield. Applicants may call 737-4306, X914, for further information or come i
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Local Health Happenings


Give a Precious Gift at the Early Bird Big E Special blood drive. Sponsored by Chicopee City Hall, 17 Springfield St., Chicopee on June 21 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Call 594-1500 for
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New state health insurance laws


Massachusetts will take a giant step toward universal health care coverage for all residents on July 1, with the implementation of the Massachusetts Health Care Reform Plan.
Under the plan, employe
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STCC joins national initiative


Springfield Technical Community College is one of only four community colleges in Massachusetts, and the only institution west of Boston to be selected to join the national Achieving the Dream initiat...
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Golf tourney to be spread over five courses


On June 18, a golf tournament held on five different courses in Massachusetts and Connecticut will remember Jeffery Vinick, an 18-year-old, three-sport varsity athlete who, 25 years ago, lost his lif...
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Donated vehicles can change lives


Your 1998 Ford Taurus may not look like much, and it may not even drive very well, but by donating your used vehicle to charity you can make a difference in the lives of children with asthma. The Ame...
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Water worries


As warmer weather approaches and more people plan to recreate near or in the water through the summer months, now is the time to think water safety.
Drowning is the nation's second leading cause of
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Bypass surgery must often be repeated


By Paul G. Donohue, M.D.
DEAR DR. DONOHUE: In 1995 I underwent quadruple heart bypass surgery. Now, 11 years later, an angiogram was taken and I was told that the grafts are not functioning we
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Book discusses herb, drugs use


By Larry Cox
"The Essential Herb-Drug-Vitamin Interaction Guide: The Safe Way to Use Medications and Supplements Together" by George Grossberg, M.D., and Barry Fox (Broadway Books, $18.95)
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Red Cross seeks volunteers


Memorial Day is a special day that provides a formal time for many Americans to give pause to acknowledge the service of our fallen military; and appreciate the service of our current active duty mil...
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Tennis tourney benefits cancer center


SPRINGFIELD The 4th Annual SPHS Tennis Tournament to benefit the Sr. Caritas Cancer Center will be held at Springfield College beginning June 22, from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. and from 8.a.m to 5 p.m. on J...
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O'Neill honored by HMC


HOLYOKE Golf is a game that requires both patience and persistence. So it's fitting that Holyoke Medical Center's 19th Annual Golf Fore Health tournament on August 20 is being held in memory of Jack...
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Lung Association sponsors bike ride


For the 23rd year, the American Lung Association is bringing together cyclists from all over New England to ride 160 miles and take part in a one-of-a-kind experience. The Autumn Escape Bike Trek tak...
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Sign up for Asthma Fun Day


Asthma is a condition that changes lives and in some cases takes lives. The American Lung Association feels that it is important that all asthma sufferers, especially children, understand their perso...
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Center Stage registration


The Springfield Jewish Community Center will hold information sessions for, Center Stage Theater, May 29 and 31, 7 pm, 1160 Dickinson Street. Director Frank P. Jackson will discuss details for the F...
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Realities of drug companies


By Leonard J. Morse, M.D., A special to Reminder Publications
Current medical journals and the popular press carry numerous articles about the relationships between the drug manufacturing ind
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Realities of drug companies


By Leonard J. Morse, M.D., A special to Reminder Publications
Current medical journals and the popular press carry numerous articles about the relationships between the drug manufacturing ind
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Area Health Happenings


Intuitive Eating or Un-dieting
Better Life Whole Foods, 1500 Allen Street, will hold a free workshop with Ms. Francesca Lewis Kotomski, a certified ACE personal trainer, and experienced fitness
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Women "challenge their fears"


WILBRAHAM A self defense class for women entitled "Challenge Your Fears" will be held at ValleyStone Credit Union on May 22. The event will begin at 6 p.m. for registration and the seminar will be...
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Cancer Connection programs


Cancer Connection announces that the grant application for Rays of Hope has been approved for $35,265 to fund programs and a support group for women with breast cancer. The fourth Annual Rays of Hope...
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Baystate: cardiac rehab open house


Baystate Medical Center's Cardiac Rehab Department will hold an open house on Thursday, May 10, to introduce highly motivated individuals with a history of cardiovascular disease to the hospital's in...
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State air improves


Ozone levels are starting to improve in Massachusetts. In the American Lung Association 2007 State of the Air report, released on May 1, the number of high ozone days across Massachusetts is starting...
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Widows group to walk for funds


SPRINGFIELD - They call themselves "Les Girls." But don't let the name fool you. They're not the next pop singing sensations.
These "girls" like to have fun, but what brought them together was somet
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Upcoming Sheriff's Triathlon will help Ludlow children achieve new heights


By Danielle Paine
Reminder Assistant Editor

LUDLOW - Athletes from all over the Pioneer Valley are gearing up to help a good cause through a brutal test of their endurance, the Sheriff's Sprint Triat
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Firefighter to host fund-raising picnic


By Dan Cooper
Staff Intern

CHICOPEE - On August 26, Chicopee firefighter Dan Genie will host a fund-raiser at the Moose Family Center on Fuller Road to help raise awareness and funds for the United M
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Area health happenings


Free on-going one hour educational workshop with Holistic Dr. Alya Shabunin, 280 North Main St., Suite 7, East Longmeadow (Reminder building) email: Health@HolistcRetreat
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Health Coach series to feature talk about latest cancer research


SPRINGFIELD - Current therapy for breast and colon cancer is very effective and new studies indicate
diet and exercise may be more important than experts have realized, especially in preventing recu
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Relay for life team seeks support


The 2007 Hampshire County Relay For Life is celebrating its 10th anniversary in June. Team, The Bahama Mamas & Papas, will be walking in this 24-hour relay that will take place at Look Park in Northa...
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Baystate offers help to uninsured


SPRINGFIELD - No Health Insurance? Baystate Health Systems has made a financial counselor available at New Hope Community Health Clinic, located at 915 Plumtree Rd., Springfield. You may meet with t...
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Know how your doctor ranks


By Kenneth R. Peelle, M.D.
Special to Reminder Publications

Much like consumer products, physicians are now being ranked, graded and rated on a host of criteria, part of the growing trend of "transpa
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Western Mass. healthy happenings


Festival will be held on May 2 at the Best Western Sovereign Hotel & Conference Center, 1080 Riverdale St., W. Springfield from 1 to 7 p.m. Learn about state and generic
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Jimmy Fund gives walkers a new reason to train for Boston's big race


If you were inspired to run the Boston Marathon, why not try walking it this September and find a different type of inspiration from thousands of people working together to fight cancer?
Online regi
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Sheriff's Department is cracking down


By Danielle Paine, Reminder Assistant Editor
Nearly 100 employees of the Hampden County Sheriff's Department are cracking down on their unhealthy habits together for a state-wide competition for a hea
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Westfield State offering new health programs


WESTFIELD - Westfield State College (WSC) Community Education will provide several new and fun programs to help you keep your body healthy and in shape: Tai Chi, Ballroom Dancing II, Heal Yourself Th...
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Ludlow to host fourth annual triathlon


Sheriff Michael J. Ashe, Jr. has announced that the Sheriff's Department will host a Sprint Triathlon to benefit the Ludlow Boys and Girls Club on May 6 starting and finishing at the Ludlow Boys and ...
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Mercy's Diabetes program lauded by ADA


Springfield The Diabetes Self-Management Program at Mercy Medical Center's Diabetes and Endocrine Center has again achieved Education Recognition status by the American Diabetes Association. (ADA)...
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Nominations being sought for compassionate caregiver awards


SPRINGFIELD - The Kenneth B. Schwartz Center is currently accepting nominations for its 9th annual Compassionate Caregiver Award honoring caregivers in Massachusetts who display extraordinary compass...
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Maplegate is more than typical physical therapy


"Maplegate is not your typical physical therapy", according to Mary-Anne DiBlasio, the new Director of Marketing at the facility located at 4 Maple Street right here in downtown Springfield. DiBlasio...
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Cancer support sponsors fund-raiser


Reminder Publications is cosponsoring a raffle to benefit Forest Moon, a cancer support organization out of Vermont. Reminder Publications is donating the first prize, two (2) tickets to the ...
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Mercy program helps moms-to-be


By Lori O'Brien

SPRINGFIELD - "It's like having a personal trainer."
That's the sentiment of Maureen Lang and other new moms who are currently participating in exercise classes at
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ERs too busy to deal with emergencies


By John Benanti, M.D., FACEP, A special to Reminder Publications
"Hello, Emergency Room."
"This is Mr. Smith. How long is your wait there? Other ERs in the city are all really behind. One's on divers
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Procrastination can be a serious issue for many


Last week was procrastination awareness week. Overcoming procrastination can revolutionize the lives of those bedeviled by this highly change-resistant and complex problem habit. Any week is as good ...
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Knit Wits are giving back to the community


SPRINGFIELD The Springfield JCC Knit Wits club used to knit items for people in Argentina. Now its two active members, Emma Levin and Teresa Regina, knit for a local cause: knitting garments for c...
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Team CF gears up for major fund-raiser this month


CHICOPEE Bill McMahon and his Team CF are gearing up for their major fund-raiser of the season to benefit cystic fibrosis a spaghetti dinner at the Moose Family Center on March 17. In addition to ...
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Applications being accepted for Red Cross


Applications are now being accepted for the American Red Cross Nurse Assistant Training course at the American Red Cross Pioneer Valley Chapter. Several classes will be held in the coming month...
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Week aimed at making patients more aware


SPRINGFIELD Patients often focus on their current symptoms when they seek medical treatment, and then on the resulting recommendations of their doctor. They may not realize the importance of provid...
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Home Instead Senior Care offers long-term options


SPRINGFIELD It is not always possible for family to assist elderly parents with everyday tasks, especially if they live far away or deal with hectic work schedules. Home Instead Senior Care (HISC) p...
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Heartsong welcomes spring with free yoga classes


Heartsong Yoga celebrates spring by offering free introductory classes to the community. Join Alice Barrett for an experience of Mindfulness Meditation on March 13, at 7:30 p.m. Barrett's teacher is ...
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Baystate offers tips for surviving a heart attack


SPRINGFIELD - The message is loud and clear. At the onset of symptoms of a heart attack, call 9-1-1 immediately and get to a hospital right away.
"Every second counts and can mean the difference bet
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Support group for families of suicide victims to meet


For those who have lost a loved one to suicide, a support group meets on the first and third Monday of each month except on major holidays. This group began 15 years ago. The meetings are held at the...
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Local group offers breast screening with new less-invasive technology


By Natasha Clark, Assistant Managing Editor
EAST LONGMEADOW The Counseling and Gynecology Group will be offering an open to the public Digital Infrared Thermal Imaging (DITI) screening on March 6.
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Local health happenings


Per diem positions are available for our day and evening training programs. Day classes are Mon.-Fri., 8:15 a.m.-4:15 p.m. and evenings are Mon.-Thurs., 5:30-9:30
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Doctor Hinchey clenches national Stethoscope award


SPRINGFIELD A national leader in medical education, Dr. Kevin Hinchey, program director of the internal medicine residency programs at Baystate Medical Center, has received the 2007 Dr. Oliver Wend...
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Excercise as a family of all ages


By Andrea Renee Wyatt, M.S.S., C.S.C.S.

Q: Recently my 80-year-old mother-in-law came to live with us. My family is extremely active and wants to include her in our activities, but because of knee pr
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Caretakers need care too


Caring for a loved one in need can be one of the most rewarding and honorable things a person can do. It can also be one of the most challenging and demanding responsibilities an individual will ever...
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Area Health Happenings


Do you have a few hours to help a disabled woman in your community? Stavros Center for Independent Living is seeking a compassionate volunteer to help a local wom
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Baystate to host free health program


"Real Men, Real Depression"
HOLYOKE Holyoke Medical Center will present the free community education program, "Real Men, Real Depression," on Feb. 15, beginning at 6 p.m. in the facility's Auditoriu
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Strengthening the doctor - patient relationship


By Kenneth R. Peelle, M.D.
"The best healthcare decisions are made not by government and insurance companies, but by patients and their doctors," said President Bush in his January State of the Union
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Local health happenings and events


The Thomas Lodge of Masons will be hosting an American Red Cross blood drive on Feb. 10 from 9 a.m. 3 p.m. The drive will be at the Lodge at 17 Highland Street in Palmer. All presentin
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Conquer Cancer license plate sales boosts Cancer House of Hope


Cancer House of Hope recieves recent boost from the state's Conquer Cancer license plate sales
SPRINGFIELD The Cancer House of Hope was the first recipient of a $14,000 grant award from the Conquer
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Conquer Cancer license plate sales boosts Cancer House of Hope


Cancer House of Hope recieves recent boost from the state's Conquer Cancer license plate sales
SPRINGFIELD The Cancer House of Hope was the first recipient of a $14,000 grant award from the Conquer
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Mercy construction gets underway


Springfield Construction of the new Intensive Care Unit and Ambulatory Services Unit project at Mercy Medical Center is moving along on schedule and a "Topping Off" ceremony was held on January 23...
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Mercy construction gets underway


Springfield Construction of the new Intensive Care Unit and Ambulatory Services Unit project at Mercy Medical Center is moving along on schedule and a "Topping Off" ceremony was held on January 23...
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Car coupons to aid Red Cross


SPRINGFIELD Starting Jan. 30, seven Jiffy Lube locations in western Massachusetts will ask their customers to purchase a coupon booklet for $5 to help support the American Red Cross Pioneer Valley a...
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Baystate hails heart month with lectures


SPRINGFIELD Baystate Medical Center will hold "Looking at Your Heart: What's Hot and What's Not," the first in a series of four free Heart Health lectures in honor of American Heart Month, on Feb....
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Treatment options sought for transgendered patients


By Natasha Clark, Assistant Managing Editor
NORTHAMPTON Disparities in the treatment options open to transgendered healthcare patients has inspired Smith College alumna Lisette Lahana to found the N
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Options for health and fitness offered at the JCC


The Adult Life Department at the Springfield Jewish Community Center is offering three fitness programs this February, from yoga to advanced strength training to a seminar on nutrition. Unless other...
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Free Yoga Thearapy for Cancer Patients


A fun yoga wellness program with individualized attention promotes flexibility, balance, strength, relaxation, and companionship is free-of-charge to anyone ever diagnosed with cancer or a care-giver ...
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Free Lectures


Get a jumpstart on your health by attending a free lecture with Dick Stonberg at Better Life Whole Foods. Learn about safe weightless, energy, and blood sugar balancing. New Chapter provides ground b...
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Winter weather arrives with local blood shortage


Blood supplies have seen a decrease throughout northern New England as snow and ice reached the area early this week. Both blood drives and recent donor appointments have dropped due to hazardous dr...
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How to stay healthy during this current virus outbreak


With the recent local outbreak of an intestinal virus affecting thousands of people, the Massachusetts Medical Society, the statewide organization of physicians, is reminding people about the best wa...
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PACS digitizes X-rays in Holyoke


HOLYOKE Have you ever been to a doctor's office, discussing a recent X-ray you had taken, but you haven't been able to view it? Perhaps it was on file back at the hospital and an X-ray obviously can...
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Area Health Happenings


Applications are now being accepted for the nationally recognized American Red Cross "Nurse Assistant Training" course. Several classes will be held in the coming month
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JCC fitness options


New instructors bring an array of fitness options to the JCC
SPRINGFIELD New fitness instructors have recently been hired at the Springfield Jewish Community Center, including Adrian Burgos, who pre
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Baystate challenges blood donors


SPRINGFIELD As the holidays bid a fond farewell for another year, the weeks that follow provide a special challenge for blood donor centers like that found at Baystate Medical Center.
School vacatio
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Resolve to be healthier


By David P. Norton, M.D.
A Special to Reminder Publications
If you meant to make a New Year's resolution, but didn't, don't fret. Here's one that's never too late to make, can be fulfilled in many di
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Fitness for Seniors


SPRINGFIELD The Department of elder affairs have a health and fitness program that may be the best kept secret in Springfeild.
Fitness facility equipment membership is free. Cost for use of equipm
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"Sugar Alcohols"


By Paul G. Donohue, M.D.
DEAR DR. DONOHUE: My husband has diabetes, so I read food labels carefully. Often, I see "sugar alcohols" listed. What are they? Are they sugar, and should he not eat foods wi
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Red Cross hosts open house


By Lori O'Brien, Correspondent
SPRINGFIELD For 125 years, American Red Cross volunteers have answered the call when disaster strikes, and area residents interested in becoming part of that experienc
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Baby's teeth begin forming in womb


By Gregory G. Zirakian, D.M.D.

Starting in the womb

When it comes to children's dental health, the best possible time to start the care and feeding of your baby's mouth is while y
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Protect teens from dangers of tobacco


In Massachusetts the sale of tobacco products, such as cigarettes is a violation of state law and, for most municipalities, local board of health regulation. The legislative intent of this prohi...
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Blood Bank in dire need of donors


HOLYOKE Holyoke Medical Center is actively seeking blood donors. The center's Blood Bank depends on area residents, their friends and neighbors to help meet the transfusion needs of the local commun...
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Free Yoga Classes


A great way to kick off 2007 is to try something that has been around for nearly 6,000 years! Come to the free classes at Heartsong Yoga in January to see why these ancient practices have stuck arou...
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Free support group for grievers


SPRINGFIELD The Spiritual Care Department at Mercy Medical Center is offering a support group for people who are struggling with the loss of a loved one.
The "Grief Support Group" will meet every
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First in Patient Satisfaction - Mercy Medical Center


SPRINGFIELD The Emergency Department at Mercy Medical Center has undergone some dramatic changes in recent months and all the hard work is paying off, with it's selection as the best emergency room...
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Red Cross Disaster Volunteer - Open House


The American Red Cross, Pioneer Valley Chapter is hosting an Open House for prospective disaster volunteers on Jan. 9, at 6 p.m. Anyone interested in learning about disaster services volunteer opport...
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Immunization is a potent weapon for good health
By Sean Palfrey, M.D.
One of the most potent weapons we have for good health is immunization. Vaccines have an extraordinary record in preventing disea
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Aging Topics


'Survival Journey' planned for baby boomers in January
By Lori O'Brien

HOLYOKE- For baby boomers and those soon-to-be, the possibilities seem endless on ways to defy aging. A fun and in
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Local team works to raise money for cystic fibrosis research


By Lori O' Brien

CHICOPEE 4,466 miles.
That's the distance that separates Bill McMahon of 34 Orchard St. with his cousin Meghan Gonski, 16, of Palmer, AK, who is currently fighting a
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Life Saved


Luck and good medical care save a life
HOLYOKE It was every father's nightmare.
The 11:30 p.m. call from Holyoke Medical Center's Emergency Department shattered Doug Arnold"s world as he learned
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Free Mammograms


Springfield Partners for Community helping women who are over 40 to get free mammograms at Baystate Health
SPRINGFIELD Springfield Partners for Community Action can help women get a free mammogram.
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Baystate continues to offer care beyond its walls with hospice
SPRINGFIELD "Baystate Health's commitment to improving the health of people in the community every day with quality and compassi
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Health Care Proxy Awareness


Medical Society issues an after Thanksgiving reminder
The Massachusetts Medical Society has issued its annual reminder for individuals to establish health care proxies, a simple, written docum
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Rays of Hope Walk draws 11,000


SPRINGFIELD Even a high wind warning from the National Weather Service couldn't keep the determined men, women and children of all ages away on Oct. 29, during the 13th Annual Rays of Hope A Walk ...
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Coping with loss


Expert gives advice for coping with loss through the holidays
By Danielle Paine, Reminder Assistant Editor
EAST LONGMEADOW As the holiday season nears, those grieving the loss of a loved one ar
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Bra clinic doubles as a benefit event


Helen's Bra Clinic presents a benefit party for a happier, healthier, supportive lifestyle Nov. 19 at 11 a.m., The Oaks, 1070 Suffield St. (Rt. 75), Agawam. Holiday, shopping, great lunch, cash bar, ...
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Remembrance Service


AFSP hosts remembrance service for loved ones lost to suicide
A Remembrance service for those who have lost someone to suicide will be held Dec. 3 at 2 p.m. at Baystate Medical Center, 759 Che
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Citizen Buddies needed


Best Buddies seeks 'citizen buddies' for local program
HOLYOKE Many of us do not think twice about friendship. We meet and interact with our friends at work, during social occasions, and even
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Pediatric Diabetes


to be focus of Baystate children's hospital health fair
SPRINGFIELD Baystate Children's Hospital will hold its 7th Annual Pediatric Diabetes Health Fair on Nov. 7, from 6-8 p.m. at the Baysta
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House of Hope raffle


Winner will be proud owner of new Softail
The Cancer House of Hope, a Westfield and Springfield-based non-profit organization which provides group support for people with cancer as well as the
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Great American Smoke Out


Quit in time for the Great American Smoke Out
(ARA) Twenty-two million Americans smoke, and that's just women the good news is a majority of them want to quit. Crest Whitestrips and actress
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Exercise Recovery


Everyone's body needs time to recover after exercise
By Andrea Renee Wyatt, M.S.S., C.S.C.S.
Q: My exercise partner designed a workout that has us doing total-body strength training every sessi
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In Need of Hospice Volunteers


BaystateVNA & Hospice is in need of Hospice Volunteers to provide office support. Many people would like to help the Hospice Program but feel they are not able to make visits to the terminally ill. T...
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Health Expo


Annual community forum and health expo to take place Oct. 21
The Healthy Life Ministry of St. John's Congregational Church in collaboration with the American Heart Association will host their
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Keep Your Teeth Safe


Don't let those Halloween treats trick you into forgetting to keep your teeth safe
Halloween can be a scary time for your teeth. The American Association of Orthodontists (AAO) offers these ti
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Center for Mammography


Early detection is the best protection
October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month and Mercy Medical Center is encouraging women to get an annual mammogram. The Center for Mammography at
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Breast Cancer Screening


Free breast cancer screening Oct. 20
HOLYOKE On Oct. 20, Holyoke Medical Center will offer a free breast cancer screening.
The screening, which will be held from 1 to 3 p.m. in the Medical C
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Flu Clinics


Ban the Bug
Home & Community Health Services, Inc. (H&CHS), Johnson Health Network's visiting nurse agency, has scheduled more than 30 "Ban the Bug" Flu Vaccination Clinics in the weeks and mon
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Annual Faces of Infuenza


American Lung Association spreads word about getting the flu shot
Influenza immunization rates fall far short every year, even though health experts recommend that more than 200 million peopl
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Health Care Ctr. celebrates anniv.


Wernick Adult Day Health Care Center celebrates 30th anniversary
Wernick Adult Day Health Care Center, located in Longmeadow, MA, recently took the opportunity to bring together its staff, par
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Breast Health


Breast health is important year-round, not just in October
By Natasha Clark, Reminder Assistant Editor
Depending on how fast you read, one or two women will be diagnosed with breast cancer by t
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Consumer Alert


FDA releases consumer alert in relation to spinach
Following is a US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) consumer alert received by the Food Protection Program warning on a foodborne E.coli O157
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Disease fatigue


Here comes the flu: beware of 'disease fatigue'
By David G. Sidebottom, M.D.
It's been quite a year for infectious diseases.
In Massachusetts, Eastern Equine Encephalitis has resulted in thr
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Course in stress reduction


Baystate Regional Cancer Program will offer a course in stress reduction
SPRINGFIELD The Baystate Regional Cancer Program will offer an eight-week course in Mindfulness Based Stress Reduct
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Mercy introduces drive-up Pneumonia vaccination


This drive-up Pneumococcal vaccine clinic is being offered for Springfield residents 65 years and older who have not previously been immunized and others at risk of pneumonia infection. The program ...
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Memory Walk


Take steps to end Alzheimer's at the Memory Walk
WESTFIELD Take steps to end Alzheimer's at the Pioneer Valley Memory Walk on Oct. 1.
Join Honorary Chair Art Ford for the 3-mile, 1.5-mile
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Anti-Coagulation Service


Holyoke Medical Center's Anti-Coagulation Service makes a difference
HOLYOKE When Dianna Bergeron first began Coumadin treatments, she had to visit a blood-drawing laboratory and then wait fo
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Arthritis Walk


Second Annual Greater Springfield Area Arthritis Walk will take place Oct. 15
By Kathleen P. Foster, Special to Reminder Publications
Debbi Hirshfield bubbles into a situation with enthusiasm
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Free Yoga


Heartsong invites community to experience yoga
Heartsong Yoga invites the community to experience the healthy practices of yoga and meditation, free for all adults high school age and above.
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Celiac Disease - Thurs Speakers Series


Rory Jones to speak at next Thursday Speakers Series
Rory Jones, co-author of "Celiac Disease: A Hidden Epidemic" will speak on Celiac Disease, at the Thursday Speaker Series at Better Life Wh
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Smoking Cessation Program


Need help kicking the habit? Center has new smoking cessation program
EAST LONGMEADOW If you are a smoker who has tried and failed to kick the habit, you may want to consider the new smoking
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Go FIT to host a mentor training class


SPRINGFIELD Go FIT, Inc. a not-for-profit Springfield based walking - running - mentoring program for inner city boys and girls will be sponsoring a mentor training class on Sept. 7 from 5:30 p.m.- ...
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Alzheimer's Presentation


JGS to provide a special presentation about Alzheimer's
Jewish Geriatric Services (JGS) will host a special presentation designed to provide the families and caregivers of those living with Al
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Free bereavement support groups


Offered this Fall
Home & Community Health Services (H&CHS) Hospice Program, Johnson Health Network's Visiting Nurse and Hospice Agency, is offering Bereavement Support groups this fall at the
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Congestive Heart Failure


Congestive Heart Failure has many causes
By Paul G. Donohue, M.D.

DEAR DR. DONOHUE: At first, doctors thought I had pneumonia. Then they decided I had congestive heart failure. How can such a
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Teams sought for Rays of Hope walk


SPRINGFIELD With just about three months until the Rays of Hope Walk, it's not too early to get started on organizing a team or to gather pledges as an individual walker in this year's 13th Annual Ra...
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A bulging disk doesn't always need surgery


By Paul G. Donohue, M.D.

DEAR DR. DONOHUE: My husband has been told he has a bulging disk in his back. What is that? Does he need surgery? The doctor has told him that since his back pain is not all
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Medical Society launches campaign


The Massachusetts Medical Society, the statewide professional association of physicians, today announced the start of its second year of "Your Health First," a multi-year, multi-media public health e...
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Memory Walk for Alzheimer's Association


Join the fourteenth annual Alzheimer's Association Pioneer Valley Memory Walk on October 1 at Stanley Park in Westfield. Form a team or walk as an individual. Money raised by Memory Walk helps prov...
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August 1-7 is World Breastfeeding Week


SPRINGFIELD Baystate Medical Center and other hospitals around the world will once again observe World Breastfeeding Week, Aug. 1-7. This year's theme is "Highlighting the Importance of Protecting B...
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NAMI to host mental illness education course this fall


National Alliance on Mental Illness of Western Mass (NAMI-WM) will hold a mental illness education class at Providence Hospital, Holyoke from Sept. 5-Nov. 22, 6:30-9 p.m.
The course will address: m
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Holyoke Medical Center is actively seeking blood donors


HOLYOKE Holyoke Medical Center is actively seeking blood donors. The center's Blood Bank depends on area residents, their friends and neighbors to help meet the transfusion needs of the local commun...
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Take precautions during high temperatures


As the potential for a heat wave intensifies this summer, your local American Red Cross urges people need to take special precautions in dealing with prolonged exposure to high temperatures.
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Johnson Memorial receives grant from CHEFA


Stafford's Johnson Memorial Hospital will receive a $64,700 grant from Connecticut Health and Educational Facilities Authority, through a special grants program that involves the state's community fo...
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Commission on Cervical Cancer


Commission encourages women to learn their status
Representative Gale D. Candaras (D-Wilbraham), Chair of the Massachusetts Special Commission on Cervical Cancer, urges all women to learn thei
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Yoga Kids


Yoga Kids teaches children to let go of daily stresses
Laura Mushenko, owner of Garden of Om Yoga teaches the YogaKids program to children throughout the area. Laura trained directly with nati
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Baystate offers programs


Baystate offers a number of programs this month
SPRINGFIELD Baystate medical Center is offering the following programs:

Baystate Medical Center's Parent Education Department will offer a "Bre
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Health Events & Announcements


Local health events and announcements
No health insurance? Free health care available for the uninsured or underinsured at New Hope Community Health Clinic, 915 Plumtree R
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Life Coach


Better Life Whole Foods hosts life coach
Better Life Whole Foods presents "Living with Passion and Purpose" by Karen D. Knight.
Knight is a Certified Professional Co-active Coach (CPCC) thro
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Annual run/walk set for July 15


SPRINGFIELD Runners, walkers, friends, and supporters are invited to come out to Springfield's Forest Park for the Fourth Annual Frank J. Orszulak II 5K Run/Walk for Cancer to be held on July 15.
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Eye injuries from fireworks


Thousands suffer eye injuries from fireworks
Fireworks displays are one of the most recognizable symbols of Independence Day, but there are risks of eye injury that can turn a celebration into
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Mercy has new Clinical Nutrition Manager


Kim becomes new Clinical Nutrition Manager at Mercy
Springfield Young Hee Kim, Clinical Nutrition Manager at Mercy Medical Center, has selected by the Nestle Nutrition Institute as a 2006 Nutr
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Red Cross is looking for volunteers


By Lori O' Brien

The Pioneer Valley Red Cross has issued a call for volunteers from across the region for its emergency shelters program.
The local chapter is teaming up with fire dep
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Chase becomes chairman


Jewish Geriatric Services (JGS) announced that it has named Richard Chase, a resident of Longmeadow, as the incoming Chairman of the organization. Chase was installed as the Chair during the Annual J...
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Advances in Cancer Treatment


Advances in Cancer Treatment program offered at Mercy
Recent advances in the understanding of cancer biology have led to targeted therapies in the treatment of breast cancer and colorectal can
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Gardner and Lamanis presented with the Nightingale Award for Excellence in Nursing


Home & Community Health Services, Inc. (H&CHS), Johnson Health Network's Visiting Nurse and Hospice Agency is proud to announce that two of its nurses, Nancy Gardner, L. P.N., and Susan Lamanis, R.N....
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Excellence in Nursing


Gardner and Lamanis presented with the Nightingale Award for Excellence in Nursing
Home & Community Health Services, Inc. (H&CHS), Johnson Health Network's Visiting Nurse and Hospice Agency is
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Volunteer for Relay For Life


Lend a hand today and volunteer for Relay For Life
Walkers, cancer survivors (anyone who has ever been diagnosed with cancer), community leaders, team captains, and dedicated workers are all needed t
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Finding the right doctor


Now finding the right doctor is a mouse click away
(ARA) Last time you needed to find a healthcare provider, how did you do it? Did you head to the Yellow Pages and call around until you found the ea
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Siegal to speak on the art of healing


Bernie Siegel, M.D., a well-known cancer surgeon and prolific author, will speak on "The Art of Healing" at Phoenix Community Cancer Center's upcoming Survivors Day Celebration. The event, which has ...
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Better surgical techiques for knee surg.


Better surgical techniques get knee surgery patients back to a full lifestyle
HOLYOKE To orthopedic specialist Dr. Khaled "Kelly" Instrum, there's a big difference between simply recovering fr
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Tower Square to host free community health fair


Whether you are concerned about a particular health issue or you would like some information about maintaining good health, you won't want to miss the free Community Health Fair scheduled for May 25 ...
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A Short workout


A short workout is better than none
By Andrea Renee Wyatt, M.S.S., C.S.C.S.
Q: Due to my unpredictable schedule, I often have only 30 minutes for my exercise routine, which is supposed to take
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Making the connection between the pathologist and the patient


By Brinda Rodrigues Kamat, M.D., M.P.H.

Television has likely done more than anything else to put the medical specialty of pathology before the American public. Programs like Quincy, M.E. (for the
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Parkinson's disease support group


New Parkinson's disease support group to start
SPRINGFIELD Four years ago, David Dupont of Belchertown was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease. At first, he seemed okay with the assistance of medicati
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Stroke risk screening


Sign up for a stroke risk screening
Residents living in and around the Springfield community can be screened to reduce their risk of having a stroke. Life Line Screening will be at the Fraternal Order
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Pathologist and Patient


Making the Connection between the pathologist and the patient
By Brinda Rodrigues Kamat, M.D., M.P.H.

Television has likely done more than anything else to put the medical specialty of patho
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Ultimate Drive returns to West Springfield


By Erin O'Connor
Staff Writer

WEST SPRINGFIELD The public is invited to participate in BMW's 10th Annual Ultimate Drive Program on May 10 at the BMW of West Springfield from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
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Emergency Dept. Ground Breaking


Hospital celebrates Emergency Dept. ground breaking
Spring showers didn't dampen the spirits of those in attendance at a recent groundbreaking ceremony on the grounds of Johnson Memorial Hospi
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STCC hosts health fair


STCC will host annual health fair on April 26
SPRINGFIELD Greater Springfield residents are invited to learn more about important issues from risk assessments for diabetes, to asthma, massage
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Allergies can limit outdoor exercise
By Andrea Renee Wyatt, M.S.S., C.S.C.S.
Q: With the weather warming up, I would like to start exercising outdoors, but I suffer from seasonal allergies. I t
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Arthritis Foundation meeting


Arthritis Foundation announces upcoming meeting
Greater Springfield Arthritis Foundation Support & Education Group will meet at Springfield Elks Lodge #61, 440 Tiffany St., Springfield, at 7
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NAMI prepares for April 23 walk-a-thon


The National Alliance for the Mentally Ill of Western Massachusetts, NAMI-WM, will host its 6th Annual Walkathon at Forest Park in Springfield on April 23.
Mental illness strikes all races, all ages
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Glitz and Glamour for a Good Cause


Treat yourself to a night of glitz and glamour for a good cause
SPRINGFIELD On May 13, treat yourself to a night of glitz, glamour and fun at the MassMutual Center for the American Cancer Soc
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Legislature endorses health care bill


SenatorMichael Knapik (R-Westfield) announced that after five months of negotiations and conference committee meetings, the health care bill has been endorsed by Senate and House members and is now b...
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Lyme Disease is often misdiagnosed


By Martin J. Kafina, M.D., F.A.C.P., F.A.C.R.

It's often missed and misdiagnosed. You can get it without knowing or remembering it, and if untreated or improperly treated it can cause serious proble
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JMH hosts grand opening of new OR


Local residents are invited to attend the Grand Opening of Johnson Memorial Hospital's newly remodeled Operating Room March 25, from 10 a.m. to noon. The facility's new, state-of-the-art surgical s...
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Slammin' to end stroke


By G. Michael Dobbs
Managing Editor

SPRINGFIELD Luz Perez admitted that for a year after her father suffered a debilitating stroke in December 2004, she was "very angry."
The stroke left her father
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Speaker addresses diabetes


Better Life Whole Foods in Springfield welcomes Dr. Jus Crea Giammarino to the monthly Thursday Speaker Series on March 2, at 6 p.m. Come join Dr. Jus Crea Giammarino to learn more about both Type I ...
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Hospital benefit


'Dine Around' book will benefit JMH

Johnson Memorial Hospital's (JMH) new 2006 Dine Around Book is now available for purchase. All proceeds will benefit JMH's "Building a Healthy Future ... T
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Home care service offers alternative for veterans


By Sarah M. Corigliano
Assistant Managing Editor

WESTFIELD For Bruno Kisonas, a few hours a day with care provider David Andre is the difference between living at home and living at a nursing home.
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Doctor advises patients to become informed Rx consumers


SPRINGFIELD "Becoming a more informed consumer about your prescription medications will allow you to derive the most benefit from them and to help avoid medication errors," said Dr. Randolph Peto, m...
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Local health happenings


Heartsong Yoga kicks off it's 2006 schedule with some free community classes. Intro to Mindfulness Meditation, January 10, 7:30 PM. Intros to Yoga, Wednesday, January 11, 6:0
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Mercy offers health coaches


The holiday season is here and it can put a lot of demands on time. So much so, that people often forget to take care of their own health needs. At Mercy Medical Center, their Health Coaches want peo...
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Car dealerships help raise money for foundation


In honor of National Diabetes Month in November, local dealerships will contribute $1 for every Chrysler, Jeep(r) and Dodge vehicle sold to the Iacocca Foundation's JoinLeeNow ( fu...
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Connecticut hospital is an option for Mass. residents


By Sarah M. Corigliano
Assistant Managing Editor

STAFFORD SPRINGS, CONN. If you've ever spent hours at a local hospital's Emergency Room with a non-life-threatening injury and wondered if you have a
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More American children die from violence than from natural causes


By Robert D. Sege, M.D., Ph.D.
Special to Reminder Publications

Here's a fact to think long and hard about: More American children die from violence than from natural causes, like pneumonia, infect
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Speaker will address problem of 'explosive' children


SPRINGFIELD Ross W. Greene, Ph.D, director of the Collaborative Problem Solving Institute in the Department of Psychiatry at Massachusetts General Hospital will be the featured speaker Nov. 4 at the ...
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CBT at STCC hosts seminar on oral health


SPRINGFIELD The Center for Business and Technology will host a seminar on Nov. 7 with Michelle Klassen who has been involved with the oral health care profession since 1989 and resides in Edmonton, A...
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2005 Walk for Diabetes will also help hurricane victims


By Debbie Gardner
PRIME Editor

GREATER SPRINGFIELD On Oct. 2, an estimated 350 walkers and volunteers will gather at the Elks Lodge on Tiffany Street in Springfield's Forest Park neighborhood for t
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Rays of Hope offers info. session


SPRINGFIELD Anyone interested in forming a team to participate in Western Massachusetts' most successful fund raising walk-a-thon for breast cancer, Rays of Hope - A Walk Toward the Cure of Breast Ca...
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Local health happenings


The Connecticut Chapter of the American Liver Foundation will hold its first Football Walk for Liver Wellness on 8:30 a.m. to noon Sept. 25, rain or shine, at Rentschler Field in East Ha
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Sept. is Cholesterol Awareness Month


BOSTON More than 105 million Americans have blood cholesterol that is higher than it should be. This is a troubling statistic because high cholesterol can significantly increase a person's risk of d...
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Local health happenings


The Comprehensive Weight Management Program at Mercy Medical Center, 233 Carew St. in Springfield is offering a free information session on the Optifast program on Aug. 22 from 5
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Sisters of Providence Health Systems receives $1 million from fund


SPRINGFIELD Sisters of Providence Health System (SPHS), on Aug. 2, received $1,598,157 from the state Distressed Provider Expendable Trust Fund. SPHS was allotted $4 million last year and received an...
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Local health happenings


The Catholic Charismatic Community of Springfield is sponsoring internationally kjnown Father Richard McAlear, OMI for their annual retreat. Many in this area have experien
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Local health happenings


Free Back Pain Workshop, July 18, 7 p.m., 171 Dwight Road, Suite 103, Longmeadow. Featured speaker: Dr. Dirk Johns, DC, FIAMA. Workshop will include demonstrations of exercises and
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Understanding the new Medicare


By Charlotte Yeh, M.D.

It turns 40 years old this year, serves 42 million people, and is the nation's largest health insurer. And it keeps getting better.
With the passage of the Medicare Moderniz
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Social Security offers prescription drug help


Beginning in January 2006, Medicare will offer prescription drug plans to beneficiaries.
But now is the time to see if you qualify for some extra financial help in paying for your monthly premiums
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Local health happenings, June 27 - July 4


Belly dance classes, an ancient dance form, Quantum Life Management Center (formerly Wellness Center), 30 Westwood Ave., East Longmeadow; July 6-Aug. 3. Beginner: 6:30-7:45
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Physician Focus: Public health and our commonwealth


By Alan C. Woodward, M.D.

Both as individuals and as communities, we face some ominous threats to our public health. Bird flu, toxic waste, SARS, water and air pollution, sexually transmitted disea
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Local health happenings and announcements


Eight physicians who have passed down their knowledge to other physicians and dedicated their careers to helping others were recently honored by the Hampden District Medical Socie
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Local health listings, June 6 - June 13


Health South, together with the American Red Cross will be hosting a blood drive on June 8 from noon-6 p.m. at the Health South cafeteria, located at 14 Chestnut Place. Each presenting don
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Walkers and contributors needed


SPRINGFIELD When Marcia Albano of Longmeadow laces up for this year's Step Out for Hospice on June 4, she'll be walking in memory of her mother, Virginia Daly, who lived in South Hadley before her de...
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Women: is Vitamin D for you?


By Debbie Gardner
PRIME Editor

How's your Vitamin D intake?
Haven't given it much thought, have you?
Well, if you're a woman approaching 50 who's worried about osteoporosis, it's time to give you
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Area hospitals offer 'Morning After' pill to victims


By Natasha Clark
Reminder Assistant Editor

SPRINGFIELD Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts (PPLM) recently announced an initiative to increase women's access to emergency contraception (commo
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